Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 831: Evidence (3)


As the words fell, the door was suddenly shut up, and the eyes of Xia early snow were hazy, holding the fist tightly to stop the inner trembling.

Gu Ruoyun, I swear by the early summer snow, I will definitely let you die without a place of burial!

And this man who helps you! He must not die too!

It’s just that everyone is stunned by the self-proclaimed thousand North Night.

You must know that on the mainland, there is only one person who can be called Emperor, that is the strongest of the strength of the Emperor! This man is also Wudi? However, listening to his words does not seem to like her as Xia Chuxue said.

"If you are rejected, you will be angry and angry. It is estimated that only the man around Gu Ruoyun will be so incompetent."

At the beginning of the summer, the snow climbed up from the ground and said something in the voice of the polar.

But the voice is still enough for people around you to hear!

No wonder the man will start snowing in the early summer! It turned out to be rejected, so I became angry! If you think you are a strong Emperor of the Wu Emperor, you can do whatever you want? Still want to be good? What kind of character is Miss Xia Jiada? Never love vanity, not because of a man's strength and love him.

And such a noble woman is worth everyone to be gentle!

In the room, the face of Qianbei night was a bit of iron, and the **** red scorpion shone with a strong murder. Although the words in the early summer were very light, but with his ear power, the lighter sound could be heard clearly. .

"Yun, if you don't want to make Xiajia too easy, I want to kill them now!"

Gu Ruoyun tasted the tea, and said carelessly: "Now Xia Xuexue likes to smear others, you will follow her, and when the truth reveals the day, then her face will become very wonderful, the night, those words you Have you recorded it?"

Qianbei night smiled, he opened his hand, and a crystal clear jade appeared in his hand.

"This piece of jade is an artifact. There is no fighting power. There is only one function, that is, it is possible to record all the dialogues! The words that Xia Ming said have already been collected in this piece of jade. At that time, I only need to go inside. Injecting spiritual power, you can reproduce the dialogue."

It is estimated that Xia Ming would not have thought that there would be such a thing on the mainland.

After all, this recording jade is an artifact, and the thousand north nights are also inadvertently obtained, for this moment!

Of course, when he first got Yu Pei, he did not consider this function. When he reunited with Gu Ruoyun again, he thought of the usage of Yu Pei! Therefore, he seized Lu Shen and forced Xia Ming to appear.

As for what Gu Ruoyun said, it is not to expose himself to Xia Ming’s eyes, but to force him to say those words.

Sure enough, Xia Ming is too confident, he thinks that even if admitted, there is no big deal, anyway, no one can believe everything that Gu Ruoyun said! But he never imagined that it was because of his preparation that Gu Ruoyun would open his mouth.

"When are you going to publish the truth to the world?"

Gu Ruoyun smiled and said: "When Master comes to me! On this occasion, it is impossible for Master to be absent. In addition, in the night, you can help me one thing."

"it is good."

Qianbei night smiled and promised.

"I haven't said anything yet, have you agreed?"

Gu Ruoyun was speechless, and the night promised too refreshing.

Suddenly, the face of Qianbei Night was solemn, and the **** red scorpion lost the original bloodthirsty at this moment, and became extremely sincere and firm.

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