Evil King

Chapter 715 For the sake of the world, please fulfill me!

"My Misty Fantasy Mansion has been patrolling the world for thousands of years! I have always been fair and unselfish, don't you actually trust the old man?" The man in yellow said earnestly, making the last effort: "The existence of Misty Fantasy Mansion is what it is. In order to restrict the actions of the three Sacred Lands and monitor their actions. Now, it is even more unlikely that they will not accept my mediation! I can guarantee this!"

Jun Moxie couldn't help but finally understand why the predecessors of the three big Sacred Land and Misty Fantasy Mansion turned against each other! I see! With such a huge force as the three major Sacred Lands, who would be willing to be supervised by others?

But this guy is a bit too naive. Others just asked casually and said nothing, and honestly, it seems that they can't even lie...

It seems that the Misty Fantasy Mansion is an extremely monotonous world, and there are no secular struggles and intrigues in it. Even if there are, they are relatively rare. Or, only such a pure place can produce such people...

Jun Moxie's heart has another level of enlightenment: If this is the case, then the Misty Fantasy Palace may not be as difficult to deal with as imagined!

"Always just? Inspect the world? Then, do you know what happened to the Jun family ten years ago?" Jun Moxie looked at him mockingly.

"It's always inconvenient for us to intervene in such trivial matters. If there is an injustice in the world, we will all intervene. Even if we have the intention, we are powerless." The yellow-clothed man hesitated for a while before reluctantly replied.

"You have your own reason for this, I understand, OK, then I will tell you now! What I have done is the follow-up of this trivial matter!"

Jun Moxie said: "All things are due to the incident ten years ago. Since you didn't manage it at the beginning, there is no need to manage it now, and there is no reason to intervene. Please also take care of yours. Go ahead with the big event, I can't wait to send it off, go all the way!"

The man in yellow was stunned. Since the emergence of Rivers and Lakes, as long as he speaks out about the big goal of the world and the common people, and buckles this big hat, the other party will buy it. After all, even if you ask yourself that you cannot be a hero of the mainland, no one wants to be a sinner of history, and even more mind that you stand on the opposite side of mankind!

Coupled with his formidable strength and superb profound arts, he has always been smooth and smooth; everything is smooth and profitable, and it can be said to be unprofitable. Until today I met Jun Moxie and discovered that there is such a thing in the world. Soft and hard don't eat oil and salt and don't buy goods!

"But... this is for the heaven-staking battle two years later! The heaven-staking battle for the future of mankind!" The man in yellow looked at Jun Moxie angrily: "How can you not have a general view of the situation like this?"

"Yes, in fact, I am also for the battle to win the sky! I would like to ask: You will not participate in the battle to win the sky?" Jun Moxie asked.

The yellow-clothed man was startled, and said displeased: "Our Misty Fantasy Mansion will never take part in a battle for the heavens!"

"That's good, that's good. Look, I am definitely going to take part in the Battle of Heaven. But my current skill is really low, I'm afraid I will die after I go. It doesn't matter if I die. , Who is immortal, but I am afraid that it will affect the overall situation of the battle for the sky. In this way, the mainland is in danger, and the people are in danger..."

Jun Moxie sighed compassionately, and suddenly said: "My Envoy, for the safety of the mainland and for the people of the world; I solemnly beg you, you use the empowerment Dafa to give me all your life skills!"

"I will definitely not let down your expectations, and I will hit the aliens fiercely! Seek blessings for the world and do my best for the common people! What do you think?" Jun Moxie's face is respected, holy and noble, and Sincere attitude and sincere speech.The man in yellow fainted, he was blinded by the words of Jun Da Young Master...

"I know Dafa initiation, but how can this be?" The yellow-clothed man said in a daze, "Even if you are going to take part in the battle, your position is commendable, but if I give you all my life skills, then Didn't I immediately wipe out the clouds?"

"For the battle to seize the sky, for the people of the world! What's wrong with you just sacrifice once?" Jun Moxie said solemnly, speaking more earnestly and earnestly: "My Envoy, anyway, you will not participate in the battle to seize the sky! Then you are exquisitely mysterious. Don’t you have to go to waste and end up with the vegetation? Isn’t that even more meaningless? Why don’t you just sacrifice yourselves now, so that it can help me increase the bargaining chip for victory in the battle of heaven. , I believe this continent will always remember your feat today, the world will always enshrine your heroic spirits! You will be a permanent hero in the world! How? You won’t refuse me, will you?”

"No! No!" The man in yellow shook his head violently, "How can that be? This is simply nonsense! Other methods can be used in the battle of the heavens. How can we use this way to harm the interests of others? Especially the old man has been practicing hard for his whole life. Is it easy to get? Absolutely not! If you talk about the Lotus flower, this is definitely not feasible!"

"Really not?" Jun Moxie said with a serious expression, and said with sorrow, "Could it be that you are willing to be the sinner of history? Are you so ignorant of the overall situation? Where is your conscience?"

"Definitely not!" The yellow-clothed man was sweating on the tip of his nose, and he wiped it embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I really can't help this busy."

"Then what are you doing here?" Jun Moxie sighed, his tone changed, and asked faintly.

"I'm here to persuade you to stop fighting, for the battle to win the sky, for the people of the world, for the overall situation... this... this..." The yellow-clothed man was suddenly stunned.

He suddenly discovered that all the reasons for own, all the righteousness, had just been said by the other boy! And I just categorically rejected this "great" request...

Although the other party's request for own is really difficult for a strong man, isn't it the same for what he wants from the other party? Comparing your heart to your heart, you can't agree to others' requests, so what reason is there to ask others?

He sighed and turned to Mei Xueyan: "Mei Venerable, what do you mean?"

"I mean what she meant!" Jun Moxie said hard.

"The old man didn't ask you!" The man in yellow sighed, and suddenly his arm raised slightly, and a faint milky white mist slowly dispersed, but Jun Moxie suddenly found that he could not move.

Jun Moxie couldn't help being shocked! Now that he is a real second-level Venerable, there are people who can restrain themselves in a moment of silence, so what is the point of this person's profound arts? These methods have at least surpassed Mei Xueyan's cage of heaven and earth, and there are more than one!

Mei Xueyan sighed slightly, bowed a little, and said, "This sage, Mo Xie said well. What he said is equivalent to what I said. Mo Xie can make any decision on my behalf! No matter when , And no matter what! I will always stand by his side. Even the choice about the battle for the heavens will be no exception!"

Holy One!

Mei Xueyan actually called this man in yellow the "Sage Lord"!

The man in yellow gave a wry smile, obviously a little frustrated and said: "In this way, the old man is boring to ask for himself. Let's say goodbye!" After speaking, his body suddenly burst into a bright light all over the sky silently. , The light disappeared instantly, and the yellow figure disappeared.

Although Mei Xueyan didn't understand Jun Moxie's practice today, and was even very unacceptable, in the final analysis, she still had no choice but to support her. Especially in front of outsiders, she was determined not to lose her face for Jun Moxie.

"Hey...Xueyan...It's so good...Come to Big Brother to hurt you." Jun Moxie finally regained his freedom, and immediately leaned over with a smile on his face.

In fact, the blockade of the yellow-clothed man only worked for him for a very short time. Once Jun Moxie began to exercise, he immediately lifted the prohibition. But when Rao was so, Young Master Jun was still shocked in a cold sweat. Because of the short period of time just now, if the other party deliberately wanted his life, he could kill him more than ten times at least!

Therefore, Jun Moxie secretly decided in his heart that he must be vigilant at any time in the future.

Hearing Mei Xueyan's words again, I couldn't help but feel deeply moved; I thought of the unceremonious tone of what I had just said, and now that everyone was killed, it seemed that it was all right... I wrapped my face in comfort.

Mei Xueyan snorted with a cold face, and said, "Aren't you quite heroic just now? Didn't you say:'Women Daoist's house, stay away'? Why are you taking care of my Daoist's house again now? Isn’t it stupid? I’m just being stupid, but don’t kidnap you, the clever Young Master, to be stupid too!"

Jun Moxie smiled, walked around behind her, massaged her shoulders with both hands flexibly, and said with a smile: "Actually, I haven't finished that sentence. What I said is: "Except Xueyan, the other women, Daoist, roll aside." Stay here!' But when I was in a hurry, I missed a few words. Really, please believe me..."

"Humph!" Mei Xueyan twisted her body, avoiding his massage, her face like frost: "Don't pay attention to me!"

Jun Moxie grinned, and suddenly the palm of her hand fell like lightning, rubbed a hand on her plump buttocks, grabbed it, and then withdrew her hand, standing politely, his face was as serious as a respected Taoist master. Stereotyped expressions.

Mei Xueyan shuddered all over, like electricity passing through, only feeling soft and soft, her face flushed, her body softened, and she fell back.

Jun Moxie hugged him, but cried out in surprise: "Oh, what do you say? In the public, this...men and women are not kissed or not... The female benefactor, please stand up soon. Get up, Lao Na is a pure person."

The mouth is pure, but the two hands are tightly hugged, and he will not let go of life and death.

Mei Xueyan flushed with shame, struggling to say: "Let go... so many people are watching?"

"Oh? That means that when there are not so many people watching... you can just leave it alone? No problem, I can wait until then!" Jun Moxie smiled and blew in her crystal-like jade ears weirdly Tone.

Mei Xueyan was inexplicably soft again, her face flushed and her ears were red: "Don't let go!?"

"Don't let go!" Another itchy heat blew past, and Jun Moxie hummed: "Do you dare to be so fierce in the future? It won't cure you anymore!"

"Let go first!" Mei Xueyan struggled hard.

"Say it first, then let it go!" Jun Moxie Mount Tai was determined, and just insisted on life and death. The heat in the palm of his hand penetrated Mei Xueyan's clothes around her waist and penetrated straight into it. On the way to the Dongfang family, Jun Moxie had already felt very clear about Mei Xueyan's ‘weakness’. At this moment, he took the medicine according to the prescription, making this Mei Venerable panting and weak."No... don't dare..." Mei Xueyan had no choice but to blush with a pretty face, leaning to his ear and said softly, the sound was like a mosquito, inaudible.

"Really good!" Jun Moxie let go with a strange smile and patted her hips.

Mei Xueyan rushed out for several feet with a swish, before turning around, her face flushed with complacency.

When I turned my head to look, I saw that all the profound beasts were standing upright under the orders of the beast kings, with their backs facing the two of them, not seeing them, but their ears were erect and straight!

"You, you, you... you really killed me!" Mei Xueyan covered her face and ran towards the Jun family.

Jun Moxie smiled, and was about to follow, Xiong Kaishan smiled and leaned forward: "Brother-in-law... is it finished?"

"Huh? It's over?" Jun Moxie was taken aback, and then he understood, and couldn't help rubbing his hands. It seemed that there was still a hint of pink and smooth aftertaste on it, and he said with some aftertaste: "Well, it's over. "

"It's really strong!" Old Xiong gave a thumbs up: "Brother-in-law, I admire you so much! You are so man! Even our Big Sister has surrendered! The brothers have fallen in love with you! Really!"

"That's just to say! Man, it should be like this! Even the own wife can't control it, so what kind of man is it called?" Jun Moxie said triumphantly: "Old Xiong, I tell you, for my wife, I just want to Be stricter, if you are not obedient, huh! Punching and kicking is a trivial matter, more often you have to use a stick to beg for mercy! Well, this is called masculinity!"

"Yes, yes, wise brother-in-law! I will remember it in the future!"|Xiong Kaishan is modest and authentic. Keep this rule of wife control in your heart...

"Then, you slowly realize it! I'm past." Jun Moxie slipped away...

Regarding what Jia Qingyun said about Tianxiang, Jun Moxie was of course anxious!

However, he knew that being anxious would not help! Such a long time has passed from left to right, if it is really going to happen, then it will be too late to go back to Lima. If it didn't happen, it won't happen!

Only to deal with the matter here as soon as possible and to rush back as soon as possible is the correct solution! If you get messed up right now, I'm afraid that both ends will have to be delayed, then it will really outweigh the gains!

So no matter whether there is something on Tianxiang, and what is going on, we have to wait until the end of the paragraph.

Jun Moxie firmly believes that with his grandfather's wisdom, he can definitely survive this level. He is sure of this! What's more, there are countless arrangements left behind by myself...

If there is any accident, then I want the whole world to bury my grandfather! What the hell is the battle for the heavens, even a piece of grandpa's hair can't match it!

I will care about the people I care about!

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and made a clank vow in his heart! (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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