Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 837: Master and apprentice recognition (4)

At this time, Xia Ming is still more rational. If he continues, there will be no one who will marry his own waste daughter! Therefore, it was only the quickest initial decision to pull Lu Shen to the side.

At the beginning of the summer, Xue was holding her heart tightly. The hatred of Gu Ruoyun had already entered the bones. She lowered her eyes and said, "But the father told me."

"Okay, then we will prepare for the wedding as soon as possible. We must marry within three days. This time we need to lower our posture and ask her to let go."

"Three days, so fast?"

At the beginning of the summer, she was a little surprised, and looked at Xia Ming’s handsome face.

"Do you think you can wait for it? The longer you drag the time, the more your strength will fall. At that time, Lu Shen will definitely see the clue. I have always known that Lu Shen is a fancy to you as the owner of the ancient **** tower. Identity is close to you. If you know that you are a waste, he will definitely turn around and leave. That man is such a reality!"

However, who is not realistic?

The mother of Xia Chuxue really loves his heart, but what about it? As long as it is a man, in power and love, the former will inevitably be chosen. Otherwise, he will not let go of the lover of the childhood, and turn to the young lady of Mo.

Therefore, if it wasn’t for the National Teacher’s words, he would not spoil his wife and even kill his own flesh and blood!

Therefore, after learning that Xia Chuxue became a waste, he did not like her like this, but also squeezed her last value!

"The daughter understands."

At the beginning of the summer, Xue lowered his head and said with a narrow face.

Therefore, no one has seen her present expression, and if someone sees it, it will inevitably be scared.

Because at this moment, the woman’s face is distorted by anger and hatred, and her eyes are filled with deep hatred. In her view, it’s all blame for Ruoyun and Qianbei Night, all their faults. !

They hurt themselves to marry a man who doesn't love!

And Xia Ming!

If he didn't go one step ahead of time, how could he encounter this kind of thing? The day when you find the ancient tower, whether it is the two people, or Xia Ming, you have to pay for it!

Xia Ming certainly didn't know that his daughter had already hated him, and he even wanted to let him disappear immediately!

"Okay, let's go ahead. I will first think about ways to change Lu Shen back."

After saying this, Xia Ming stopped and closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

At the beginning of the summer, Xue looked up and looked at Xia Ming. He did not say a word and then retired.


Longfeng Restaurant.

Inside the box, a man in a golden robe sat at the window and quietly looked at the bustling and bustling street. At this moment, the door of the box was pushed open. He slightly wrinkled his eyebrows and turned to look at that. A white coat that came in.

"Golden Brother."

At the beginning of the summer, Xue stood in front of the Golden Emperor and looked at the beautiful and beautiful Jinpao man. She licked her lips tightly and passed a sadness in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" Jindi's brows wrinkled more and more tightly, and the voice was as cold as ever. "If there is no such thing as a medical sanctuary, then it is not used to find me."

"Golden Brother, haven't you heard that there is a person who claims to be a medical saint who appears in the Imperial City."

At the beginning of the summer, she didn't understand Jindi. She really couldn't understand it. Such a big wind, why this man did not seem to hear it.

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