Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 967: The request of the elders of the wind (2)

The bleak face of the wind sank a little bit. However, she quickly recovered to the original, her face raised and chuckled, and her voice was like a spring breeze: "Since she is the person of your Xuanyin Temple, I will not fight with you. Leave a message."

After that, the wind Xiao Xiao arched his fist and told the people around him: "Let's go!"

"Yes! Missy"

The crowd hurriedly screamed and then left with the pace of the wind.

However, the elders of the wind looked at Gu Ruoyun before they left, and they looked like they stopped talking. In the end, he still said nothing and turned away from the square.

"Xiao Yuner, are you deliberate," Zuo Shangchen said with a helpless smile. "Are you deliberately trying to find out my identity, so I made these things?"

"You think more," Wen Yan, Gu Ruoyun squinted at the enchanting face of Zuo Shangchen and picked his lips. "I refine the medicine, just to help my master regain his reputation. I don't want him to be deaf. As for your identity being dug up, that...is an accident."

In fact, even if Zu Shangchen does not admit, she is still able to determine his identity! Otherwise, he is not likely to appear here, and the strength is even less likely to be so powerful! As for the public refining of medicinal herbs, it is entirely because she has full confidence!

Even if Feng Valley wants to let her join, it will not be done on the bright side. Otherwise, the rules of the first city will be severely punished. Therefore, they only dare to act in secret.

Since it is a secret action, she does not need to be jealous!

Zuo Shangchen’s face once again hangs on the enchanting smile like a enchanting man. By the way, he throws a wink at Gu Ruoyun: “Xiao Yuner, if you give me a hug, I will be awkward when you are a bodyguard. how is it?"

When he said this, the enchanting man was ready to be rejected, because the girl never approached him. However, just when he wanted to continue talking, the Tsing Yi suddenly came to his eyes and then extended. The hands gently hugged him.

Zuo Shangchen stunned, and he opened his mouth, but the words had not been exported, and a light voice rang from his ear.

"Thank you."

She hugged him, not wanting his protection, but wanted to say to him, thank you!

Even if the man is protecting her for her brother, it is understandable that he did help her several times! Thanks to the help of these several times, she must also be grateful!

"Hero, although I don't need your help for this time, but you finally offended the wind valley for me, so if you have anything in the future, just say, even if you are thousands of miles away, I will rush. Help each other."

Gu Ruoyun loosened his hand and raised a smile on the beautiful face. Her nephew was like the starry night, so beautiful that people could not ignore it.

Looking at the delicate face of the woman in front of her, Zuo Shangchen felt a warmth in her heart.

Even though he is the four emperors of Suzaku, but because he is in the harem, he has lost enough security from his urinary. If Master did not save him and help him break through the strength, perhaps he already died there. Do not spit the bones of the harem!

Only when he met Gu Yu, did he realize what is warm! Therefore, he will choose to go to Qinglongguo to guard his most painful sister for Gu Yu! But now, he protects her, no longer because of Gu Yu, but because of the touch she brought to him!

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