"Join?" The four monks looked at each other, hesitant.

"Four juniors, my purpose is to let you know more about the evil sect. I hope you can cooperate. It is best to ask about the evil sect's untaught methods in one fell swoop, so that my Buddhist sect can learn more about the evil sect." He Tianfan again road.

"Senior brother really took great pains, we understand." The monks suddenly said, "Senior brother, don't your Buddhist methods conflict with the evil sect's methods?"

"It can be suppressed for the time being. I will complete the task before the conflict breaks out." He Tianfan said, paused, and then said: "If the four juniors can help me wholeheartedly, I will not "eight four seven" against the evil faction. If you know more about the secret of Chuan, you may be able to persist longer.

"Brother, don't worry, we will definitely assist with all our strength." The four of them trembled and promised quickly.

"Okay, it's not peaceful recently, I'll go to see the Daomen again, this is the token of the sect that I organized temporarily, you go along this route, I have arrangements in the depths." He Tianfan took out four wooden cards and the prepared map to them.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work." The four monks took the wooden sign and were about to leave when they suddenly asked: "Dare to ask, brother, the evolution method you practice, but the Avalokitesvara Heart Sutra, and Vajra are not bad?"

"Exactly, I have a special status. I hope you don't expose it, and don't tell me about it." He Tianfan nodded.

"Junior brother understands, let me take my leave." The four monks performed a Buddha ceremony, got up and left.

He Tianfan went to the Taoist gate again, and the Taoist gate was also masked and released.

The same attack, but this time it was the pure Chunyang Sword Qi who wounded Shi Ling and saved five people from the Taoist sect.

"I am an undercover agent placed by the Taoist sect in the evil sect.

The five Taoists: "Me!"

You robbed us twice, but you told us that you are an undercover agent sent by my Taoist sect?

They fooled the people from the Daoist sect, and then went to fool the people from the alliance. The people from the alliance don't have to pretend to be undercover, just take them there and protect them. After all, this place is very dangerous.

"Actually, I'm an undercover agent of the three sects!" He Tianfan added in his heart. , he can change bodies in an instant, as long as he hides a body at that time, within two kilometers, he can change his body and run.

It is more powerful than the legendary Nascent Soul in the previous life, and there is no need to take it away from others.

Twenty-six contestants, all gathered, Rui Yuanyi and his two brothers had already arranged a place for them to stay.

"Let me introduce to you, these three are the protectors of our sect, and they are all spiritual evolutionists." He Tianfan said with a smile.

Shady, big shady!

A group of people were smiling, and they were furious in their hearts. They are Shi Ling, so it’s fine to come here to bully us juniors, and they arranged three Shi Lings here.

However, Fo Daoxie didn't say anything, they all thought He Tianfan was their own, and the Daoist sect didn't want to sue anymore, since he was an undercover agent sent by his sect, what's the matter? We should do our best to help He Tianfan become the number one.

"I've seen three Dharma protectors." Fodaoxie was very obedient, and spoke first, and the rest quickly followed suit.

The three of Rui Yuanyi were stunned. Buddhism, Taoism and evil gathered together? Why are they so obedient? Although they played villains, they didn't see what happened later.

He Tianfan, who is also a Buddhist and Daoist, was not killed, but was assisted wholeheartedly by the disciples of the three sects. Could it be that the three sects are going to join forces to make trouble? This is unprecedented..

The people in the alliance were also stunned, thinking in their hearts that this was a conspiracy by Buddhism and Taoism!

"Now that everyone is gathered together, our sect has begun to take shape. The master of this sect will teach you the law and show you the way of evolution." He Tianfan said in a deep voice.

"Thank you sect master." Everyone was overjoyed, especially Pang Chen and Sun Yuan, who were so excited.

"Follow the sect master." He Tianfan led them out of the cave, found a few boulders and flattened them, asked them to sit cross-legged, and began to give lectures, including the three of Rui Yuanyi.

A group of people were too excited, but seeing his movements, they gradually became fascinated. Is this going back to school for class? You just gave us the law of evolution, what kind of lecture, only some basic knowledge, who of us don’t understand?

He Tianfan engraved two words: "Do you know? Tell the head of this sect what these two words read."

Are you sure you're not kidding us?

A group of people were sluggish, and Buddha Daoxie was also stunned, and quickly said in cooperation: "Self."

"Self." 4.8 The rest followed suit.

"Yes, self." He Tianfan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Whether it's Buddhism, Taoism, or other evolutionaries, what are you pursuing? When you evolve new life forms, are you still human beings, or your original self?"

A group of people were silent, He Tianfan's question was very sharp, but, does this have anything to do with teaching the Fa?

"Whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, or you, the way of evolution is basically close to the ancestors, and there are few new evolutions. After all, there is nothing to learn from." He Tianfan said: "If you can be on the way of evolution, you must be sure that you are still a person, not a beast , then, you still have a little ego."

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