My heart seemed to be held by a pair of invisible and mysterious hands, and my soul was trembling wildly. It was so painful, sad and sad...

How long have they been away from God's Realm? I really want to go back and miss the old days.

When will this hopeless wandering and searching end?

Your Majesty the God Emperor, do you still remember them, or have you forgotten about them because you are paying attention to other geniuses?

The trump card they played could only restrain A-Nian's thunder and lightning power.

And this kind of influence that Ah Nian doesn't like cannot be sealed by these things, because Ah Nian himself can't control it.

The negative emotions that had been suppressed for thousands of years by relying on willpower and belief erupted like a wave at this moment.

They couldn't breathe at all and had no time to think, so they slowed down their attack on Mu Qianxi.

This naturally bought Mu Qianxi a lot of time, and Chaos Realm always exuded goodwill towards her.

She needs the power of time, so give it all to her.

The next moment, light green light bloomed in the sky.

"Time reversal!"

"Time stops!"

"A-Nian, it's our turn to harvest next! This time, these gods will be completely eliminated without leaving a single one behind."

Mu Qianxi's bright eyes were filled with cold anger. Whether it was the actions of the gods, heaven, etc., or everything that happened to A Ting and A Nian, it really made her very angry.

Then, let’s collect some interest from these gods first!

"Boom——" Swallowed by negative emotions, they had no room to fight back.

Mu Qianxi is responsible for stabilizing the frozen time, and A Nian is responsible for destroying it forcefully.

The entire space was distorted in the thunderstorm. In an instant, the Gods still survived, but there were not many left, and they no longer posed any threat to them.

When the thunder stopped and time flowed, the few surviving protoss now had more negative emotions and became more desperate.

"We lost!"

"The mission entrusted to us by His Majesty cannot be completed."

"Who are you?" They stared at Mu Qianxi fiercely.

"Well! If you can meet in the world of death after His Majesty the God Emperor is killed, he might tell you who I am." Mu Qianxi said coldly.

The murderous intent and such arrogant and bold thoughts in her dark eyes horrified the gods.

For a moment, it felt like there was sand in his throat, and he was speechless.

Her ideas are crazy and bold! It can never be done.

"Are you all the gods hiding in the Chaos Realm? Hurry up and end it quickly. I'll be annoyed when I see you." Mu Qianxi's face was full of impatience and murderous intent.

And when they were stared at by those silver-gray eyes, their scalps felt numb.

The Eternal Chain is definitely the most low-key among the eternal artifacts. They never thought that in addition to the destructive power of lightning, he also has the terrifying ability to control emotions.

The end, the end quickly, is indeed a relief for them who are in great pain, and they can't wait.

"We are probably the only gods participating in the Nine Realm Competition. But... we have no way of knowing whether there are any gods left here before the Chaos Realm is sealed." "The wisdom and power of His Majesty the God Emperor are , you haven’t spied anything at all. Our God Clan has not been defeated, and our God Emperor will definitely get what he wants to get. At the mere God King level, no matter how talented you are, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

To change the will of His Majesty the God Emperor..."

"Okay! You can disappear." Facing these guys who kept praising the God Emperor, Mu Qianxi stopped coldly.

What is the God Emperor planning? As chess pieces and puppets, they can't even spy on them!

A lot of nonsense but no useful information.

After their bodies were annihilated and faced a powerful enemy, the world returned to peace once again.

Although he won, Mu Qianxi was seriously injured and could no longer stand even if his strength was exhausted.

Mu Qingchen quickly supported his sister, and Qi Mocha muttered, "What they said before were just to scare people, right? It's okay to prepare so many people to cause trouble in this Nine Regions Competition, there are still people hiding in many previous competitions.

"If people are prepared before the Chaos Realm is opened, then... the God Emperor is too terrifying, and there will be no end!"

Mu Qianxi nodded slightly, "The God Emperor is such a terrible guy! We must recover quickly. I feel that things are far from that simple."

"Well! You guessed it right, so you must leave the Chaos Realm with A-Ding's name as soon as possible."

A moving and very melancholy voice came from the silver bracelet on Mu Qianxi's wrist.

Qi Mocha was stunned, "Who is talking?"

Silver light bloomed, and a perfect and soul-stirring handsome man appeared in front of them.

" are..."

Surprised, Qi Mocha and Mu Qingchen looked at him and the pitiful little one. He was alone.

The little poor boy looked at him in astonishment when he grew up, "It turns out that I can grow up well! I can't believe it."

Ah Nian walked towards him step by step and said, "Yes! I have grown up unexpectedly, thanks to a group of reliable and strong partners."

He knelt down and hugged the young boy.

He said softly: "We have obtained these, are we satisfied? Then, it is time for our friends to end the punishment."

He stretched out his hand to take off the jade plaque around his neck.

Mu Qianxi's heart skipped a beat, "A-Nian, what are you going to do?"

Mu Qianxi was frozen there, the bracelet on her wrist erupted with silver light, trapping her. She could only watch A Nian take off the jade token.

The jade plaque was removed, and young Anian also disappeared in his arms.

A Nian looked at the jade plaque with a blurred name in his hand, and lightning turned into a pen and fell on his right hand.

He gathered all his soul power and wrote one word stroke by stroke, which was the word 'stop'.

The surrounding space vibrated, and the air was filled with powerful thunder and lightning that seemed to travel through time and space, spreading throughout all time in the Chaos Realm.

The natives of the Chaos Realm saw such a strange celestial phenomenon for the first time, as if something earth-shaking was about to happen.

The next moment, a light green light burst out from the vast thunder and lightning, and a young man who looked like an elf descended.

He stared at the silver figure and shouted coldly: "A-Nian, what are you doing? Stop!"

Ah Nian quickly put down the last stroke and looked at Ah Ting. Even though he didn't have much expression, he was in a very good mood. A Nian said unhurriedly: "Let Qian Xi take your name out, hand it to you, and fuse it, you will be complete, and your power will be restored soon. The only thing that will be destroyed is the Chaos Realm, right?" You won't have any impact. As long as your strength is restored, creating another Chaos Domain is not a problem!"

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