Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 889: Wu Zun Senior (1)


The red lotus lord smiled and smiled at Gu Ruoyun’s head. The cold red dragonfly was unprecedentedly gentle: “The door of my red lotus territory will always be open for you. If you want to come back, you can always go to find your father. do you understand?"

Gu Ruoyun nodded slightly and took the first two steps, once again holding the body of the red lotus lord.

She lowered her eyes and covered the firm color in the scorpion.

"Daddy, please forgive me for not being able to stay by your side, because I don't want anyone to protect me under the wings. I can only reinforce if I strengthen myself."

She understands that the enemy's strength is too strong, and all that can be done now is to upgrade its power as soon as possible.

"Right, let me talk about the division of power in the first city, and the world above Wu Sheng."

"In the past, our family was scattered in the first city's Lin family, but this Lin family is not a thing in the first city," the red lotus lord smiled and said helplessly. "The residents of the first city are all living." Isolated, only the breakthrough to the realm of Wu Sheng can be absorbed into the first city, so you can imagine how powerful the first city is."

Gu Ruoyun's nephew has sunk a few points. It is no wonder that there are only the emperors in the mainland, and there are no deeds of the Wusheng strong people. Those who broke through to Wusheng will be sucked into the first city.

"It seems that the strength of this first city is indeed very strong."

Gu Ruoyun's brows were lightly wrinkled, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a radiance. The beautiful face exudes a breathtaking coldness in the setting sun.

"Not bad," the red lotus lord nodded. "This first city is equivalent to another space that exists on the mainland of Dongyue. Even if it reaches my strength, I can only reach that place, but the first city also has The rules of the first city, that is, any forces in the first city can not be casually shot, otherwise, I would like to think that the Lin family, the bottom of the first city, can also easily destroy a country."

Gu Ruoyun, the strongman of the Lin family, saw it just now. If more Wudi strong people can indeed destroy a country, let alone the Lin family is not only the Emperor Wu, but also the existence of Wu Sheng!

"Since you say this, why do the Lin family people come to arrest me?" Gu Ruoyun picked up his eyebrows. "Is it difficult for them to ignore the rules of the first city?"

Upon hearing this, the red lotus lord was silent.

For a long time, he slowly said: "I don't know very well about this matter. Maybe I have been moving too frequently recently, and I am rushing to those who are not dead! However, Yuner, you can rest assured that I will not let them find it later. Your chance!"

No matter what Lin family's people do to him, he can bear it, but did not expect those people to dare to do his baby daughter!

Thinking of this, the red lord's scorpion's scorpion spurred a raging flame, and the anger of his heart almost spurted out.

"Daddy, I feel that I am going to break through recently, so I plan to close for a while. After the breakthrough, I want to leave the country." Gu Ruoyun smiled slightly. During this time, she felt the bottleneck was loose and it was estimated that she could not pass. How long will it take to reach the high level of Wu Zun.

At that time, it was only a step away from Emperor Wu.

"Well," the red lotus lord stared softly at the beautiful face in front of him, and the lips provoked a touch of curvature. "No matter what you want to do, my father will support you, but if you are tired, don't forget to go to Honglian." Look for me in the territory."

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