Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 805: First meeting (2)

"Lord, this is what the elders have heard about the elders. Miss her name is called Gu Ruoyun."

Lingfeng did not know what happened, and he was so frightened that he was shaking, but he answered it again and again.

The red man's hand was loose, and he stepped back a few steps. He suddenly laughed, but the laughter was heard by other people who didn't know whether it was crying or laughing!

"Gu Ruoyun, she is, she turned out to be her... Why didn't I think at first? She and Yu Er look so similar, and surnamed Gu, I didn't think she turned out to be my biological daughter."

No wonder!

No wonder he will accept a strange woman as a righteous woman! No wonder he will think that the woman is so attached!

It turns out that there is already a destiny in the midst of it! Because of the involvement of the blood, he would want to approach her.

The irony is that he never thought that the woman was the daughter she was thinking about!

After all, how can his daughter appear in this place when he is in the West of the West? Because of this, he did not think much about this matter! If the two parties are not separated by two continents, perhaps he will think of Gu Ruoyun's true identity.

"Come on!"

The red man raised his eyebrows and screamed: "I will immediately ask the lord to find the whereabouts of Missy. I will not be allowed to return to the territory without news."

Yuner, I missed you before. Now, let me use all the power, I will find you.


Xia Jia.

In the study, Xia Chu Xuezheng and Xia Ming were talking about something. At this moment, a wowing cry came from outside the door, and then a small body like a glutinous rice dumpling ran from outside the study. Come in and directly hit Xia Ming's arms.

Lu Shen was behind him, and his face was gloomy. Obviously, he encountered something unpleasant.

"Linger, what happened?"

Seeing the bright red five palm prints on Xia Chuling's face, Xia Ming's heart twitched a bit, and the eyes flashed a murderous murder. He asked, "Who hurts you."

As soon as I heard this, Xia Chuling cried even more, just like the grievances of Tianda.

Xia Ming’s face was cold and looked up at Lu Shen: “Lu Shen, can you tell me what happened in the end?”

"Xia Bo," Lu Shen smiled and said, "Learly, Linger took a fancy to a little boy. I was so eager to let the little boy play with Linger for a few days, and he was willing to pay him enough price. The little boy had a less educated sister. She also said that the lives of all of us in the summer family were less important than the one second of her brother, and then directed her brother to fight Linger."


Xia Ming fell on the desk with a fist, and the forehead was violent, and his face was angry: "A little girl who doesn't know how to be tall and thick, even said that the life of our Xia family is not as good as that of her brother? It is really no gift! However, Xia Ming, do you let others bully Linger? Are you protecting her?"

Lu Shen’s face changed and he said: “Because there were too many people at the time, I didn’t want the Xia family to fall into the tongue.”

No matter how self-willed, Xia Chuling can be regarded as young and ignorant, but he can't do it. If you want to deal with that woman, you must never be in that kind of occasion. Otherwise, the reputation of Xia Jia will be defeated!

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