Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 829: Evidence (1)

Qianbei night slowly stood up, the sunset fell from the window, sprinkled on the long silver hair, the amazing people can not look away.

However, the early summer snow is only a little swaying, after all, the only thing she loves in her heart is the monarch who is tall! Even though the thousand North Nights are more peerless than the Golden Emperor, they are no match for the man in his heart.

If she was not told by her father, she did not want to do this kind of thing.

"what do you want to do?"

Looking at the thousand north nights toward myself, the eyes of the early summer snow flashed a fluster, this man will not see her because of these words? Do not! I can never dedicate myself to her. No one except the Golden Emperor can touch her!

At this moment, when I saw the man approaching myself, Xia Chuxun forgot the instructions of Xia Ming, and the palm of his hand was smeared with a layer of light and was shot toward the chest of Qianbei Night.

However, before she was able to get close to the thousand-night night, there was a force that hit her chest. Her body flew out and blood spurted out of her mouth. A pair of beautiful and sulking screaming at the north night.

"I already have a person in my heart, so you don't want me to be from you!"

She barely lifted her face and said that she would rather die.

Suddenly, the man who walked to himself laughed.

His smile was ridiculous and contemptuous, and the **** scorpion was filled with murderous murder.

"Summer snow, are you too high to look at yourself?"


At the beginning of the summer, the snow slammed a bit, and looked at the peerless face with a mocking look at the thousand North Night.

"Although for Yuner, I won't kill you now! But it doesn't mean I will let you go like this."


At the beginning of the summer, Xue just spoke and saw the man in front of him.

Immediately, a severe pain was uploaded from her chest. She shouted loudly, but she couldn’t scream soon. A white face was covered with sweat and her lips trembled. stand up.

She hates!

I hate Xia Ming calling me this place! I hate him for leaving alone, and I feel like this pain!

Of course, at this time, the early summer snow has forgotten, and Xia Ming has let her leave together, but she has finished smearing Xia Ruoyun and left a few words! Therefore, she suffers from the pain of today is not harmful to others, she is herself!

"Reassured, I will not let you become a waste, I will only let you feel that the spiritual power in your body disappears a little until it becomes a waste!" Qianbei night looked down at the woman lying on the ground, lips The smile is cold and cold, and the voice is bloodthirsty and cruel.


These two words, like a heavy thunder, fell on the heart of the early summer snow.

Strength is everything for her! If there is no strength, let alone the Golden Emperor, even if it is Lu Shen will not look at her! In those days, Lu Shen betrayed Xia Ruoyun because of her infinite potential.

But now, she has become a waste?

At the beginning of the summer, the face of snow was pale, but it hurt her even more, but it was still a shame to her!

I have a golden emperor in my heart, I can not see this man. But regardless of her personality or appearance, she feels that she is better than this woman! Why does he want to treat her like this cruelly?

After all, from small to large, Xia Chuxue is surrounded by a lot of young talents, she can not like those people, but those people must like her! And only around her alone!

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