Over in the Kingdom of Waves, under the leadership of the shadow clone, things are completely different now.

Naruto asked Zabuza to form a ninja team to prepare for the establishment of an independent ninja village in the future.

Zabuza was very enthusiastic about this matter and directly treated it as his own career. He once forgot that he had to return to Kirigakure.

Kana, Yukimi and Ryuuki are not idle either. They are responsible for establishing a ninja school and selecting school-age children from the children of local residents for training.

The Kado Group has now officially changed its name to the Menma Group. Those prohibited businesses such as smuggling and drugs have been abandoned, but they have increased the transportation of fish products and connected the trade between the Water Country and the Fire Country.

In general, the current market value of Menma Group has shrunk a bit, but it has successfully washed its hands and landed.

However, not all private black market transactions have been stopped. After all, they are also a good source of intelligence.

In terms of business, Raimon is mainly in charge.

Naruto found him from Konoha, kidnapped him directly to the Country of Waves, and threw him the idea of a thunder cart.

Raimon is just an ordinary person, unable to resist, so he can only accept it.

Naruto only took the general direction of these matters, and left everything else to the people under his command.

And he has a more important task. The shadow clone is responsible for training, and the main body is responsible for growing flowers, and raising the delicate flowers of Yukimi, Kana, and Tsunami to become even more beautiful.

Among the girls, only Tsunami is willing to be an ordinary person.

She was relieved that Inari was placed in the ninja school and has been helping Naruto take care of the manor where he lives.

Yukimi, Kana, Kaoru and Ryuuga all trained with Naruto’s shadow clones and were also responsible for the teaching of ninja students.

Ryuuga may have been persuaded by Kana, or he may have known that there was no hope of returning to Kusanagi, so he stayed as if resigned to his fate.

But for the time being, she wasn’t willing to be Naruto’s woman, and Naruto didn’t force her. It would be a matter of time anyway.

Nothing major happened in the next few days. After coming out of the hospital, Naruto moved to Xiyan’s house.

Adjacent to Yuhihong, the house style is the same and the balconies are connected together.

During the day, Naruto still trained with Yugao in Taijutsu, and his strength gradually reached the level of an elite chuunin.

Unfortunately, at night, Xiyan refused to sleep with him no matter what. The two of them lived in separate rooms.

There was no other way, Naruto could only hold back his tears and leave behind a wind escape clone, and go to the Land of Waves to grow flowers.

Finally, after the graduation assessment, it was time to meet with the instructor jounin in different classes.

That Mr. Mizuki?

I heard that he went to the Sandaime’s house to steal the Sealed Book, but was captured on the spot and sent to Konoha Prison.

Most people in the classroom were full of excitement, looking forward to the life of performing missions after becoming ninjas.

It’s a pity that they don’t know that there are only 9 people in the entire class who can become official genin.

“Haha, it’s finally time for me to show off my talents. Don’t hold me back, Akamaru!”

Inuzuka Kiba put Chiya on his head, looking full of energy.

Without Naruto being in the limelight in the class, the most ‘majestic’ one now is Kiba.

“Woof, woof woof!”Akamaru shouted twice in agreement.

Naruto just came over, poked Akamaru’s back, and said to his teeth:”I remember that your secret technique is to make Akamaru pee to mark it, right? You always put it on your head like this. Did you wash Akamaru after he peed?”

“……”The corners of Ya’s mouth twitched, and the enthusiasm that had just risen instantly dissipated.

The other students in the class burst out laughing, pointing at Kiba and Akamaru, and some even showed disgusted expressions.

If Naruto hadn’t mentioned it, they really wouldn’t have thought of this.

“Baga Nalutuo! Ya immediately stood up with a slap on the table, grabbed Naruto’s chest and said angrily:”Are you going to fight?””

“Woof woof!”Akamaru stood up from Kiba’s head and grinned at Naruto as well. Naruto shrugged and before he could speak, several murderous auras rushed straight from behind him.

Oh no, they were rushing towards Kiba.

Naru. Even without looking back, one would know that several girls in the class who liked him, including Sakura and Ino, were glaring at Kiba.

Kiba trembled, and after swallowing, he let go of Naruto’s clothes without leaving a trace.

He pretended to be casual and said:”Forget it, today is a big day, I don’t want to bother with you.”

“So, have you washed it?”Naruto asked out of curiosity.

Ya’s expression froze, and he was about to go berserk.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t answer. Anyway, you and I should not be in the same team.”Naruto patted Ya’s shoulder, with sympathy in his eyes, and then turned around to leave.

“I kill you!!”

Ya couldn’t stand such a provocation. He jumped up on the spot and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto smiled and dodged to the side to avoid Ya’s attack.

“Hey, why don’t you make trouble? If you want to fight, go outside!”Immediately some students were dissatisfied and started shouting.

After all, the space in the classroom is too small. As long as they make a little effort, it can easily affect other people.

But Ya would care about this and hummed:”It’s quite fast. Since So, the art of four legs!”

Tooth’s limbs condensed a large amount of chakra, and he crawled on the ground. His nails became longer and pointed, and his fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth.

“Hey, hey, are you kidding!”

As soon as they saw Ya using the family’s secret technique, the surrounding students were frightened and hurriedly hid aside.

“Oh, what a hassle! Shikamaru yawned, formed seals with his hands, and shouted:”Shadow Imitation Technique!””

Shikamaru’s shadow quickly stretched and connected with Kiba’s shadow.

“success!”Shikamaru controlled his teeth at the critical moment.

He didn’t want the classroom to become a mess, and the situation would become even more troublesome.

“Damn it, Shikamaru, don’t stop me, I’m going to teach Naruto a lesson today!”Ya struggled hard.

“Today is our last class at school, and I don’t want to delay the time because of you. Really, you are in too much trouble. Shikamaru complained listlessly.

His teeth struggled to no avail, but he didn’t give up so easily. He shouted:”Akamaru, it’s up to you!””


Akamaru understood, jumped up from Ya’s head, and gave Naruto a fierce bite

“Damn it, are you serious!”Naruto was really startled, and he pulled up the table in front of him as a shield.

Naruto blocked it, but others were affected, and the scene immediately became a mess.


A timid little figure was squeezed by several people and fell over in the direction of Naruto in panic.

Naruto reached out and picked her up into his arms.

But because the other party was a bit too strong, she collided with Naruto.

The two of them fell to the ground together, and their mouths also touched each other.

Although it hurt a little, Naruto still used his tongue to enjoy it. Well

, it’s sweet!

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