Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 842: Torn the skin (four)


Tiger poison does not eat, Xia Ming and then poison, it is not possible to kill Xia Ruoyun's murderer! I must have thought more than myself.

"Hey!" Xia Ming snorted and stared at the little princess. "Do you think that I am really afraid of the dog king of the wind country? I just think he is in trouble, as for fear that it is not necessarily."

Wen Yan, Gu Ruoyun is pondering.

In the eyes of everyone, Xia Ming only has a hole card, that is the Golden Emperor! However, under normal circumstances, the same level of Emperor Wu will never fight! Otherwise, even if you play for three days and three nights, you won't be able to win or lose.

Therefore, what Xia Ming can say is also representative of Xia Jia, who also has a hole card 1

"Xia Ming!"

Seeing the little princess, I was going to look for Xia Ming’s theory. Mo Shangfei hurriedly held her down and frowned. He said, “This thing has nothing to do with the little princess and the girl. You put them. Go, even if it kills me, I have no complaints!"

"Mu Da Ge," the little princess rushed, and said quickly, "I will not leave you alone, and this Xia Ming is even stronger, but also rely on the Golden Emperor. Now that the Golden Emperor is not here, we may not be able to rush. Out of the box."

"Ha ha."

Wen Yan, Xia Ming seems to have heard a joke and sneered: "Little princess, don't you think too much about yourself, just rely on you? Even if I am Xia Ming, it is enough to kill you all three!" As for Mo Shangfei, I will not leave your life, they will not let go!"


In the words, Xia Ming no longer said a word, the body flashed into a sword and rushed to Mo Shangfei, and then a sword appeared in his hand, the eyes in the eyes flashed, directed Mo Shangfei's neck.

At the beginning of the summer, she smiled with a sneer in her face. She stood with her arms in her arms and looked at Mo Shangfei, who was about to die under Xia Mingjian.

Suddenly, a Tsing Yi flashed, and fell in front of Mo Shangfei, a blue silk fluttering in the breeze, immediately the Tsing Yi woman standing in front of the man raised her left hand and caught Xia Ming’s sword.

That's right!

She did catch the sword in the hands of Xia Ming with one hand.

At the beginning of the summer, Xue Yu was beautiful, and he looked at Gu Ruoyun with amazement. What followed was a panic, and his face was pale at this moment.

The illusion must be an illusion!

My father has gained a lot of opportunities over the years and has already broken through to Wu Zun's low level. But some people dare to empty the sword of a Wu Zun strongman? It’s just that the sword is enough to cut her!

But she not only caught it, but it was also unscathed!

"I really want to see, how do you let us stay."

Gu Ruoyun’s lips evoked a smile, and the momentum of the body rushed toward the sword in his hand. With a loud noise, Xia Ming’s body jerked and then took a few steps, a blood sprayed out, and his face was ugly. Staring at Gu Ruoyun.

"Ha ha!"

Turkic, he smiled low, the smile was full of cold: "Gu Ruoyun, I have to admit, you are indeed a genius, a small age has reached the Wuzun intermediate level, it is considered to be promising, but unfortunately, you are too Underestimate the enemy, do you really think that our summer family only has such a shield as the Golden Emperor? I tell you! Since you have stepped into this place today, you don’t want to leave again!"

In addition to the protection of the Golden Emperor, the Xia family also has a card that the world does not know.

That is, the **** bird Suzaku!

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