Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 816: Xia Ming’s conspiracy (3)


Gao Di was so angry that a fist fell on the tree beside him. He bit his teeth tightly, and his eyes were full of anger: "Who is this? Who dares to frame the emperor? Just before the Qi doctor is not the emperor It’s just that I’m sick, why is it a sorcerer?”

"Father, what do you think is the good doctor?" The little princess sneered and said with sarcasm. "He has been treated for the emperor for so many days. The emperor has not improved, there is nothing really. What is the real thing! How can it compare with the master of Mo Da Ge?"

Gao Di coughed twice and his face was a little awkward.

After all, Qi Yu doctor is the master after the medical sage. If he can't even cure the disease, I am afraid he can only ask the doctor to shoot! It’s just that the medical sanctuary is uncertain. Even if he finds him, he may not be willing to save.

Therefore, Gao Di can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

"Gu girl, the emperor he -"

"You can rest assured, I said, save him, is the first gift for my little girl to the little princess, since I said it, it must be done!" Gu Ruoyun's voice flashed a radiance, tone Said calmly and calmly, "You will give me some herbs later, I will give him a needle."

"Well, I will tell people to prepare immediately, but I don't know how long it will take to heal?"

"Three days!"

Three days, Gu Ruoyun gave himself the most conservative time! However, if the preparation of the medicine is sufficient, she has 100% treatment.

Gaodi stunned, and know that Qi Yu’s medical treatment for a few months is only to prevent the Prince’s body from continuing to degenerate, but it has not been fully cured. The young woman said that it only takes three days?

"You are going to bring the medicines now, I have to do some preparation."

Gu Ruoyun’s brilliance flashed through, and he told me not to rush.

"Come on!" Gao Di's heart screamed, and ordered the eunuch's palace lady behind him. "All of you have listened to the girl's dispatch. As long as she has instructions, even the state treasury can come and go!"

The little princess looked at Gu Ruoyun with excitement. If the Prince really recovered, she would not have to marry Qi Haoran!

This is the best news for her!


"what did you say?"

Within the Xiajia study, Xia Ming suddenly took the case and his face was unpredictable. He asked: "Gu Ruoyun is the apprentice of the medical sage?"

"Yes," Lu Shen nodded. "Before you let me pay attention to Gu Ruoyun's place, I sent people to follow, but I saw him enter the palace, then I let our Xia Jiaan go in front of the spy in the palace to explore. Who knows, they heard their conversation in the Imperial Study Room."

"No wonder, it is no wonder that she had defended the medical sage before. She was also the apprentice of the medical sage!" Xia Ming sneered, holding his fist tightly, his face was gloomy. "This explains why she knows Xia Ruoyun! But I am I never knew that the medical sanctuary received an apprentice in addition to Xia Ruoyun!"

"Xia Bo," Lu Shen’s nephew was cold, and his eyes flickered. "Would you like to send someone to kill her?"

Xia Ming was silent.

After half a ring, he shook his head and his eyes flashed through his eyes: "No! Although we used the evidence in the face of the Golden Emperor to plant the doctor, I know that Jindi is still skeptical about this matter, so he only I have to work hard to find a medical sanctuary! So, we can completely blame the doctor through the woman!"

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