Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1646: Lin Xue (9) without a brain

Lin Yang wants to reach out and hold Lin Xue's mouth. Obviously, it is too late. The girl quickly said this paragraph with a sigh of relief, and did not give him a reaction time...

Gu Ruoyun was not angry. She gently picked up her lips and looked at Lin Xue like a smile.

Little white face?

What is the thousand North Night?

However, the night is really white and beautiful...


Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the side, lifted Lin Xue’s body high, and then fell to the corner.

Her head hit the wall, and the blood rushed out, staining the white wall.

Lin Xue was stunned and looked at the cool, handsome man who was like a god-killing man. The heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp weapon.

"Lord, my wife is useless, I can't give birth to your son, but Cher can give birth to a son for you. Cher just doesn't want the lord's hard work to fall to the hands of an outsider."

Lin Yang closed his eyes and no longer had the heart to see this scene. His sister’s virtues have always been very clear. Perhaps, taking her to the territory is the most wrong thing he has ever done...

"Who said that the lord has no son?"

The red lotus lord seems to be making Lin Xue more painful, and this sentence falls like a heavy one.

Lin Xue’s whole body froze, shaking his head in desperation: “Impossible, I have never heard of the lord having a son, you must be lying to me, yes, it’s lie to me.”

"Cheat you?" The red lotus lord snorted. "Where can you deserve to be deceived by the lord? The lord's son, Gu Yu, is also the brother of Yuner, but the lord is not patriarchal. What is the difference between a man, a son and a daughter? The red lotus territory I gave to my daughter! Even if there is no ambiguity, it is absolutely impossible for you to lie here!"

Lin Xuexin is ashamed, his eyes are sluggish, and endless pain is like an ant licking her heart.

"Lord, the daughter who married the daughter poured out the water, you gave the land to your daughter, then it is destined to give this power to outsiders." Lin Xue stayed in the red lotus lord.

She hates Gu Ruoyun.

In any case, she did not want Gu Ruoyun to inherit this power, so she wanted to use all her strength to persuade the Red Lotus Lord.

"You just said that the night is a little white face?" Gu Ruoyun went to Lin Xue, and his lips raised a smile. The smile was not as good as the bottom of her eyes. Her eyes were cold. "That I can tell you now, the night has already given I have a great dowry! The forces he established can control the whole world. Now, it has become my dowry!"

"And..." Gu Ruoyun paused, and a cold gaze flashed through a murderous machine. "You want to hook up - lead my old man, it has already violated my taboos, so I think about how to punish you."

Lin Xue was stupid in the same place.

This woman just said that her man has given her a big dowry? Can the bridegroom also control the whole world?


Totally impossible!

Her arrogant woman, only a few men with empty appearance and no strength will come together, the real strong will never look at her...

"Yun, I didn't expect you to develop so fast, even the dowry was received,"

The red lotus lord's face was full of grievances. He looked at the thousand north nights next to Gu Ruoyun and said: "And, if I didn't guess wrong, did this guy's strength have broken through the supreme? Become the supreme existence. ?"

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