Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 4606 Choose who to sacrifice

The God Emperor is indeed the number one person in the God Realm. Compared with him, all the gods he has encountered before are as different as a grain of rice and a sun.

Ah Ting and Ah Nian joined forces, but were still at a disadvantage.

Ah Nian's eyes darkened, he had another way.

The silver-gray eyes met the silver-purple eyes of the God Emperor. There was no wave in his eyes, not even a soul.

The God Emperor does not have any bad mood swings at all, and will not be affected by negative emotions.

There was only one obsession in his heart.

The obsession was so strong that A Nian's mind was strongly shaken.

He wants to be the absolute strongest being, no matter before, now, or in the future, he will never allow anyone to be stronger than him.

This obsession alone will never change no matter what the price is paid or what the sacrifices are made.

This is really a terrifying opponent, a powerful enemy that even their eternal artifact has to be afraid of.

"Bang, bang, bang—" The God Emperor's attacks became stronger and stronger, and he blocked all attacks from A Ting and A Nian.

Immediately afterwards, his attack shattered A Ting and A Nian's defenses.

The two figures were blown away, looking very embarrassed.

The power of the God Emperor is too tyrannical. If A Ting and A Nian were in their heyday, they would not be like this.

But he chose a place and a time that made him completely invincible.

Ah Ting gritted his teeth and said, "This is the realm of chaos. It doesn't matter that you are the Supreme Being of the Gods. You have to see if the power of time here will respond if you act wild here."

After all the time in the Chaos Realm was enveloped by thunder and lightning and the blood of the gods traveled through all time, the power of time in the entire Chaos Realm also rioted because of the wrath of the Lord.

You can't lose, even if you put all your efforts into it, you can't lose to this guy.

"Qian Xi, Ah Ting still has some power available," Ah Nian said.

The God Emperor is the strongest enemy he has ever encountered.

The power of time in the Chaos Realm is obviously not enough to control him.

What if we add part of the power that Azai originally had in the Chaos Realm!


Mu Qianxi felt the power of time of the jade tablet and communicated with it.

Just like the tacit understanding and bond between her and Ah Ting, she can still achieve this even without a contract.

The majestic power of time burst out from the jade tablet in Mu Qianxi's hand, merging with the power of time mobilized by A Ting.

Two voices sounded at the same time, one clear and firm, the other clear and proud.

"Time stops!"

"Time stops!"

No matter how powerful the God Emperor was, everything came to a standstill under the vast power of time.

The bracelet on Mu Qianxi's wrist automatically fell off, and a cold light flashed in A Nian's eyes.

Ah Ting and Qian Xi paused the enemy's time, so it's up to him to kill the enemy!

A small bracelet turned into a huge chain that could tear the world apart.

Erupting with suffocating power, even gods can still imprison and destroy.

The God Emperor who stopped time still had a faint smile on his face.

It seemed that the crisis before him was still not worth mentioning to him.

"Pfft..." The silver chains strangled towards the God Emperor, trapping him tightly.

Countless chains penetrated the perfect body of the God Emperor, including his heart, head, and limbs.

The blood dyed the silver chains red, and the body that the God Emperor had deliberately built with the blood and souls of the gods collapsed and turned into a blood mist.

Mu Qianxi said in a deep voice: "Is it solved?"

Ah Ting's face looked a little bad, and his body looked a little transparent.

He walked up to Mu Qianxi and stretched out his hand: "Give me the jade token. You and A-Nian will leave immediately. This time, if you go too far, I will fall asleep in the entire Chaos Realm."

A Nian instantly appeared next to A Ting, grabbed his arm and said: "Sleep, and then carry your name with you to destruction in your sleep?

"Then let yourself have no name, and you will never be complete. In any case, you will not be able to have the peak strength. As the absolute master of time, you will be proud of the world." "Lost your name and lost your power. As the supreme master of time, I will always be able to do it in the future." I want to find a way to make up for it. But I lost my companion and I can’t find it in the future. I will be very annoyed and get out of the way!” Ah Ting waved his hand, trying to make Ah Nian

Slap away.

Ah Nian refused to give in, "No!"

"In my realm of chaos, listen to me." A Ting was also very tough. Mu Qianxi asked: "So, why exactly? Something will happen if A-Ting's power is not complete. I also know that the bad situation in the Chaos Realm cannot be changed, and it will definitely end in destruction. But...why did A-Nian happen?

thing? "

"I'm just a fragment. My memory is incomplete and I can do some things by instinct. If I don't know, you can ask him. His memory is complete." Ah Ting glanced at Ah Nian. Ah Nian said: "It's a long story, and it's hard to talk about it for now. You are Shuijingying's natal contractor, and you have a very good relationship with Ah Ting. You and I have known each other for a short time, and we don't have any contractual relationship. I'm still alive. He is alive and should be fine

select? "

Mu Qianxi was on A-Ting's side. She opened A-Nian's hand and said, "A-Nian, I'm very angry when you ask me to choose between two options."

Ah Ting also laughed at Ah Nian coldly, "You think she will listen to you if you don't tell her the reason. You underestimate this stupid woman too much!"

"You have to try! Aren't humans always divided between closeness and distance?" A Nian whispered.

Mu Qianxi felt a headache and said, "Stop arguing. Is there really no way to have both ends?"

At this time, she really wanted to ask Jing Jingying for help.

If it was Crystal Ying, there might be a way to untie this confusing knot.

But when she thought about Jing Jingying's previous decision, she felt that in the end it would just be a choice between three.

"Xi'er, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing, because there is a third option!" The indifferent voice sounded again.

Ah Ting and Ah Nian stopped arguing immediately and looked into the air.

The God Emperor is not completely dead yet, and his soul is still in the Chaos Realm.

At this moment, chains dropped from the sky, countless chains.

And there is a person tied to every few chains, and it is Ah Ting, who was captured by the gods at every point in time.

Even though they are all meeting each other now, perhaps because of the special nature of the chain of heaven, each of them has not merged or disappeared.

Seeing such a scene, Ah Ting was so angry that his eyes were on fire.

As proud as he is, this is the first time he has been so humiliated and angered. The God Emperor turned to look at Ah Ting and said: "The Pavilion of Eternity, the power of time is really useful! It's so powerful that it can destroy my physical body, and at the same time, it can reverse everything that you don't want to happen. You can do it, Then naturally I can

to do it. "

Immediately afterwards, the chains of heaven trembled and merged into one instantly, and A Ting in the air also became one.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Those eyes were not light green, but silvery purple. Looking at him, Mu Qianxi felt her heart beating with fear, "You... you conspired with Tiandao to take over Ah Ting's body."

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