Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 827: Returning to the North Night (4)

Thousands of nights of the night were slightly bloody, and a smile was raised on the red lips, but I didn’t know what I was thinking.

"Gu girl," Xia early snow smiled, walked from Xia Ming's side and said: "Maybe you have a misunderstanding, we are all my sister's relatives, why do you want to kill her? Perhaps some villains deliberately in front of the girl I am filthy to my summer family. Gu girl can not listen to those people. If her sister knows that her friends and relatives are in conflict, I don’t know how sad it will be."

Gu Ruoyun sneered aloud: "I want to say in detail? Xia Ming, in order to help Xia Chuxue get the Xia Ruoyun's ancient **** tower from Xiajia's home, so she first arrested her mother and forced her to surrender the ancient **** tower, but In order to prevent her daughter from being threatened, Xia Ruoyun’s mother will not hesitate to die and help a pair of children to escape. However, your devastating beast has completely destroyed the Mojiamen, and only Mo Shangfei has escaped. A robber!"

She paused and continued: "But this is not over yet. Xia Ruoyun gave Xia Linyi to Lu Shen for the sake of not tying his brother. As a result, Lu Shen had already taken care of you. When you forced her to the cliff, in front of her. Face, Xia Linyi live dismembered, no dead body!"

Gu Ruoyun looked at Xia Ming, so he saw that whenever he said a word, the man’s face was green.

Yes, the current summer is really intimidated. His handsome face is very white, and I want to understand why Gu Ruoyun knows these things, and I know the details.

This is impossible!

Xia Ruoyun is dead, how can anyone know this!

"Xia Ming, people are doing, the sky is watching, the evil is doing too much, there will always be retribution!" Gu Ruoyun swept him coldly, "and soon, the retribution for your summer family will come! ”

Xia Ming’s body slammed a few times, shook his head and looked at Gu Ruoyun unbelievably.

Then, he seemed to be irritated, and he laughed.

The laughter is very arrogant and crazy, but it is full of hatred.

"Even if this is what I did? Who told Xia Ruoyun that the anti-female is too ignorant! She disobeyed her father and bullied her sister! Even the treasures that belonged to the sisters dared to rob, it was simply a big rebellion! The ancient **** tower was originally工具#, shanghai is born here on the same day, and it is the singer of the ancient **** tower!

National Division?

Gu Ruoyun stroked his chin, how did she forget this character?

"Hey!" Xia Ming stunned, and looked at Gu Ruoyun wickedly. "Unfortunately, before the **** monk dying, I could not get the ancient tower! She is just like her mother! If it commonly not that her mother is a Mo family, would I marry her? It’s ridiculous. I only love Cher’s mother. Only her kind and gentle woman can deserve to be worthy of me!”

"Xia Ming, you have the courage to admit, I am not afraid that I will declare these things to the world?" Gu Ruoyun smiled and saw a sinister light in his eyes.

"Haha," Xia Ming screamed twice. "Gu Ruoyun, do you think too wherein? Do you think that when you say it, someone will believe it? Now in the eyes of everyone, Xia Ming is a true gentleman who is serious and serious. No one will believe that I will do something like this!"

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