Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 803: Miss Xia Jiaji (5)

Lu Shen’s face is gloomy and cold. “It seems that your family really has no tutors! You can beat people and take it for granted. I really don’t know what kind of parents can surrender such children.”

Gu Ruoyun sneered again, and the cold light swept over the sullen face of Lu Shen, slowly squeezing the lips.

"Yes, we really don't have tutoring, unlike the good education of your summer family! At a young age, I made a strong fight for men in the street! The home of the Xia family... really taught a good daughter."

is not that right?

Say that others do not have tutoring, but others are only legitimate defense.

On the contrary, the second lady of Xiajia took a fancy to this little boy. As a result, people refused to want to make a strong rush, which is really good tutor!

As if I could feel the ridiculous gaze, Lu Shen’s nephew was once again gloomy: “Girl, I hope you made this move today, don’t regret it! Linger, let’s go.”

After saying this, Lu Shen went to the front of Xia Chuling and bent over to pick her up.

"I do not want!"

Xia Chuling struggled in the arms of Lu Shen. The dissatisfied said: "Lu Shen brother, I want this boy, I want him to play with me, can you help me to take him back?"

"Linger squats," Lu Shen stroked the head of Xia Chuling, full of tenderness and gentleness. "Do not worry, he will be yours! At that time, even if you want him to be your servant, no one dares prevent."

Today's Xiajia has a golden emperor, who dares to bully the head?

Linger just took a fancy to a little doll, isn't it a hand-to-hand thing? In Lu Shen's view, the current Xia family, whoever looks at it, will not be taken away! The strength of the Golden Emperor is so powerful that it is not the average person who dares to be hostile!

What's more, the world still doesn't know that there is a Suzaku beast in the memory of Xia Jiazhi, even though the beast is deceived by them. However, as long as the Xia family is in danger, the beast that can compete with the Golden Emperor will never Sit back and ignore.

There is no reason for it, because the stupid Suzaku wants to use the help of Xiajia’s hand to find a companion.

The little purple evil frowned slightly, and the purple scorpion looked coldly at the direction of Lu Shen’s departure. A smattering of death killed from the inside: "I want to kill them."

"Do not worry," Gu Ruoyun nodded slightly, smiling shallowly. "That day is not far away."

Xia Ming, Lu Shen, and... Xia Chu Xue...

I wonder if you are ready?

"Little Purple evil, now is the imperative, I want to find Master, and here to take a flat road for the nephew, how to deal with Xiajia, how can he not? In the past life, they killed the mother and grandfather family, dismembered The deaf children, let them die easily, it is too cheap for them! I will let the deaf children look at the retribution of the people who hurt him in the past!"

The reason why I didn’t let my nephew come at first was because my nephew now lacks an arm. It is very dangerous in the Dongyue mainland of this dangerous insect. Therefore, she plans to take a step first and wait for him to protect him. Strength, then pick him up.

Then let him personally avenge himself!

Xiao Zixie was silent. He knew how strong the hatred in Gu Ruoyun's heart was. If he did not vent it, it would easily affect future cultivation. Therefore, this time, no matter what she wants to do, he will accompany her.

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