Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1547: Goodbye brother and sister (5)


I heard that these two people are still so flirtatious under the encirclement of so many people, especially the last sentence of the thousand North Night, completely angered the king of the county, he is covered with hair, and the murder is shrouded in the whole body, cold and cold. Understand: "Thousands of North Nights, you are too mad! I have to see, how do you solve us!"

After saying this, the county king sneered a sigh. Suddenly, his body was transformed into a hurricane, and the man in red and silver hair rushed over the ground.


The wind swelled and the dust was flying.

The powerful force spreads from the whole body of the two people, and the trees in the whole forest are uprooted and swept by the wind in the whole sky! The county king was a little surprised. He did not expect that the North Night could resist his attack and his eyes gradually became dignified.

"Because I and Yuner have the first words, I will let her half a column of incense time, so in this half-column, I will not kill you, but you can only live this semi-column time."

Thousands of North Night raised his lips and lips, but there was a red light inside the bloodthirsty scorpion. His tone would obviously not put the king in front of him in his eyes!


The county king snorted, however, the eyes still showed a dignified color.

"It is the enemy of that adult. In just a few short years, your strength will be restored to the realm of the late Supreme. This time, I am really too small to see you! But this is my only chance, if Let you go back to the Hades, I will never have such a good chance to kill you, and then take the ancient tower!"

Having said this, the king of the king launched an attack again! However, no matter how aggressive his attack, Qianbei Night was only dodging, his hand was always behind his back, and his cold eyes looked at his king.

In order to make Gu Ruoyun win...

No, it should be, in order to enjoy the taste of being pushed back by Gu Ruoyun, no matter what, he can't win Gu Ruoyun!


At this time, in addition to the already over the king of the king and the thousand North night, there are other imperial masters! These masters are now on Gu Ruoyun’s body, killing them.

"Our, this woman is only a super late, she is not the opponent of so many of us!"

I don't know who said this sentence. In an instant, those people rushed toward Gu Ruoyun.

The war is on the verge!

In the face of these fierce and sinister imperial powers, Gu Ruoyun always does not change color, she is standing under the wind, Qingyi is flying, a blue silk is dancing wildly in this wind, cold eyes staring coldly at the imperial strongmen. .

"In the early ten years of supreme, in the middle of the five supreme, your heavenly empire is really worthy of me, sending so many masters."

The woman raised her lips slightly, and a smile appeared on the beautiful face. She bowed her head and caressed the little guy in her arms. The smile on her face was even worse.

Meng Meng, this thing does not require you to shoot, I have a gambling appointment with Xiao Ye, then these people will be handled by me personally. ”


With the fall of Gu Ruoyun, the whole ground trembled, and then a big sword rose out of the air and stood behind the woman!

I saw that the big sword had a high height, and the whole body was red. It was faintly visible that there were several dragons wandering inside the sword! And the nine dragons alone give people a very strong sense of oppression.

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