Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 979: Living bones and muscles Dan (2)


Gao Lin lived, and a pair of dumb nephews looked at Bai Zhongtian in a silly manner. Some did not understand and asked: "What do you say?"

"Gao Lin, when did you become so stupid? I have already said it very clearly. This medicinal herb is called Emperor Xuan Dan, which can make people in the realm of Wudi break through the level! Although you can also take it now. But it will be more cost-effective when you are promoted to the rank of Emperor Wudi!"

Bai Zhongtian turned over a few more white eyes and gave the stupid Gao Lin a sneak peek.

For Gao Lin, Bai Zhongtian has a deep trust. After all, it is such a long-term friendship. For this old guy, he is still quite clear. What's more, Gu Ruoyun has already given him an Emperor Xuan Dan, and he will know the effect of Emperor Xuan Dan sooner or later.


Gao Lin’s brain was roaring, his eyes were sluggish, and he was obviously scared by these words of Bai Zhongtian.

Can the advanced Emperor Wudi be promoted to Wu Sheng's medicinal herbs?

This... Is this going against the sky?

Therefore, until Bai Zhongtian left his line of sight, he has not recovered from this shock...


The ancient **** tower, a red light against the entire pagoda, Gu Ruoyun stood inside the tower of the god, looking to the open door in front, slightly raised the lips: "Because there are too many things before, I have not seen I know what it is for me to be given to me on the fifth floor of the ancient tower. I will leave the medicine tomorrow, so I will enter the fifth floor today."

When Gu Ruoyun breaks through the second stage, the ancient tower will give her a reward. The last reward has been separated for a long time. Now, only after breaking through to Emperor Wu, can the fifth layer of the ancient tower be opened.

After collecting the thoughts, Gu Ruoyun slowly entered the room.

The room was empty, only a table appeared in her eyes, and a yellow paper was placed on the table, so that Gu Ruoyun could not help but walked over.

"This is..." Gu Ruoyun picked up the yellow paper on the table. After seeing the contents on the paper, there was a shock in his look. "Live the bones and muscles? It can make any person with a broken body recover instantly!" And without any aftereffects!"

Live bones and muscles Dan!

This is exactly what she needs most now!

No wonder, it is no wonder that Zixie told her at the time that if he wanted to help Xia Lin to restore his arm, he must break through to Emperor Wu!

It turned out that after she arrived at Emperor Wudi, what was given to her by the ancient **** tower was the living bones!

"I don't know if it is my illusion. I always feel that the ancient tower seems to know everything about the future. Even all the situations around me are arranged. Otherwise, this fifth layer rewards. It will not be a living bone."

Living bones and muscles are nothing worth mentioning compared to the rewards of the ancient towers. After all, she could not give her any strength to help. However, it is what she wants most!

Therefore, Gu Ruoyun has a feeling that fate has been arranged!

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and held her hand in the Dan Fang. The pair of cold scorpions had a joyful excitement.

"In any case, with this live bone, I can restore the arm of my nephew!"

Even though Xia Linyi said nothing, but Gu Ruoyun clearly felt his inner inferiority! How could he be able to withstand such a blow when he was originally called a genius? As long as it can help him recover from the physical defects! Let her pay all she is willing!

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