Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 813: Confrontation (5)

In comparison, Gao Di is much calmer.

What are the characters in the medical white? How can someone dare to lie in his name? If you let the old guy know, it will definitely kill you!

Therefore, since she dares to say this, there must be a basis.

"Oh," Qi Yu doctor did not wait for the opening of the High Emperor, and he sneered a sneer, and the cold eyes of the eyes passed, and he said with arrogance: "I seem to remember that Mo Jiamo Shangfei did not worship anyone, so why come? What is the grandson?"

Gu Ruoyun smiled and said: "He did not worship anyone before, but I have already started from this moment and officially accepted him as a disciple!"


The woman’s cold voice is like a thunder, and the slamming hits everyone’s heart.

Just now Qi Yu doctor also said that Mo Shangfei did not worship people as a teacher, so there is no such person as the master, but she said that she has already accepted Mo Shangfei at this moment? The implication is that she is the apprentice of the medical sage?

Mo Shangfei finally realized that it is no wonder that the world does not know the relationship between the cousin and the medical white, but she knows that it is actually because she is also an apprentice of the medical saint.

No wonder, no wonder she will be so good with her cousin!

Gao Di took a deep breath and did not control the ugly face of the doctor. The eyes turned a few times: "Girl, then can you get a medical sage to treat the prince?"

If the doctor is willing to take the shot, the old guy of Qi’s family will go wherever he is, and he will not wait!

"I said, I am here to send a gift," Gu Ruoyun smiled faintly. "And the first gift is the illness of His Royal Highness!"

In fact, Gu Ruoyun said that the relationship between the medical sage and her, the first point is to give Mo Shangfei an identity that matches the little princess. The second, the most important point...

If Master’s old guy knows that someone claims to be his apprentice, he will definitely kill him!

It is too difficult to find someone in the vast sea of ​​Dongyue mainland, so it is better to let the old guy come to her.

Gu Ruoyun stroked his chin and smiled.

I haven't seen it for six years. I don't know if the old man is still a former virtue, and he will never be indulged in the study of medical skills. For this reason, he can ignore himself for several months. Therefore, every time she sees the old guy, she will always be a garment that can't see the original color. The hair is messy like it was blown up.

"Your Majesty, do you really believe her?"

Looking at the bright eyes of Gao Di, Qi Haoran reveals the white teeth of Sensen: "She is only fraudulent in the name of the medical saint. If you really believe him, I am afraid that the life of His Royal Highness will come here. !"

After saying this, his nephew rushed to Gu Ruoyun.

"Woman, I advise you, the reputation of the medical sage is not something you can ruin! My grandfather met with him last year, but he has studied medicine. He has never heard of any apprentice, with my grandfather and him. The relationship, do you think that if he has an apprentice, my grandfather will not know?"

Of course, the real situation is that a medical seminar, Qi Yu Baba's forward wants to get rid of the medical sage, although the medical sage is annoying, but still a little bit of guidance, which has become the Qi Yu medical show off capital.

Although he is known as the second only to the medical sage, the gap between the medical sage and him is not a little bit, and there are dozens of doctors who are the same as the medicinal doctors.

Those people are all masters who are second only to the medical sage!

Can you see how big the gap between the two is?

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