Evolution From Mushrooms

024 Collect Wild Boar Genes (45)

That lump of "meat" is the queen ant.

It's too fat. At first glance, it's just a pile of meat, and it's still shaking as it moves.

It can no longer crawl by itself, and can only be carried by thousands of ants.

"Is this because of my environment here?"

Chen Mo couldn't help chuckling.

There are more and more neighbors.

These ants chose the root of a big mushroom and began to dig a hole, trying to dig a hole.

With an idea, Chen Mo flipped the mycelium directly to make a hole.

The ants went in and explored for a while, and then began to move the queen inside.

Ant queens are huge.

Even, during the transportation, it was still eating.

Chen Mo is underground, creating a huge space for the queen.

After settling down, the queen ants began to lay eggs, surrounded by densely packed ants, who were secreting a gray substance mixed with grass and sawdust to coat the cave wall, which could be waterproof after solidification.


After the ants, the second animal to arrive is the butterfly.

The butterfly landed on the flesh and began to suck the juice.

Chen Mo's hallucinogens work poorly on insects.

However, a lynx that arrived later did not have such good luck.

Before he had time to eat a few bites of meat, there was a muffled sound above his head.


The cat was doused from head to toe in hallucinogenic spore powder.

Bobcat ran a few steps reflexively, then fell to the ground and couldn't move.

After Chen Mo smothered the lynx to death, he was not in a hurry to reap the rewards.

Continue to be patient.

Not long after, another group of wild boars came.

Wild boars can always find all kinds of goodies.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up when he saw the herd of wild boars appearing.

Among the herd of wild boars, the leading female wild boar grew to almost 4 meters!

A pair of fangs are even like the tip of a knife. When walking, the whole ground shakes slightly.

However, Chen Mo noticed that there was a wound on its body.

On the hind leg, it looked like a gunshot wound.

The wound hadn't even fully healed, which caused it to move a little slowly and walk with a limp.

Wild boars are very smart and generally do not conflict with humans.

Even if it is mutated, it is not enough.

It should be caused by cub protection behavior.

Looking at the dozen or so little wild boars following it, Chen Mo understood.

This wild boar should be regarded as the most powerful animal in this area.

Even if the Timberwolves are still there, this order will not change.

The wild boar is smart, with rough skin and thick flesh, great strength, and a pair of fangs that are even more frightening. If a wolf sees it, it can only avoid it from a distance.

Wild boars can be said to be one of the most successful animals in the jungle. They are omnivores. As long as they can eat, they will basically eat, from tree roots to turf.

Meat, not to mention.

If conditions permit, they can catch foxes and rabbits, and they don't mind playing the tooth-beating festival.

Seeing the rabbit meat on the ground, the wild boar snorted a few times.

Immediately, all the pigs stopped.

It's like a fixing spell.

They all pricked up their ears and stared carefully at their surroundings.


The big wild boar grunted twice before slowly approaching.

The nose twitched, and the eyes looked left and right.

No danger......

It still can't understand why there are delicious things scattered on the ground.

However, there is really no danger around.

So, it came over.

Seeing it pass by, the little wild boars behind immediately swarmed up.

In addition to the rabbit meat, there is also the carcass of the lynx, deeper in the mushroom forest.

Seeing the wild boar go deep in, Chen Mo released the spores without hesitation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A sound sounded.

However, Chen Mo obviously underestimated the wild boar's resistance, and it deserves to be called the roughest and thickest creature in the forest!

This hallucinogenic spore powder is actually not very effective on the wild boar.

Immediately, the entire mushroom grove resounded.

The big wild boar panicked and knocked down several big mushrooms abruptly, and rushed out of the mushroom forest.

But Chen Mo was not bad either. Two little wild boars were running around in the mushroom forest in a panic, and the hallucinogenic spore dust was like a smoke bomb, making it hard to see the way.

Therefore, the two little wild boars were delayed for a while, inhaled too much hallucinogenic substance, and finally lay down.

Fortunately, the mushroom forest was big enough, and the hallucinogenic spore dust did not spread to the few neighbors living in the middle.

The size of wild boars is not small, even though two small wild boars are enough for Chen Mo to obtain a complete genetic map.

What's more, some of the spore powder just landed on the wound of the big wild boar...

PS: 4 more flowers and tickets

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