Evolution Frenzy

Chapter 362: Monstrous blood hatred

  The monstrous aura made all the awakened people startled. Feeling the huge and vast energy fluctuations in the corpse tide, their feet are a little soft, that level is not accessible at their level, and it is also irresistible.

  The three people of Moyue also watched this surging tide of corpses in shock. Other people may not be able to perceive it, but the higher the level, the more sensitive to this powerful creature. The ordinary awakened person perceives the vast energy that cannot be resisted, but what they see is a powerful existence far beyond the B-level fluctuations.

  In other words, in this corpse tide, there are not only C-rank strange beasts charging, but there are even B-rank or even B-level strange beasts sitting on the ground?

And thinking of this, everyone was deeply frightened. In front of them, the alien beasts far surpassing Grade B strength were almost like Optimus Pillars, and they could be defeated at will, even the current Star Alliance. All the attacks of the awakened are superimposed, and even the terrifying monster can't hurt the root.

This is also the horror of the super alien. If Duan Fei is here at this time, he will definitely be so surprised, because he knows that in the middle and even the second half of the Age of Doom, these B-level and above existences are in the battle with humans. In a strategic sense, it can be said that with the existence of these super alien beasts, the war is likely to lean towards the opponent easily.

  Mankind’s top powerhouses are few and far between, but alien beasts are constantly upgrading with their huge monster energy, and their high-level combat power far surpasses humans. This is also an important reason for the heavy losses of mankind every time it is carried out.

  Otherwise, how can Routh's B-class mid-term strength control almost the entire Yangtze River? Relying on its incomparable strength, of course, the current Routh has long since ceased to exist.

  The horrible momentum gradually weakened and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

  Everyone knows that just this super monster released its own wave to overwhelm the Star Alliance side from the momentum. If it is not a last resort, it may not be dispatched.

"No, it is absolutely impossible to go on like this. Now the Star Alliance's strength is greatly reduced, and there is no ability to deal with it." Moyue frowned, and then pulled an Awakener to contact Duan Fei, if the Guangming Base did not suffer much damage. , Let him quickly come back to rescue.

  The awakened person hurriedly ran into the Star Alliance.

  The surging tide of corpses came again. She waved the long knife in her hand and slammed into a bunch of monsters. The long knife in her hand danced like a madman. In an instant, dozens of monsters separated their heads from their bodies, bursting out sticky plasma.

With a successful blow, she jumped up again and fell from a high altitude. The ability was suddenly activated. A ten-foot-long black light spread from the long knife. The sharp blade wind slashed against the monsters under her, and each of the monsters was beaten. This terrifying light wave split into two, slamming to the end.

  With the lessons from the past, Lin Ming didn't dare to be careless. He controlled his mind as much as possible, and controlled the wind element to fight again.

  Ling Wenwen was standing not far from the base. She was waiting here. Once a wounded appeared on the battlefield, she would lead her medical team to rush up and lift the wounded awakened for emergency treatment. Because all the awakened were involved in the battle, almost no one was responsible for their safety.

  So every time they rush to the chaotic battlefield, they will inevitably be affected, but fortunately, they will be quickly rescued by the awakened who are close.

  After the battlefield, they kept busy, giving simple treatment to the wounded. Whenever they heard the painful sound of the wounded person being bandaged, Ling Wenwen felt a heartache in her heart.

   is that **** monster, so that we can't settle down.

  She was extremely angry, but she was just a little nurse, she only mastered the skills of saving people, and could not charge to the battlefield to fight with the monsters.

  But she is also giving full play to her role in the Star Alliance, she doesn't want to drag down that figure.

  Xia Ke was placed in the Star League at this time and was responsible for the public security of the civilians. The monsters struck, and riots would inevitably be caused in the Star League. Xia Ke showed her strong female side, and the fierce aura prevented the civilians from doing anything extraordinary.

  Although Xia could not see the situation outside, looking at the cloudy sky, she always felt that something big would happen. This is also the characteristic of this type of person, strong in appearance and delicate in heart.

  The battle was going on fiercely while being pressed step by step. Everyone was a little exhausted, but the monsters in the distance came like crazy, and they couldn't stop it.

  High-level alien beasts kept appearing, catching the awakeners by surprise, but they were all wiped out under everyone's siege. But with the passage of time, when the alien beast at the top of the C-level roared, Moyue could no longer hold it, and was crumbling in the battlefield, but she was unwilling to fall down, and the long knife in her hand was still waving openly, and she bite tightly. With teeth, looking forward to Duan Fei's arrival as soon as possible.

  Anya's face was also a little pale, and her excessive mind control made her feel a little tranced. Lin Ming beside her kept walking around, and the strong wind pressure prevented the monsters from getting close to them two.

  But they all know that they will eventually become food for monsters.

  Death-like thoughts climbed into everyone's heart, and suddenly some dark shadows appeared in the tide of corpses. They were extremely fast and quickly came to the awakened one, and then their palms came out, and the awakened ones fell down one by one.

  They are all shrouded in wide black robes, and their faces are invisible, but judging from their size, they definitely do not look like alien beasts or walking corpses.

  If you fly here during this time, you will definitely be angry, because these mysterious dark shadows are the members of the natural disaster who attacked the Guangming base that day. The natural disasters are connected with the tide of corpses...

  The arrival of the black shadow brought the gap between the two sides to a critical point in a short time, and the victory of the war began to tilt towards the monsters. Countless awakened people are almost squeezing out the energy in their bodies. At this time, they all exploded with strength far beyond their usual level, desperately fighting.

Because there is the Star Alliance behind them, and there are people behind them that they want to protect. They must not retreat or fall down. They all believe that their leader will arrive at the last moment and kill those nasty monsters. Wash the hatred in my heart.

  But the expected rescue was delayed. The awakened people also ran out of oil lamps, and one by one they fell powerlessly, and then the monsters swarmed and smashed them to pieces.

  Everyone is already at the end of the storm, the majestic and terrifying aura erupted again, this time it did not retain, and the overwhelming energy pressed against the Star Alliance side, and the spatial fluctuations visible to the naked eye quickly spread to the awakened.

  The next moment, countless awakened people who were already crumbling threw themselves to the ground, losing their intuition. Moyue, Lin Ming, and Anya were all seriously injured, and they were all lying weakly on the ground. At the same time, the monsters stopped attacking, and a huge figure leaped out of the corpse tide in the extreme distance. The figure stopped in front of Anya like lightning, and then carefully held the unconscious Anya in the weight of a huge boulder. In the palm of your hand.

  It looked up to the sky and let out a long howl, then the figure jumped and disappeared into the dull eyes of the Star Alliance people. The monsters retreated after the huge figure, and the natural disaster members disappeared like a ghost when they saw it.

  The enemy retreats, which should have been a blessing, but the sight in front of them made the people who kept running out of the base startled to the ground.

All the awakened people in the Star Alliance left behind, including Moyue and Lin Ming, fell to the ground dying without exception. If it were not for the slightly trembling bodies, the people in the Star Alliance felt that they had been sacrificed.

  Ling Wenwen watched the tragic scene with red eyes, she screamed, her voice almost broken: "What else to watch! Go and bring them back!"

   Her body trembled uncontrollably, and the fear that originated from the depths of her heart seemed to have been awakened by the evil devil again. She wiped away the tears on her cheeks and rushed out to receive the first awakened one who was brought back.

  The sky shone with a rapid light, and the howling wind suddenly resounded in Longmen Mountain. Jin Bao and Duan Fei and his party finally rushed to the Star Alliance.

Duan flew down to the ground, and he stared blankly at the barren land outside the base and the casualties who were constantly being transported in. If struck by lightning, he couldn't believe that this departure would cause such heavy casualties to the Star League.

Ling Wenwen should have heard the news of Duan Fei's return, and desperately ran to Duan Fei desperately. Her face was full of pear blossoms and rain. The tears that had been suppressed could no longer be suppressed when Duan Fei arrived. : "Big Brother Duan... Sister Moyue, Lin Ming and the others were all seriously injured. We... the Awakened in our base have all fallen into a coma."

  Duan Fei held Ling Wenwen who was almost exhausted and asked: "I saw it, where is Anya? Have you seen Anya?"

   "Anya... Anya was taken away by a monster."

  The heart-piercing pain almost exploded in Duan Fei's chest. The Star Alliance was almost disabled. The Awakened were unconscious, and Anya was also taken away. Obviously, the goal of this adjustment is Anya.

He let go of Ling Wenwen and stood up slowly, with monstrous flames and anger surging in his eyes, but he didn't say a word, he walked in front of everyone, every step he took, his aura was reduced, and when he stopped All the anger surrounding him has been suppressed.

Duan Fei looked indifferently in the direction of the Yangtze River, his calm and cold voice without the slightest blood: "The monster below the Yangtze River, no matter who you are, what you are, no matter where you escape, I, Duan Fei, don’t share the sky with you. , Immortal endlessly!"

  Chen Jiahao and others were extremely angry, and they were helpless to see Duan Fei's appearance. It is not that powerful enemies are the most terrible, but those who know how to forbearance are the most worthy of guarding against.

  They really touched Duan Fei’s bottom line. The former Lord of War, the commander of the Longmen Mountain base, the leader of the Star Alliance, and the C-level early powerhouse, finally got really angry at this time.

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