Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!

Chapter 113: Song Wu worry, who is Dong Xuan?

"You..." She looked at Gu Yu strangely. He kept her and grabbed her hand.

"Do you want to drink water?" Gu Yu let go of her hand, the low tone was a bit stiff.

Hey, he always doesn't know how to care for people. Now, for the first time, take care of a woman, some are uncomfortable.

"Yes." She sat up and wanted to drink water. She just coughed and her throat was uncomfortable.

"I will pour you." Gu Yu looked at her, not forgetting domineering: "You are lying, not allowed to move!"

"Oh..." Song Wushou was very obedient.

Gu Yu was satisfied with getting up and went to pour her water.

Looking at his figure, Song has no worries.

Is this a dream?

Gu Yu is taking care of her? Pour water for her to drink?

"Xu Jing?" she asked.

"In our villa."


Gu Yu came back with water and looked at her and said, "This is the nearest hospital to the pasture. You are injured, I didn't tell Grandpa."

"Oh..." Song worried hard to sit up.

"Let you not move!" Gu Yu saw her sit up, strode over, put the cup in one hand, and held her body in one hand, screaming at her.

"I just want to drink water."

"There is a straw!"

"I have pain all over my body." Song frowned.

"Can you not hurt? The sculptures of the pastoral have been smashed by you." Gu Yu cold.

"..." Song worries and blinks, isn't her bones gorgeous? Is she so heavy?

Gu Yu put the straw in the hand and handed the water to her mouth, "drink."

Song Wushou raised his hand and wanted to take the cup.

Gu Yu moved and avoided her hand.

Song has no worries, he looks at him doubtfully, and does not let her take it. How does she drink?

Gu Yu black eyes looked at her and looked overbearing. "I take, you drink."

The tone is unstoppable, and Song’s worry-free heart bursts out, "Do you want to feed me?"

Gu Yu’s ear is red, and she is yelling at her. “Can’t you?”

Song smiled weakly. "Gu Shao, is this like me?"

However, why is her heart so heavy?

"Isn't it thirsty? What do you do with nonsense?" Gu Yu’s deep shackles went through a sigh of relief.

"You are playing face." Song Wu worry looked at him and smiled.

Gu Yu does not understand, "Whose face?"

"Play your own face."

"..." Dead woman, "Quickly drink!"

Song Wu worry is not wrong, because she really has a dry mouth.

She has a straw and **** in a sip of water.

Look at Gu Yu, but look at it elsewhere.

Gu Yan fixedly looked at her and stared at her little face.

"Song has no worries, I have to ask, do you tell me the truth?"

Song has no worries, and his cockroaches are full of doubts. "What happened?"

"Who is Dongfang Xuan?"

Song was worried, and his heart was shocked.

"Cough... cough..."

Ah, the throat is sore and the cough is hot.

Gu Yu’s posture was straight from there, and she squinted at her.

After she coughed up, he said: "If you slow down, let me know, who is Dongfang Xuan."

Song Wuyi bowed his head and frowned. How did he know?

Is she talking in her sleep?

Song Wuzhe couldn’t remember it. Before she was in a coma, she said something in front of him that she should not say.

"Online games..." Song Wushen's aura flashed, and when he was carrying it, his eyes were crystal clear, not like lying.

Oriental Xuan, he is the world.

That world... Song Yumei was mistaken for online games, and she had to let Gu Yu think that it was an online game.

"Online games?" Gu Yu coldly slaps his lips, when he is a fool?

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