Evolution Awakening Failed? I Can Billion Times Enhancement

Chapter 102 The Posture Of Saint, This Is Unscientific!

"The last one is the self-evolution that the alliance is still exploring until now. When human evolutionists achieved Nirvana, a small number of people saw the own gene, which was very weak, but very few people chose the own gene. Throughout the history of the alliance, According to records, only three people chose their own genes."

"Seldom seen? Three people?" He Tianfan focused his eyes and checked quickly.

"A nameless person, self-evolution awakened the evolution method, achieved Nirvana first-level, there are not many records, one fell when he achieved Nirvana, and one was named Taishang Laojun."

"Taishang Laojun?" He Tianfan stared wide-eyed, feeling unscientific, Taishang Laojun chose own gene?

"According to the research of countless evolutionists, an evolutionist in the alliance once put forward a conjecture, where did the genetic data of the ancestors come from? Is it self-evolution, or the implanted beast gene? No matter what, the future of self-evolution is unknown , Taishang Laojun evolves at every stage, and has long been lost in the torrent of time."

He Tianfan fell silent for a while after watching the selection of species. Which one should he choose? Go back to his ancestors? Or find a way to implant the beast gene? Or, self-evolution?

He doesn't think that he has chosen his own genes, so that he can be more powerful than Taishang Laojun in the future, but he is a little reluctant to choose other species, even if it is a dragon, he wants to be his own.

Evolution is not camouflage and transformation. When transforming into a new life form12, all genes have changed. Nirvana’s detailed explanation clearly states that once other species are selected, only the genes of this species will be left behind, and all human genes will also be left behind. remove.

Thinking of growing hair all over, or covering the whole body with scales, and four limbs turning into four claws, He Tianfan can't accept it. Then how can he be a chef, how can he eat all the beasts with a kitchen knife? Is it right for me to study everything now? To be scrapped?

"I just choose myself." He Tianfan made up his mind, being able to see the genetic data, as well as cooking skills, even if it is his own evolution, He Tianfan is also confident that the evolution will be successful.

Furthermore, self-evolution can also awaken the evolution method. Even if it is not awakened, there is no humanoid evolution method. Taoism and Buddhism have humanoid evolution methods, and they are also sold on the evolution website.

He can't guarantee that other species evolve, and he can awaken. It doesn't matter which one he chooses, as long as it suits his own development.

He Tianfan continued to read, Nirvana detailed explanation, Nirvana ninth-level, every time you break through the first-level, you will awaken some characteristics of the corresponding species, such as monkeys grow hair, dragons grow scales

When the evolution is successful, it will become a new life form.

After reading the detailed explanation of Nirvana, He Tianfan has already decided on the road to Nirvana. While watching the evolution website and eating jerky, the genetic data has reached 99.4%.

The power of evolution continues to introduce cells, watch the evolution website, there are also evolution methods for sale on it, there are also many Martial Skills, what to look at Suifeng Saber Technique, Thirteen Swords Moves, He Tianfan also wants to buy Insight, but these Martial Skills are too expensive.

"In the future, we must sweep away the fierce beasts and exchange everything we want!" He Tianfan thought in his heart, looked at it for a while, turned off his watch, and prepared to rest.

The night passed, He Tianfan got up early, Liu Qingyuan and Qin Wei got up early, and had already finished breakfast.

"Have you accepted any missions?" He Tianfan asked, some missions rewarded merit points, and some rewarded stars.

"Yes, but it's a simple task for you, killing three ferocious beasts at their peak." Liu Qingyuan said.

"It's really simple." He Tianfan nodded, and it was only a matter of ten knives: "By the way, I will find you a few more fierce beasts, with the wild boar king as a meat shield, and there are still a few offensive ones to protect you.

"Is it still called Lu Tian today?" Qin Wei asked: "If you don't call him, then pay to find a ninth-level evolutionary."

"Spend money? Then use Lu Tian, ​​I will inform him." He Tianfan was not happy when he heard that, if it is free, you don't need it, you can hire it for money, how much is the money?

He Tianfan informed Lu Tian, ​​and Lu Tian reluctantly agreed. Although Lin Yang pointed him out, he was still a little unwilling to face He Tianfan.

"Try to help you finish it in two or three days." He Tianfan said.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Qin Wei asked, paused, and said, "If you have something to do, go and do it. We can find Lin Fatty to introduce you."

"I want Nirvana." He Tianfan whispered.

"I really want to wonder if you are really delusional. How long has it been before you want Nirvana? Are you sure you are not thinking too much?" Liu Qingyuan and Qin Wei felt the blow.

"After Nirvana, I will go out to find better ingredients, and I may not be able to take care of you at that time." He Tianfan said in advance, once Nirvana, he will not be able to wander around and go deep.

"Don't worry, I don't need your help when my beast team is formed." Liu Qingyuan said: "You can go wherever you want, Lao Huang will call, and I will help you deal with it."

"Okay." He Tianfan said, he didn't know whether he would awaken the evolution method after achieving Nirvana, whether the path he chose was strong enough, and if not, before he saved enough money to buy the evolution method, he would Still under the name of paranoia, at least there is an umbrella.

If it is strong enough, this paranoia can be removed.

Valley of Beasts, there are many ferocious beasts here, ranging from young to peak.

Lu Tian was very dedicated this time, and he didn't have any intention of playing tricks. He was thinking about how to lure He Tianfan to the Crocodile Dragon Lake, so that the Crocodile Dragon could eat him.

While Lu Tian was thinking, He Tianfan had already killed dozens of ferocious beasts at the growth stage, frowned slightly, and said: "It's really troublesome, just go find the ones at the peak stage."

He is now mainly forming a small team of fierce beasts for Liu Qingyuan. If this kind of large-scale killing of beasts is to be left for later.

"I know the lair, I'll take you there." Lu Tian said hastily.

"Lead the way." He Tianfan put the knife back into its sheath, led Liu Qingyuan and the two of them, and followed Lu Tian.

Not long after, Lu Tian led them to find a beast with barbs on its back and covered in scales. At this moment, the beast was resting on a boulder.

Inexplicably, Lu Tian couldn't help stretching out his hand to He Tianfan's back, He Tianfan turned to look at him: "What are you doing?"

"Move around." Lu Tian explained.

"You don't need to push me, I will go out by myself." He Tianfan curled his lips and rushed out.

The beast was alarmed instantly, jumped up, and rushed towards He Tianfan. The fist wrapped in the power of evolution hammered down directly, and the fist hit the head of the beast. The beast in midair fell directly, smashing a hole on the ground. Potholes come.

Lu Tian: "You!"

Why do you feel that you are more ferocious than the beast? Can the crocodile dragon really kill He Tianfan? Lu Tian doubts that when the crocodile dragon comes out, he wonders if he can resist He Kaifanqian's fist.

"Train it." He Tianfan dragged the beast to Liu Qingyuan.

Liu Qingyuan hastily exerted her training power, more than ten times in a row, and finally successfully trained the beast. This was when He Tianfan was severely injured. If it was in its heyday, it would probably be difficult to train.

"Next." He Tianfan waved his hand 357 times.

Lu Tian opened his mouth, and finally sighed, He Tianfan is absolutely Nirvana, you are so strong, and you are still wandering around in this low-level place, what do you think? Deliberately lure me into the bait?

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye, and Liu Qingyuan had three more ferocious beasts at the peak stage, plus the poisonous insects around him, unless a group of ninth-level evolutionaries, ferocious beasts at the peak stage, or Nirvana came, otherwise only He Tianfan An evolutionary between ninth-level and Nirvana can kill Liu Qingyuan.

"Okay, now it's all set up for you." He Tianfan said, there are offenses, defenses, and poisons, and then only the method of own gene guidance, and his own Nirvana are left.

"I also know that there is a powerful beast named Crocodile Dragon in Crocodile Dragon Pool, and it is the overlord of mixed blood, stronger than ordinary beasts." Lu Tian said.

"Miscellaneous blood overlord?" He Tianfan hesitated a little, and said: "Tomorrow, let's hunt some ferocious beasts today."

"Okay." Lu Tian nodded.

Liu Qingyuan and Qin Wei naturally had no objections, and gave Lu Tian and He Tianfan blessings to watch them hunt and kill fierce beasts.

"It's a waste of time to find cubs above the maturity stage. I'm going to kill enough merit points today." He Tianfan said.

He wants the method of genetic guidance, and it is best to buy it today. Although 10,000 merit points are a lot, but with his strength, he can kill them quickly, especially in a place like the Valley of Beasts where there are many beasts.

He Tianfan slays ferocious beasts with a knife, and Lu Tian can't be idle, he is also a ninth-level evolutionary, killing mature ferocious beasts is enough.

After killing a few, He Tianfan asked Liu Qingyuan to transport them. There are ferocious beasts, and they can transport several of them together: "Or, you can buy a carriage or something and add it to the ferocious beasts."

"There's not enough money, and it still needs to be built. It's too late for now, let's wait until later." Liu Qingyuan said. .

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