Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 973: The request of the elders of the wind (eight)

Just then, a knock on the door came from outside the door.

"Master Gu, the elders of Fenggu came to visit."

Wind valley, wind elders?

Gu Ruoyun picked up his eyebrows: "Is the people in Fenggu still not leaving?"

"do not know."

Bai Zhongtian shook his head, his eyes contained a vigilant color: "The old guy is sure that there is no good thing to find you, no see, we don't see him!"

joke! How could he allow the old man in Wind Valley to see his own children? He did not forget that this old guy had wanted to steal his baby apprentice.

"Master, since he is coming to the door, then I will see what he has." Gu Ruoyun slightly raised his lips and flashed a ray of light inside the curtain. "I know your worry, but the wind and the courage are big." It is also impossible to be fair and honest! So I will not be in danger."

"This..." Bai Zhongtian hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. "Well, I want to see what the old guy is playing again!"

Wen Yan, Gu Ruoyun turned his head and looked at the closed door, faintly said: "Let him come in."

"Yes, Master Gu."

After the voice of the medicinal disciple fell, the door was pushed open, and the elder of the wind in white came in from the door. When he entered the door, he slammed and quickly stepped up. Straight to the board, Gu Ruoyun.

"Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall, let's talk, what's the matter with you here?"

Bai Zhongtian stunned, and he did not have any good feelings for the people in Feng Gu.

Who asked these people to initially help Huang’s father and daughter to bully his baby apprentice?

The face of the elders of the wind suddenly became embarrassed. He wanted to be angry, but he didn’t know why. He eventually endured it. The two clear-cut scorpions turned to Gu Ruoyun and said in a word: "The old man is coming to fulfill the promise. of!"

"Promise, what promise?"

Gu Ruoyun stunned, and some doubts looked at the face of the elders.

"Before I said, if you can successfully refine the medicinal herbs, I will worship you as a teacher. Now the old man comes to fulfill his promise."

This remark came out, as if the power of the elders of the wind was exhausted, and the expression did not have the original pride, but it became much more humble.

The transformation of the elders of the wind made Gu Ruoyun and Bai Zhongtian both a bit surprised. After all, this old guy is not like the kind of person who is willing to talk.

Will he come to fulfill his promise and go to Gu Ruoyun?

Thinking of this, Gu Ruoyun shrugged his shoulders and smiled disapprovingly: "I have never remembered that thing. The elders of the wind do not have to remember so clearly. I can say nothing when you have nothing."

"No, I have to count the words I have said." The elders of the wind seem to have made a great determination, looking directly at Gu Ruoyun. "I know that I was too arrogant at first, so I will not put you in the eyes, now yours The strength made me completely convinced, so I wanted to worship you as a teacher."

"How?" Gu Ruoyun smiled, but the smile was mocked. "Before you want to force me to apprentice, now I want to force me to accept the apprentice? This is the style of your strong winds?"

Upon hearing this, the face of the elders of the wind became more and more embarrassed, and he said slyly: "Gu girl, I really realized my mistake, you can rest assured, I will not force you, I will not let Feng Gu force you, you are A strong person is worthy of respect. Even if you are not willing to accept me as a disciple, in my heart, you will always be my master."

After saying this, he did not give Gu Ruoyun a chance to return. He turned and walked outside the door. Soon the figure disappeared into the bright sunshine in the afternoon.

"Is this guy taking the wrong medicine? What the **** is it?"

Bai Zhongtian inexplicably looked at the elders of the wind, and really did not understand what the old man was drawing.

He doesn't believe that the elders of the wind are the kind of people who talk and count, and who are bright and upright! I am sure there is any intrigue in the wind valley!

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