Evolution Awakening Failed? I Can Billion Times Enhancement

Chapter 168 Cultivation Base Promotion, Ten Thousand Times Enhancement!

"I have other pursuits now. He Tianfan glanced at the three angelic evolutionists with anticipation in his eyes. If he can achieve it, all the fierce birds will come to the bowl in the future.

The ferocious beast site, within a valley, is covered by dense forests, guarded by barriers, and inside is a fortress made of unknown materials.

Lin Fatty took out a gold card and led them through the barrier and into the fortress.

"Welcome Mr. Lin, my lord is waiting for you in the living room." A blue ball instrument flew over and made a crisp sound.

"Okay, Xiaolan." Lin Fatty smiled at the ball and said, "Brother Fan, Sister Wei and I go in, Brother Lin, take these three friends to sit outside.

"Okay." Lin Tian nodded, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Three, please come this way."

The three of Kevin nodded and followed Lin Tian to leave. Evolutionary scientists are not seen by ordinary people.

In the living room, a middle-aged man in white was sitting on the sofa, with tea on the coffee table, watching Lin Fatty arrive, he beckoned: "Come."

"Lord Zang." Lin Fatty nodded politely, and sat down on the opposite sofa: "This is evolutionist Zang Xingsheng, and these two are Qin Wei and He Tianfan.

"Hi, you guys." Zang Xingsheng nodded, as if he knew him, looked at He Tianfan, and said bluntly, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"Evolutionary Wings." He Tianfan said: "I want you to help me research, a Martial Skill, with the power of evolution, condense evolutionary wings, so that I can control the sky in Nirvana."

"Evolutionary Wing?" Zang Xingsheng frowned slightly: "It's easy, I can give you an Evolutionary Wing, as long as it is charged, it will not be damaged, and you can fly without any problem.

"What if there is no electricity?" He Tianfan asked back.

"Then it won't be able to fly." Zang Xingsheng shook his head, asking this nonsense?

"I'm basically in the beast territory, but I don't have time to go back and recharge." He Tianfan shook his head and said, "I still want to study flying Martial Skill."

"The Daoist swordsmanship can satisfy you to fly in the sky." Zang Xingsheng said: "For my sake, it's no problem for you to ask for a copy. 17

"Flying the Daoist Imperial Sword is not suitable for high-altitude combat. I have already read it." He Tianfan threw out a book of Imperial Sword Art. I just bought this thing. I won't say the price, otherwise you will lose face.

"Sword Controlling? Brother Fan, you didn't rob the Taoist priests, did you?" Lin Fatty's face turned slightly pale. You've got all the skills of Controlling Swordsmanship?

"I bought it for fifty cents a book." Qin Wei said expressionlessly.

Zang Xingsheng: "Me!"

My face is worth fifty cents?

He Tianfan sighed, I don't want to say, Qin Wei, you talk so fast, Xingsheng is very embarrassing.

Zang Xingsheng picked up Yujianshu and flipped it over, his face turned green, really, the quality is not low, what kind of idiot is this, he sold it for 50 cents?

"Brother Fan, why don't you change your request?" Lin Fatty saw that Zang Xingsheng's face was not good-looking, and thought it might not work out, so he said in a low voice.

"He Tianfan, don't even think about such an impossible thing, just change your request." Qin Wei also said, if this is the case, the angel won't need to grow wings, "Just fly.

"In this world where people can evolve into animals, what is impossible?" He Tianfan said in a deep voice, paused, and then said firmly: "I just want to study the wings of evolution."

Do you know that your words are easy to offend people? In a world where people can evolve into animals, if you say this, you are not afraid of being beaten to death? You have the ability to speak out!

Looking at the three of them in a daze, He Tianfan continued: "I have also done some research on angel evolutionists. This is a feather, and the feather contains not weak evolutionary power. This feather contains the evolutionary power. It must also need Supported by the power of evolution."

"Since that's the case, why can't you remove the feathers and simply use the power of evolution to condense them?"

He Tianfan doesn't believe it. In the previous life stories, there are so many wings condensed, and the power of evolution is changed. Why can't it be done? Besides, there are angel evolutionists who can study it!

"What you said makes sense, and we can study it." Zang Xingsheng calmed down and said lightly: "But it will take a little time, and it is best to have the angel evolution method."

"You don't have the angelic evolution method either?" He Tianfan didn't believe it.

"The ones we got are all basic methods, and the Nirvana-level ones are also high-end ones." Zang Xingsheng said, "I also need to refer to the fencing technique."

"No problem, Angel Evolution Method, I can only guarantee two copies at most, and I don't guarantee whether they are the same." He Tianfan said.

"Okay, I'll start the research right away." Zang Xingsheng nodded, took a sip of his tea, and said in confusion, "I'll ask a question, why do you insist on studying the Wings of Evolution?"

"You accepted Jinpeng eggs, you should also know that I was chased by Jinpeng. As the founder of Kitchen Dao, I was chased by ingredients for several hours. Ingredients!" He Tianfan said in a deep voice.

Zang Xingsheng: "This!"

Are you crazy about being a cook? Want to create a Martial Skill, just to catch the food in the sky? When you encounter food in water after your relationship, you still need to complete a Martial Skill in water?

Qin Wei and Lin Fatty fell silent, He Tianfan has been crazy for a long time, he has been crazy since cooking from the very beginning!

"By the way, it's best to ask your friend, an angel evolutionist, to let me study the structure, and you, after all, to study the Martial Skill for you, it depends on your genes." Zang Xingsheng said

"You don't want my genetic data?" He Tianfan's complexion changed slightly: "Generally, I should be able to practice."

"He Tianfan, we don't know what evolution line you are, can you tell me?" Qin Wei also looked at He Tianfan, He Tianfan has always kept this matter a secret and never said it.

"I'll tell you about it later." He Tianfan smiled and looked at Zang Xingsheng: "I will study with you, but you have to make sure that my evolutionary route will not be revealed.

"No problem." Zang Xingsheng nodded, he still had some professional ethics.

He Tianfan remained silent, introduced the power of evolution into the cells, tempered the cells, and restrained his aura, as if dormant, hoping to hide it this time.

Self-evolution, in the alliance, can't be found at all, let alone a self-evolutionary of his level, if this is discovered, the only way to be a guinea pig?

"Then let's start researching now." Zang Xingsheng got up and said.

"Okay, Qin Wei, you take them to train as usual, and by the way, ask for the Angel Evolution Method, just say that Master Zang and I are going to work together to perfect the Xinhuan Fragment, and then let them practice." He Tianfan said.

Qin Wei nodded, and left with Lin Fatty.

As Zang Xingsheng left the living room, he walked through the long corridor and entered a secret room with various instruments inside.

"." You check the genetic data first. "Zang Xingsheng said.

"Okay." He Tianfan nodded, pressed the instrument with his hand, and signed the calendar of evolution.

"Nirvana, genetic data: 46%, fifth-level evolutionary." The instrument issued a cold electronic sound.

"Fifth-level? Shouldn't it be fourth-level, I remember when it was ninth-level."

"You don't even know this?" Zang Xingsheng was stunned: "Under Nirvana, there are ninth-level evolutionists, and there is also an ordinary person. It starts to transform when it reaches 10%, and it is the peak when it reaches 90%, so each point is used as the divided by first-level."

"Nirvana is different. Stepping into Nirvana, genetics is already another level, so counting from zero percent, exceeding 10% is the second-level."

"Well, I don't study much." He Tianfan pouted, he didn't bother to care about anything other than cooking, and he didn't care about these divisions.

"Okay, you are lying here now, and I will study your body structure." Zang Xingsheng pointed to an instrument and told him to lie down and throw it away.

He Tianfan lay down, and a virtual panel appeared next to him, showing his internal structure. Zang Xingsheng frowned: "Which way are you going? Buddha, Tao? That's not right, your genes suddenly fell into silence."

"Cough, study the structure." He Tianfan coughed lightly and said.

"Okay." Zang Xingsheng didn't hesitate, and recorded the internal structure of He Kaifan, uncle.

"You have recorded many evolutionist structures here?" He Tianfan asked curiously.

"Of course, in my database, there are not only evolutionaries, but also beasts." Zang Xingsheng said, paused, and then said: "However, yours is the most special, I will study your genetic characteristics later, see It depends on which way you go."

"Can you let me look at your database and only look at the species structure." He Tianfan said.

"When I start researching, take your time." Zang Xingsheng said.

After drawing some blood from He Tianfan, Zang Xingsheng opened the database and asked He Tianfan to read it slowly.

He Tianfan's eyes were fixed on the database, which recorded the structures of various ferocious beasts, as well as the structures of various evolutionaries. The Eye of Mystery quickly recorded these structures, and the imprint came from a slight heat. .

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