
Kusagakure’s hair suddenly stood up, and his whole body became stiff.

But he did not dare to move, because Sen Leng’s murderous intention was completely locked on him.

He was very sure that if there was even the slightest movement, his body and head would be separated immediately.

At this time, the temperature in the entire ward suddenly dropped several degrees. This sudden change also made the ward quiet for a moment.

Snap! Snap!

The crisp footsteps echoed in the ward, and every step was like a death knell. The bells and drums of many people made many people’s hearts beat so hard that they were so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

Only Xianglin seemed not to notice the change, but she subconsciously followed everyone’s gaze and moved to the door of the ward.

There, a man who was not tall , but an oppressive figure walked in slowly with heavy steps.

He was wearing a black cloak and a white fox mask on his face, and his specific physical appearance could not be seen at all.

“Who is this?”

Xiang Lin always felt that there was an inexplicable sense of closeness to the other person, so she couldn’t help but take a step forward.


The attending doctor suddenly shouted loudly, reaching out to grab Xianglin’s hand.

This was completely a subconscious behavior. After all, Xianglin’s existence is the key to Caoyin Village’s victory in the war.

Oh no!

But that However, the famous ninja Kusanagi’s heart skipped a beat, and he secretly exclaimed that something was not right. Because you could tell from the words that the visitor just spoke, that the other party came for Xiang Rin.


Sure enough, the attending doctor hadn’t met Xiang Rin yet. When he was trying to kill Rin, a figure flashed past, and the entire arm of the attending doctor was thrown high, and bright red blood splashed out.


Naruto hugged Xiang Rin in front of him, and his figure had returned to the original place. , the murderous intent still shrouded the Kusugakure ninja.

The Kusugakure ninja wanted to take this opportunity to distance himself and prepare for battle, but unfortunately Naruto was too fast, and now he was in a situation where he did not dare to move.


It was only then that the attending doctor let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and the shrill howl almost spread throughout the entire hospital.

As a result, the people in this ward were still in silent panic, but outside because of this Screaming and causing chaos

“So warm!”

Xianglin felt Naruto’s embrace and no longer cared about everything around her. She buried her head deeply in his arms.

At this moment, only this embrace was her harbor and destination, and everything else was unimportant.

“I’ll take you out of here, and stay with me from now on.”Naruto’s gentle voice sounded in Xianglin’s ears.

Xianglin nodded without hesitation and responded softly:”Yes!”

“etc!”Soon she remembered another thing and begged:”My mother is next door, can you take her with you?”

“good!”Of course Naruto will not object.


At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened

“What happened?”A large group of people rushed in from outside.


But before they could see clearly what was going on inside, a cold light flashed past. There were more than a dozen people in the group, including doctors, nurses, and ninjas. Everyone had blood on their necks. There was an extra trace of blood.

Dong-dong-dong-dong… The sounds of falling to the ground were heard one after another. These people went to the Pure Land World before they even understood the situation.

There was a gasp in the ward, and everyone’s eyes widened. His face was full of fear, but he covered his mouth tightly.

He was afraid that he would make a little noise and let the damn killer star notice him.

Even the attending doctor who had an arm broken was gritting his teeth and refused to let him go. He made a little noise.

Naruto hugged Xiang Rin and stepped out of the ward step by step.

After arriving at the next door, he threw Xiang Rin behind and picked up the dead mother of Xiang Rin.


The Flying Thunder God Technique was activated.

The next moment , Naruto took Xiang Rin and Xiang Rin’s mother, and appeared on a high mountain outside the Kusanagi Village.

From here, the outline of the entire Kusanagi Village can be seen clearly, including the hospital just now.

“it’s a pity!”

Putting Xianglin’s mother on the ground, Naruto sighed:”If I had come a day earlier, maybe she wouldn’t have died.”

“Woo! Mother……”When Xianglin saw her mother’s body, she felt so sad that she threw herself on it and burst into tears.

Naruto flicked his cloak and turned to look at Kusagakure Village.

He would not leave like this without leaving Caoyin Village with a heart-wrenching memory, which would not be enough to make up for the experiences of Xianglin and her daughter over the years.


When Naruto was about to leave, the Nine Tails in his body suddenly spoke.

“You’re not trying to stop me, are you?”Naruto said indifferently.

Kyuubi sneered and said,”I am the Kyuubi, a collection of hatred! If you want to cause massacre, it’s too late for me to be happy. How can I stop you?”

“But before that, I must remind you. That woman is not dead yet, but if you leave now, I guarantee that her body will be completely cold by the time you come back.”

“What? Naruto suddenly looked surprised:”Can you save her?””

He had already felt it when he hugged Xianglin’s mother just now. His heartbeat stopped completely, and his body became stiff and cold. Isn’t this considered dead?

Kyuubi knew what Naruto was thinking, and he didn’t show off, and said:”She There are no injuries on the body, just chakra depletion, and the soul is still in a free state.”

“If left alone, the soul will leave within half an hour. But as long as we replenish her chakra and inject life force, she can still be saved.”

“Unfortunately, my chakra can easily do this.”

Naruto also remembered that in the original work, the original body controlled the golden body mode for the first time, and the chakra spread out, causing Yamato’s wood escape to bloom, which shows its strong vitality. To say that the chakra of the nine tails can save Man, Naruto believes it

“Well, I’m sorry to bother you, Nine Lamas!”Naruto finally showed a smile.

“Hum, let me do it instead!”Kyuubi still maintained his arrogance.

Naruto did not immediately hand over his body to Kyuubi. Instead, he turned around to comfort Xiang Rin and asked her to move away, and then gave the dominant consciousness to Kyuubi.

“Big brother, what do you want to do?”Xiang Lin wiped her tears and looked suspicious, but she just stood aside and watched.

For this stranger who suddenly appeared and illuminated her life like the dawn, Xiang Lin must have 100% trust.

But At this time, Naruto’s body has been handed over to Kyuubi, and Kyuubi is naturally too lazy to pay attention to such a little human girl.

Orange light rises, and Kyuubi’s chakra mode is turned on!

Naruto’s hand is pressed on the Dantian of Xianglin’s mother, a large amount of chakra Instilled in madness

“This is……”Xianglin’s eyes widened instantly.

She was born with amazing powers of perception, and soon discovered that as the chakra was injected into her mother’s Dantian, her mother’s extinguished fire of life seemed to be rekindled.

The dry skin gradually becomes plump and rosy, the heart beats from weak to stronger, and the vitality in the body is gradually replenished.

Everything shows that Xianglin’s mother is alive!

“Mom…it’s so good!”Xiang Lin cried with joy and kept wiping her tears.

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