Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 892: Wu Zun Senior (4)

Over the years, he has proved her feelings with her company.

"it is good."

Thinking of this, Gu Ruoyun opened his eyes and stared at the face of the man in front of him, his eyes firmly said.

Qianbei night laughed.

His smirk is more beautiful than ever, and Gu Ruoyun's heart beats inexplicably, and he can't help but think of the scene when he first met.

She will never forget the stunning man lying on the icy coffin, and can't forget the glimpse of the year. It is estimated that Gu Ruoyun at that time would not have thought that the man who was slandered by her will become her forever. .

Qian Beiyun hugged Gu Ruoyun and gently put it on the bed. His fingers touched the woman's face on the bed. The red dragonfly didn't have the bloodthirsty cold when facing other people. It only had a gentleness.

"Baby daughter, I have one more thing I forgot to tell you."


At this moment, the door was suddenly retreated by one hand, and the time was poured from the top of the thousand-night night in the same basin of cold water, so that his beautiful face was black as the bottom of the pot, black. A face looked at the door.

However, at the moment when the red lotus lord entered the door, he stopped, and subconsciously stepped back two steps. He said, "Let's continue, continue."

But when he left the room, he felt something was wrong. After half a ring, he suddenly reacted. He slammed his foot and kicked the door open. He screamed with anger: "Bad boy, you What do you want to do with the daughter of the lord?"

Thousands of North Nights picked the lips and looked like a smile to the Red Lotus Lord: "Do what you see."

"You..." Red Lotus Lord was almost angry, and this stinky boy dared to be his own baby daughter in front of his face?

In particular, he dared to put the baby daughter under his body!

"Little night," Gu Ruoyun's face was stained with a blush, and he blinked at the North Night, saying, "Not going!"

"But the girl told me."

Qianbei night picks a lip and smiles, very obediently walked down from the bed, but the beauty of the face is still black as the bottom of the pot.

He finally managed to let Gu Ruoyun nod his head and promised it, but he did not expect to be destroyed by the future father-in-law. Of course, if you change to someone else, I am afraid that he has already been unable to get out of this room.

"Daddy, how come you?" Gu Ruoyun was a little embarrassed, and she did not expect her old lady to come back at this time.

"Actually, this thing does not blame the night, it is me..."

She was afraid that the red lotus lord would blame the thousand north nights and wanted to defend him. It was just this sentence that made the red lotus lord more panty.

Sure enough, when her daughter grew up, she became someone else. She didn’t have any bad guys. She started talking for him!

"Hey," the red lotus lord didn't have a cold sigh, and of course the cold scorpion was gentle again when he looked at Gu Ruoyun. "There is nothing, but I have a map of the first city power, forget to give You are here, so I will give it to you. This is the result of my investigation for so many years."

After saying this, the red lotus lord put a piece of paper in front of Gu Ruoyun, and immediately blinked at the north of the night, only once again put his eyes on Gu Ruoyun.

"Yun, this stinky boy just told me that you already have a skin kiss, is this really true?"

Skin pro?

Gu Ruoyun looked at the eyes of the North and the night, and after seeing the insidious smile of the man's eyes, he touched his nose without a word.

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