evil system

Chapter 061

A certain sea area in the East China Sea——

“Ah-” A scream broke the morning silence.

Waking up by the screams in his ears, Vic scratched his hair, turned around and pulled on the covers, and continued to sleep sullenly.

Keya sat up, tightly covered the pajamas on her body, looked at Vic lying on the other side of the bed, the whole person was collapsed, a fair and delicate pretty face, instantly turned red, “What’s going on?!” Why, why are you in my bed again?! ”

“Aha、、、、” Vic opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Keya, who was sitting at the end of the bed clutching her clothes tightly, her face was full of shame, and raised her hand to say hello, “Morning, Keya!” ”

“、、、、 Vic、、、、 why are you in my bed again today?!” Koya looked at Vic with shame and indignation, and asked in a low voice, her face dyed with a thin layer of red, looking very beautiful.

“You said this、、、、” Vic sat up, the quilt slipped off, revealing his toned upper body, so ashamed that Koya immediately turned her head and did not dare to look again.

“Last night I came back from drinking with Hawkins and they were confused, maybe I went to the wrong room again!” Vic patted his forehead, without the slightest apology on his face, “Hehe, it seems that I will drink less alcohol in the future!” ”

“You、、、、 you 、、、、、” Keya looked at Vic who did not have a little shame on his face, and suddenly felt a little angry, his small face bulged, and he looked at Vic angrily, “The point is not this!” It’s not the first time this has happened, at least find a different reason, you are such a bummer、、、、、”


Vic pulled Keya back to the bed, turned over and pressed on the girl, his eyes and the girl looked at each other, Keya’s original words were suddenly blocked in his mouth, the whole person froze, gradually his cheeks and ears warmed up, red like a big apple.

“Kaya, I really like you, didn’t we say that we want to be a couple?!” While speaking, Vic lowered his head and approached Keya’s delicate and pretty face, and the warm breath spewed on the girl’s face, and the girl’s face instantly became more rosy.

Vic had a bad smile on his face, his lips came close to Kaya, kissed it gently, and stared affectionately into Kaya’s shy eyes, “Don’t you like me, Kaya?!” ”


Seeing that Keya was almost fainting, Vic slowly got up and let go of the girl, can’t be too urgent, it’s not good to scare the other party, Vic who has memories of his past life, definitely has a lot of theoretical experience.

“Get up, Kaya, I’m waiting for you in the restaurant!” Vic smiled at Keya, and then walked out of the girl’s bedroom, as for what to drink too much and go to the wrong room, it will deceive this simple girl, but it seems that the number of times, the girl is not easy to deceive!

It wasn’t until Vic left that Koya opened her eyes and touched her hot cheeks, except for shyness, she was not very angry.

Waking up the other morning to spending three days on the ship now, Koya has come to terms with being part of the Free Pirates and the girlfriend of Captain Stile-Wick.

Although he feels very shy, but since he grew up on Sirob Island, because of his frailty and sickness, he has basically not had much contact with the outside world, and the opposite sex of the same age only knows a Usopp Koya, and in the face of a handsome, powerful, sometimes gentle and sometimes domineering twenty-year-old boy like Vic, the girl inevitably likes Vic.

For the matter of being forcibly pulled on the boat by Vic, Keya also gradually looked away, rather than staying on the small Sirob Island all his life sick, Keya is more willing to wander around the sea with his partners, see the beautiful scenery around the world, and see this beautiful and wonderful world, isn’t it also very good!

After freshening up, Keya came to the restaurant, and everyone was already there.

“Good morning, Koya, would you like some cake?!” Celia was wearing a white chef’s suit and holding delicate small cakes on a tray in her hand, “Today’s is lemon-flavored!” ”

“Thank you, Celia, give me one!” Koya smiled and thanked Celia, then walked to her seat and sat down, looking up at Hawkins, who was sitting diagonally opposite, “Good morning, Mr. Hawkins!” ”

Hawkins held the cup in his hand, heard Kaya’s greeting, and nodded indifferently, “Welcome to the Free Pirates, Kaya, I’m busy with other things these days, but I didn’t get to know each other well, I’m really sorry!” ”

“It’s okay, speaking of which, on the day we were on Sirobu Island, we also met!” Koya smiled softly and shook her head.

“Kaya, don’t care about Hawkins’ coldness, this guy has always been like this, wait until you get along for a long time, you will know!” Vic winked at Koya and said with a smile.

Looking at Vic’s small action of blinking, Keya couldn’t help but think of the scene in the morning, and her delicate white face turned red again.


Celia put the plate containing the lemon cake in front of Vic and said speechlessly, “Vic, don’t you tease Koya anymore, didn’t you see that Koya’s face was red?!” ”

“Don’t say if the children don’t understand-” Vic picked up the small cake, swallowed it, and rolled his eyes at Celia.

“I’m not small! I’m almost 15 years old this year! Celia grimaced at Vic and said very arrogantly.

Since Celia ate the fruit of lethargy and her strength has been greatly improved, the whole person’s personality has begun to change, no longer the little girl who commanded crying and crying before, but has become more cheerful, and even sometimes argues with Vic.

Let Vic can’t help but sigh, it’s better to be the obedient and well-behaved little girl from before!

Keya ate the lemon cake made by Celia herself, watching Vic and Celia bickering, feeling very warm, and her mood became very good, and she recognized her pirate identity more.

“Ding – forcibly recruit Koya successfully, act generally evil, reward gas bomb *1, evil point +100!”

“Gas bomb – the person who was shot fell into a state of poisoning, and his physical strength, speed, and spirit decreased significantly, lasting 24 hours!”

“Oh, is there a reward for this too?!” Vic, who was eating breakfast, looked at the system prompt that suddenly appeared in his mind, and couldn’t help blinking, and secretly said in his heart.

Host: Stile-Vick

Evil Point: 200

Devil Fruit: Phantom Beast System – Mudu Fruit (Primary Development)

Domineering: Domineering (Elementary)


Special items – Thief’s Hand*1, Gas Bomb*1

Ordinary items – Yanbei *1

In the inventory, in addition to the takoyaki, water meat and gorgeous feathers that were taken out by Vic two days ago, they were all given to Celia Koya, and now there is another gas bomb.

Looking at the introduction of the system about gas bombs, Vic couldn’t help but be surprised, this gas bomb is really a good thing!

Having seen the power of ‘Skyfall Meteorites’, Vic is full of anticipation for the special items rewarded by the system.

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