Evolution Awakening Failed? I Can Billion Times Enhancement

Chapter 92 It's Over, The Idol Has Collapsed!

Liu Ming: "You!"

Do you still remember this thing now? Why do you remember such a small thing so clearly?

"Advisor Liu Ming?" Liu Qingyuan looked at Liu Ming, and then thought: "My evolution method is also yours? You were at He Tianfan's house at that time?"

"The situation was quite special at that time. It was not intentional to kill your fierce beast cub." Liu Ming explained.

"No need to explain, I understand." Liu Qingyuan smiled, with a nonchalant expression on his face, and then said with a serious face: "Shall I give you the Jinpan-level evolution method?"

Liu Ming: "Me!"

Am I not your idol? Is that how you treat your idols? Forget about He Tianfan, you won’t give me a way to survive?

On the way back, there were several Nirvana guards, and the journey went back to the base without any surprises or dangers.

"It's too dangerous for you this time. Fortunately, you returned safely." The base staff said.

This time, Qin Wei and the others lost contact, and everyone in the base was really worried about them. Several times they decided that they would never come back.

"There is no danger this time, thanks to the law enforcement team." Qin Wei said, paused, and then said: "There is also He Tianfan."

"He Tianfan? As long as he doesn't hold back." The staff at the base already knew that he was a paranoid patient, and they rolled their eyes upon hearing this.

"It's really thanks to He Tianfan this time. If it wasn't for him, we would have suffered heavy losses." Lin Fatty shook the fat on his body, and said, "You didn't see that scene, a pot of vegetables caused a wave of beasts, scared All the Ness masters have run away."

"One pot of vegetables can cause a wave of animals?" The staff of base 12 were shocked: "What kind of food can cause a wave of animals?"

"As for cooking, I have done some research, and I have also dabbled in medicinal cooking." He Tianfan said modestly.

"Are you a medicine chef?" The base staff was surprised: "Then let's discuss and exchange together?"

"I'm deeply honored." He Tianfan got up quickly, and pulled the base personnel away: "Come on, let's discuss the knowledge of medicinal kitchens, don't let these people in, this is a unique secret recipe


"Naturally." The staff at the base nodded. The medicine kitchen's prescriptions are their foundation, how could it be possible for people to look at them casually?

"I think today's dishes should be prepared by me," He Tianfan said.

"The base is well done." Liu Qingyuan said hastily, what you made, are you letting people eat it?

Unfortunately, He Tianfan and the base staff just laughed and ignored her.

"Let's go and have a look?" Lin Fatty stood up, he really didn't want to eat the dishes made by He Tianfan.

"Go and see." Several people got up quickly, if He Tianfan was cooking normally, they would have nothing to say, but He Tianfan finally likes to do some anti-human operations.

In the kitchen, there are three medicine cooks, He Tianfan looked at the various precision instruments, a little envious: "Do you still need these for cooking?"

"This is an instrument for detecting the data of medicinal materials and beast meat." A medicine cook said, pointing to one of the instruments that is similar to the microwave oven in the previous life, and said: "Any medicinal material can be tested for specific data when put here. "

"This is a cabinet for storing medicinal materials. We each select medicinal materials and make a copy first to see the effect. What do you think?" said a medicine chef.

"No problem, but I don't just do recovery, I usually do improvement." He Tianfan said.

"Elevated ones can do it too." The medicine chef said with a smile: "The medicine kitchen tests the combination of medicinal materials, but the upgraded ones generally have evolutionary medicines, so we don't need them."

"Let's do it first, this time I will make a hand opener for you." He Tianfan said.

After picking out a few herbs, He Tianfan went to cut up a large piece of beast meat at the peak of mixed blood, preparing to make stir-fried beast meat again.

"Use the instrument for cutting meat, put it in, set the thickness, shape and size." The medicine chef pointed to a black instrument with various patterns on it and a few buttons

"This kind of instrument will only corrode the enterprising heart of the chef. An excellent chef should not only be good at cooking, but also have extremely high knife skills." The man peeped and passed the meat over: "I don't need it, cut it for me."

What about your enterprising spirit?

The medicine chef was stunned for a moment, took the beast meat, and put it in. I was almost ashamed of what you said, but you want to use an instrument?

The beast's flesh is as thin as a cicada's wing, and each piece is the same size. This instrument is really good, but He Tianfan will still insist on practicing knife skills by himself in the future.

Although own knife skills are used for cutting vegetables now, they will be used to kill enemies in the future. If you have an instrument and lose the desire to practice, you will never be able to improve your knife skills in your life.

As the flames exploded, He Tianfan exerted a slight force on his wrist, and the vegetables inside flew up, and the rich aroma was released. The four medicine chefs on the side nodded repeatedly, and they really looked good.

He Tianfan looked at the data of the dish, several medicinal plants plus beast meat, the genetic number was originally 1.5, and as he stir-fried, it was also slowly increasing.

Another medicine chef also started to make meat first, and then make medicinal materials. Every procedure has to go through instrumental testing to determine the genetic data, and then make a reasonable combination to achieve a level of evolution and perfect absorption.

He Tianfan just throws the whole plant down and puts it together for cooking, because he is different from ordinary people, he has a big appetite, and he ate his fill once during the training session, ordinary evolutionists can't eat that much.

He Tianfan didn't forget to steal the teacher while cooking the own dishes, and found that they were still using the power of evolution to submerge into the beast meat: "Still using the power of evolution?"

"Well, the special secret method can guide the power hidden in the meat of the beast to burst out, but the medicinal materials can't do it. Once the medicinal materials are guided, the medicinal power will disappear, so you must eat them immediately." The medicine chef explained: " Moreover, the guidance of medicinal materials will only make the medicinal power spread faster, and will cause a lot of loss."

He Tianfan, what happened to the Blood Yuan Grass? The power of blessing guides the medicinal power, so that the genetic data keeps decreasing, but it will not increase.

"Is this secret method precious? Can I exchange it with something?" He Tianfan was a little moved. If he learned this guiding method, he could stimulate the power of the beast's gene, so he wouldn't have to wait for the food to be ruined?

"No!" The medicine chefs refused, paused, and then said: "You can find someone else and exchange them with merit points, we won't trade them."

"Mine is ready." The medicine chef put a prepared meal into the instrument for detection, and the genetic data showed 1.3: "It's not bad, only lost 0.2.

He Tianfan curled his lips, 1.5 medicinal materials, made like this, if it didn't guide the hidden power of the beast meat, it would be difficult at all.

"Your is mushy." The medicine cook said again.

"I know." He Tianfan glanced at the own vegetables, and they are still increasing, steadily, without the method of genetic guidance, they can only rely on own's ability.

"Don't turn it off even if it's burnt? If it takes too long, it will affect the genetic data." The medicine chef said.

He Tianfan thought for a while, the number has already reached 1.7, and there are still signs of increasing, but he does not intend to continue, looking at the 1.3 genetic data, he knows that 1.7 is probably already a lot.

Turn off the fire, collect the vegetables, He Tianfan puts the 923 good vegetables in for inspection, and the genetic data shows 1.7.

"1.7?" The four medicine chefs' eyes widened instantly, and they looked at the dark dish. Is this wrong? It's all pasted like that. I don't know if it can be eaten. The genetic data has 1.7?

"I'm also very surprised. It seems that my culinary skills have increased again." He Tianfan smiled lightly.

"General medicinal food, when it is made, it is good if the genetic data is not lost, and there is very little increase. You are lucky, what kind of medicinal materials do you use?" The medicinal chefs looked at He Tianfan

"Let me think about what kind of medicine it is." He Tianfan came to the cabinet and pointed to the cabinet: "Just these two drawers.

Four medicine chefs: "You!"

You don't even know what the medicinal materials you take are? Isn't this your specialty? Blind mix?

"Let's do another one." A medicine chef said.

"Okay." He readily agreed to the request, free three, where can I find it?

The few people peeking outside were stunned, not knowing what the people inside were doing, the sound insulation in the kitchen was so good: "What's going on inside, how does He Weifan cook?"

"Could it be that it was done poorly and redone? Absolutely."

"I think it's better not to ask him to do it again. After making so many copies, he will definitely give us something to eat." Lin Fatty said sadly, and he was afraid when he thought of that scene.

He Tianfan made the stew this time, and the heat was deliberately turned up a bit. Unsurprisingly, it became mushy again, but this time the degree of mush was a bit harsh, and the genetic data was reduced to 1.4. He didn't want to be exposed. He could do it every time Let the genes increase.

"You guys should do another one too." He Tianfan said.

"Okay." The medicine chefs agreed. .

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