Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 824: Back to the North Night (1)

The silver-haired man apparently also saw Gu Ruoyun, and also stumbled, then walked over to her.

Just when I came to the front, I couldn't help but hear Lu Shen's arrogant words, letting his peerless face sink a little, and the **** red scorpion was filled with gloomy light.

Lu Shen felt the coldness behind him, and he couldn't help but sneak a sigh. He turned his head slowly, and his strange eyes fell on the man's face.

Even if he is a man, he does not realize that the man who has such a beautiful appearance in the world, even if he is standing in front of him, makes Lu Shen’s sense of superiority disappear, just like the man in front of him is A sea, and he is just a leaf in the sea.

"What do you want to marry?"

Thousands of North Nights provoked the lips, and the smile appeared on his beautiful face, revealing a gloomy cold feeling.

Lu Shenyu swallowed, but still replied truthfully: "Gu Ruoyun, she loves me, I am willing to marry her, so..."


He didn't see the man in front of him, and he saw a red light slamming into his mouth. It suddenly burst into blood and dyed his face.

"You say it again, who do you want to marry?" Qianbei night swept to Lu Shen, the smile on his lips was sullen, "I don't know, I won't do it for you."

He is not doing it!

Because you deal with this person, even if you don't use your hands, you can let him break his bones and die.

Lu Shen was scared and couldn't even say a word. After all, the momentum of this silver-haired man was too terrible, terrible, and he had a trembling from the heart! It seems that the other party can use **** to make them fly away!


At the moment of looking at the thousand north night, Gu Ruoyun’s dawn softened. She chuckled forward and said, “How come you are here?”

"I am doing something here, I didn't expect to see you," Qianbei night smiled and raised his hand and pulled Gu Ruoyun into his arms. The slender fingers gently stroked the woman's blue silk. "Yun, I didn't expect you to come to Dongyue mainland so soon, but I didn't even think that I would see you here. It seems that we are really a destined pair."

Gu Ruoyun shrugged his shoulders and suddenly saw Lu Shen, who wanted to take the opportunity to escape. His eyes crossed a shadow: "Why, Lu Shen, you want to go so soon?"

"Lu Shen?"

After hearing the man's name, the momentum of the thousand North Night suddenly changed, and a face was gloomy. For example, the bloodthirsty scorpion turned to the man who was planning to escape, and the whole surrounding momentum was cold.

"He is Lu Shen?"

Lu Shen was shocked and suddenly, his handsome face was a bit blue.

It is estimated that he did not think that there will be such a powerful man behind Gu Ruoyun! The strength of this man is too strong, maybe only the Golden Emperor can fight with him! So now he goes back to Xia Ming to discuss countermeasures. In any case, he will not let go of this pair of men and women!

However, what did Lu Shen do not understand is why this man knows his name? Moreover, it seems that he still has nothing to do with him...

"What about me?" Lu Shen bit his teeth, turned his head and looked at the thousand north night, and snorted, "I am already a summer family, and my summer family has a gold emperor, boy, your strength." It’s good, but do you think you’ve been more than King’s?”

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