Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1577: Meet the blue song again (2)


When I said this in the middle of the night, the bright red flame burned around the three dragons of hell. The burning temperature caused its soul to tremble, and the eyes finally showed the color of horror.

Yes, he is not dead! However, with the strength of Qianbei Night, it is entirely possible to draw the ground as a prison, and let him be banned by eternal life.

Of course, even if it does not make the three dragons of Hell feel the fear, it is mainly the bright flame. In this flame, its soul will also be tortured.

In this way, its immortality is not an advantage, but a disadvantage to his shortcomings...

"Yun, let's go."

Thousands of nights turned to look at the woman in the arms, but found that she always looked at the direction of Gu Yu’s departure, and could not help but sigh: “The number of people who make it will gradually lose memory and change. If the six parents do not recognize, Gu Yu should have escaped after he has just become a shackle. Otherwise, the Wen family will never let him go."

Gu Ruoyun hangs down the scorpion and covers the emotion of the fundus.

She knows that no matter how her brother becomes, she will not hurt her! However, this does not mean that she is willing to watch her brother being slaved!

"Little night, go, let's go to the dragon, and we must get the gentian refining remedy!"


Dongyue mainland.

A mysterious empire suddenly rose and swept the entire continent in an instant.

It is said that the general of the empire is a peerless man with a pair of blue scorpions, and his strength is extremely strong. At the time of the rise of the mysterious empire, there were countless forces who wanted to find trouble, but when those forces went After looking for trouble, it has always been a disgrace to this mysterious empire.

No one knows what they have experienced in the empire.

However, there is nothing wrong with it. From then on, the reputation of this empire will spread all over the streets, and even the strongmen of the first city know their existence!

Of course, in addition to the famous general Blue Song of the mainland, this empire has a national teacher called Liuyue.

These two people are one and one martial, one is relatively calm, and there are more ghosts. Therefore, their two characters are just complementary, and they work together to promote the empire.

However, any matter of the empire is handled by the general blue song and the national teacher. As for the mysterious emperor of the empire, it has never revealed his original appearance, so that no one in the world knows what character can conquer the blue song and flow. This month's men.


At this time, Dongyue mainland, under the foot of the mountain, a man in a blue robe frowned slightly, like a gem-like blue dragonfly staring at the person who stopped him.

"I remember that the first city has regulations that anyone who arrives above Wusheng can't leave the first city. Is your first city wanting to not comply with this rule?"

The man raised his head slightly, and a sneer was raised above the handsome face.

The fraction is the old man in a linen robes. The whole person has a sense of justice and sorrow, as if in his righteousness, any sinister evil will have nowhere to be seen.

"Hey!" The old man in the linen robes snorted and said with a blank expression. "Our first city is a rule, but for others, the half-orcs like you who are harming the world are not eligible to enjoy. Others are treated the same way! And we are the righteous people in the mainland, naturally we must demonize the demon! Kill you like this demon!"

The blue song's lips evoke a mocking smile: "Tell everyone, what have I done to hurt the world, causing you to come from the first city to chase me?"

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