Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1659: Return to the hidden door (12)

"White elders."

Wen Yasheng was afraid that the previous action of Wen Yue had offended the white elders and said in a hurry: "This matter has nothing to do with our warm family! Month, you are not going to help the left to help."

When he said this, Wen Ya hurriedly licked his elbow and warmed his face with an anxious color on his face.

Wenyue did not speak, and even more, from the beginning to the end, did not look at the left, as if in her eyes there is no left to make this person.


Seeing this scene, the white elders snorted and said with a blank expression: "If you are not a gentleman, you will not attract these people. Therefore, if I am hurt, you also need to take this responsibility!"


Wenya’s face changed again, and hateful eyes looked at Wenyue. If it weren’t for this temporary renegade, there would be no such ending...

"come here."

As if I didn't hear the words of the white elders, Gu Ruoyun's eyes cast on the warm moon ahead, faintly said.

Wen Yue stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while, or walked toward Gu Ruoyun.

"Wen Yue!"

Wenya hurriedly wanted to catch Wenyue, but when she came into contact with Gu Ruoyun’s dawn, she couldn’t help but shudder. The hand that was stiff in the air did not have the courage to fall on Wenyue’s body. She could only cry anxiously. "You have to think clearly, you just follow the hidden door left. In the future, no one in the mainland will dare to bully you. My Wen family will also rise in height, but what does he care about?"

Wen Yue stepped in a stagnation, but still did not stop the pace, the path to Gu Ruoyun.

"Wen Yue!" Wen Ya once again anxious.

If Wen Yue is willing to please the left, then they will not be implicated, but she did not expect that Wen Yue will be willful until now, regardless of the survival of Wen Jia.

At this time, Wen Ya has forgotten how these years Wen Jia treated her! After being tortured for so many years in Wen’s family, how can she be willing to read Wen’s family?

"Gu Yu's father is only a small territory lord. Her mother has no background in identity. You are so stupid enough to give up the hidden door and choose him!"

Wen Ya clenched her fist and wanted to do the last persuasion.

However, the gentleness at this time has already reached the front of Gu Ruoyun...

"Do you want to go up with the hidden door, or let a road open?" Gu Ruoyun’s faint sight sweeps into the crowd, and the tone is cold.

If it weren’t for the sake of Meng Meng’s sacred beast, she could not leave so easily today.

The white elder's nephew sank: "You hurt my apprentice, can't you hope to leave like this?"

"He is looking for his own death."

Gu Ruoyun’s voice was as cold as ever, but the anger of the white elders was even worse.

"Hey! A few, since you came to my hidden door, why should you leave so quickly? Is it true that my hidden door can come and go? The time for our doorkeeper to retreat is almost the same. After she comes out, let us do it again. Broken!"


Gu Ruoyun picked up his throat and gave him a faint look: "I didn't waste it at that time! If you don't let a road open, then I can only use strength to make you make way!"

Behind her, she has been blocked by the disciples of the hidden door, just like the giant mountain behind her, unless it is brute force to open the boulder, otherwise, can not leave.

"Give it to me and get them all together!"

The white elder's face sank and coldly commanded.

Even if the strength of this woman is stronger, how about? With so many people hiding in the door, can they still avoid her?

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