Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 822: Shameless land Shen (4)

"But he showed that he doesn't love the early summer snow. He fell in love with you like Xia Ruoyun." The little princess turned to look at Gu Ruoyun, and the scorpion was as clean and clear as water. "If he directly said that he was looking at you, it is not What is it, but why is he advertised that he loves Xia Ruoyun? Is it for Xia Ruoyun to see you? Also, are you the person that Xia Ruoyun sent to him? If he still loves Xia Ruoyun, how do he like other people? ?"

"Little princess."

Mo Shangfei stepped forward and held the little princess's hand tightly.

After feeling the warmth of the palm of her hand, her trembling body gradually subsided.

"I have always believed in him, and even believe every word he said! I never thought that he would do this kind of thing, and that you are not worthy of him. If he wants to marry you, then you will marry him. ?"

The little princess grew up in the palace and has seen people of all kinds, but she has never seen such a shameless person.

It is also true that this shameless person is trusted by her from childhood to big!

Gu Ruoyun looked at the little princess and said faintly: "Life is like a play. Since this life is a play, then some people must live with masks! Some things are not as you have heard, if you want to know The truth, you can check it yourself."

the truth?

The little princess raised her big, watery eyes and looked at Gu Ruoyun strangely. Her face was white and asked: "What do you mean by this?"

"Before I said a word in Xiajia, since the offender was offended by Xia Ruoyun, why did the strong man let go of Xia Jia, but went to destroy her grandfather's house?"

"You... you said, what happened to the summer family?"

The little princess stepped a few times and stepped back a few steps. He shook his head in silence: "Impossible, this should not be possible! Xia Ming is so fond of Ruoyun sister, Xia Chuxue also respects her as a long sister, how can it help? The outsider hurt her loved ones? I don't believe it!"

She does not believe that the people she trusts over the years will be as Xia Ruoyun said.

If this is the case, it is estimated that the belief in her heart will collapse at once!

"And, even if my father is an emperor, I will not kill my children. How can Xia Ming kill his own blood? If Yunjie is his daughter, he can't harm her!"

Gu Ruoyun shook his head and didn't say anything more. She knew that the little princess was young and kind, and would not believe that someone would make such a bad thing.

However, this is the case!

Xia Ming did not hesitate to kill her for another woman!

"I am a little tired, first go back to the inn to rest, Shang Fei, you send the little princess back to the palace."

Gu Ruoyun yawned, his face said a little tired.

"Okay," Mo Shangfei nodded. "I will send her back."

Gu Ruoyun smiled and walked in the direction of the inn. Since she said that the little princess did not believe it, why should she say more?

"and many more!"

Seeing that she was leaving, the little princess suddenly called her footsteps, biting her lip and asked: "Mr. Gu, this world, is there really a father who is willing to kill his daughter? Tiger poison is not a child, indeed someone is so cruel. ? Even the animals are not as good as?"

Gu Ruoyun stepped forward and dropped a sentence: "Sometimes, some people are more like animals than animals."

When she fell, she stopped saying more, and left without returning.

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