evil system

Chapter 087

“Shoot—” The knife in Dusty’s hand swung downward, and the surrounding navies immediately shot at Bartolomeo.


The dense bullets rained towards Bartolomeo, causing Bartolomeo to shout, jumping to dodge left and right, and finally had to support the barrier in front of him, “Protective barrier-”


A green transparent barrier unfolded in front of Bartolomeo, and with a bang, the bullet was blocked.

“Rush, take him-” Dusty drew his saber and led the way towards Bartolomeo.

“Damn, if you want to catch me Uncle Bartolomeo, you can try it-” Bartolomeo snapped his nostrils angrily, shouting angrily, and both fists were wrapped in barriers, forming a pair of larger spherical fists, “Try Uncle Ben’s barrier fists!” ”

‘Bang bang-‘



The navy’s knife slashed at Bartolomeo’s barrier fist, unable to break through the barrier defense at all, and one by one the navy was screamed and beaten away by Bartolomeo.

“Don’t worry, since you were invited to the ship, you won’t be arrested by the navy just like that-” Vic chuckled, his momentum suddenly burst out, and a pair of fists faintly wrapped around a jet black energy, “Come and try my fists, Smogg-”


The stone floor under Vic’s feet was smashed, and Vic’s whole person rushed towards Smog like a cannonball.

“This guy、、、、 momentum has become different!” Feeling the powerful momentum emanating from Vic’s body, the relaxed color in Smogg’s eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by a solemn color, but thinking that his natural ability was not afraid of any physical attack, Smogg’s face once again regained his composure, his eyes looked at Vic who rushed towards him, and said firmly, “It’s useless, didn’t I say that?” Any physical attack is nothing to me—”



“Cough-” Before Smogg finished speaking, the left half of his face was suddenly punched by Vic with all his strength, only to feel a black in front of his eyes, a tingling pain in his head, a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his throat, and the whole person was smashed out.



Smog flew upside down and smashed into a wall on the opposite street, and the entire wall was knocked out of a big hole by Smogg, and the broken bricks and stones splashed everywhere, and a puff of smoke and dust filled the air, stopping everyone around!

“Colonel Smogg—” Dusty shouted worriedly as her eyes widened, knife.

“How come—”

“Did he 、、、、 he actually hit Colonel Smogg?!”

“- What the hell is going on here?!

“Hey, just kidding, Colonel Smogg is a natural fruit ability, physical attacks should be ineffective、、、、

The Navy soldiers were dumbfounded one by one, feeling that the three views were subverted, didn’t it mean that a good physical attack was ineffective?!

“What’s going on 、、、 here?! It actually hit-” Bartolomeo also looked stunned.

“Mu Dun – Mu no Snare!” Vic pressed his hands on the ground, and suddenly a large number of branches came out of the ground, like a long wooden snake, ‘Om’ rushed into the smoke-filled ruins of the broken wall and suddenly hit hard, and Smogg, who had not yet reacted, was firmly entangled.


Densely wrapped in branches, Smogg, with a bruised left half of his face and blood stains on the corners of his mouth, was dragged out from under the shattered masonry.

“Colonel Smogg, are you all right-” Dusty shouted worriedly, holding the knife in both hands and running quickly towards Smogg, looking at the branches wrapped around Smogg, and the knife in his hand swung repeatedly, cutting off many branches.

“This is my battle with Smogg, it can’t be destroyed, even if it’s a woman-” Seeing Dusty rushing over, Vic moved his fingers, and suddenly dozens of branches were drilled out, and ‘whoosh’ shot towards Dusty.

“Ah-” Dusty panicked, and was immediately entangled in more than ten branches, and constantly wrapped upward, his arm was firmly fixed, and the knife in his hand also fell to the ground.

“Ahh, let go of me, let go of me-” Dusty struggled in horror and shouted in her mouth.

“It’s not good, Ensign Dusty has been caught-”

“Quick, hurry, rescue Colonel Smogg and Second Lieutenant Dustie-”

Seeing that Smog and Dusty were both bound by Vic’s branches, the naval soldiers suddenly panicked, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Vic.

“Your opponent is me-” Bartolomeo saw Vic burst into power, immediately swept away the previous despair, shouted excitedly, waved his hands towards the rushing naval soldiers, and suddenly a long barrier suddenly stopped in front of the naval soldiers, “All for me to go back!” ”


The long barrier swept out, and suddenly there was a ‘bang’, and the navy was swept out by Bartolomeo’s barrier, and the surrounding interface fell down.

“Cough、、、 cough cough、、、、、” Before carelessness, was hit hard by Vic’s punch, Smog finally gradually recovered, his eyes looked at Vic, his eyes could not hide the horror, “Do you 、、、 you bastard just wrapped domineering around his fist?!” ”

“- Domineering?!” 530 Dusty heard Smogg’s words, and immediately looked at Vic with a shocked face, and couldn’t believe that a newly rising pirate, who didn’t even enter the Great Voyage, actually mastered the domineering!

“Do you say this、、、、” Vic raised his right fist, a burst of black energy gradually wrapped his fist, and soon, Vic’s entire right fist turned black with a metallic luster, “It’s really unfortunate that the armed color is domineering、、、 I just grasp this power that can restrain nature!” Huh、、、、”

“Unexpectedly、、、、 he really mastered the armed color domineering!” Seeing Vic show domineering with his own eyes, Smogg’s face suddenly became extremely gloomy, “It seems that the naval headquarters still underestimated your potential, and actually mastered the domineering power that only admirals can do in a short time, this terrible growth rate, if you are allowed to enter the great voyage like this, I am afraid that a terrible pirate force will soon appear again on this sea、、、、”


Smog said as he began to smoke fiercely on his body, “You must not be allowed to enter the Great Voyage just like this and bet on the name of naval justice、、、、、

Gradually, Smogg’s smoke elementalization directly freed himself from Vic’s branches, holding ten hands in his hands, and staring firmly at Vic. _

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