Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 871: Destroy Xiajia (13)


Like the five thunders, Xia Lin's footsteps stepped back a few steps, his delicate face was very pale, and some looked incredulously at Gu Ruoyun.

"Sister, what do you mean by this? Xia Ming's father? Grandpa's death, is it related to him?"

Because Xia Lin came a late step, so what happened before was not clear, but he did not think that Xia Ming’s heart could be cruel to this realm. He even raised his father and died in his hands. !

"No, this is not my fault. It is all the monks of Qiu Na. If it is not for her, she will not do this kind of thing."

After saying this, Xia Ming waited for other people to react and rushed to the front of Qiu Na, and the palm of her hand grabbed her neck. At this moment, Qiu Na couldn't speak at all, looking at the red eyes of the man in front of her face with fear.

"Hey, you dare to tell me this kind of lie, and dare to commit adultery! If it is not you, how happy should I be now?" Xia Ming’s hands were tight, and he wanted to give the woman in his hand. Live to death.

Qiu Na opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound in her throat. Her face was red, and her helpless eyes cast her eyes on the early summer snow.

However, Xia Chuxue has been difficult to protect himself, where can she still care for her? Therefore, after seeing Qiu Na’s helpless eyes, she hurriedly looked over and stopped looking at her.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Na's face was filled with despair and sorrow. She never thought that at this most critical time, Xia Chuxue would treat her like this.


Xia Chuling finally recovered from the stupidity, and cried and ran to Xia Ming. The little fist slammed Xia Ming’s back.

"Bad gang, you let go of the mother, you let go of her!"


Xia Ming in the mad slap in the face of Xia Chuling, time, Xia Chuling's body was flung out, the head just hit the stone pillar, the blood suddenly flowed out from the back of the head, the small body fell On the ground, she always looked at the confused and doubtful eyes.

She didn't understand why she had always loved her loved ones and loved her.

She doesn't understand, she always loves her, but why do she have to do it to her?

Of course, she will never understand this!

Qiu Na’s heart was trembled by a violent earthquake, and her eyes finally slipped down two lines of tears. She once again sought help from the early summer snow. She tried her best to squeeze out a few words from her throat: “Save... save your sister. ”

At the beginning of the summer, Xue lowered his head and did not go to see Xia Chuling, who fell in a pool of blood.

Here, Qiu Na’s heart is finally completely desperate.

"Ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Qiu Na laughed twice, and she did not know where the power of one hand pushed Xia Ming out, and then her body also retreated a few steps toward the back, filled with the scorpion and the scorpion Xia Ming.

"Xia Ming, you know, in this world, my favorite person is you, what I hate the most, is you! How many pledges have you given me? You also said that one day you will be bright and fair. I am going home, but the last thing I am waiting for is the marriage between you and Miss Mo Jia!"

Qiu Na closed her eyes slightly, and the heart was still in pain at this moment.

"Actually, the Miss Mo's lady is also a poor person, because she doesn't know anything. If it wasn't for you who designed her, she wouldn't make a secret to you. But even then, I still hate her, she even counts. What a pity, who told her to take you away?"

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