Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 100 What can I do to save you, my idiot!

The huge bubbles passed directly through Bai Yang's body and pushed him to the water in an instant!

"Damn it!"

"The whole world is targeting me!"


The moment he emerged from the water.


Countless fangs rushed towards Bai Yang instantly.


Bai Yang roared angrily, and then plunged into the water again!

However, just a few seconds after diving into the water, Bai Yang came up again and started swimming crazily on the water!


There is also a monster underwater that you can’t afford to mess with!


A huge splash of water directly lifted Bai Yang's reduced body away. A dark red fleshy tongue suddenly protruded from the lake water and directly rolled up a group of bloodthirsty insects.



A deafening cry of frogs.

The crimson tongue was retracted, the giant frog smacked its mouth twice, and then stuck out its tongue again.


A group of ancient bloodthirsty insects seemed to recognize this giant frog and began to flee crazily!

However, the tongue of the giant frog seems to be able to extend infinitely. From the direction of the lake, it can be reached directly to the shore!

Soon, the bloodthirsty insects that suffered heavy losses receded like a tide.

The lake is calm again!

Bai Yang was floating not far away. Looking at the giant frog with its head exposed, he couldn't help but let out a sigh!

"Everything really has its nemesis!"

He also didn't expect that most of the ferocious bloodthirsty insects would be wiped out by a frog!

However, this frog is probably not an easy character to get along with. Just looking at the size, it is much bigger than Bai Yang at his peak. Every time he stirs his body in the lake, it can create huge waves.

Name: Ancient Devil Frog

strength:? ? ?

speed:? ? ?

endurance:? ? ?

talent:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Sure enough, it was an ancient creature. Bai Yang was guessing just now that the one who could destroy the ancient creatures so easily must be an ancient creature.

Sure enough, the ancient devil frog!

This name sounds domineering enough. I think this old frog must look down on his little flesh!

I saw the devil frog in the distance staring at Bai Yang with its big watery eyes.

Bai Yang quickly waved his palms under the water, always ready to escape!

However, fortunately, the ancient devil frog only glanced at it a few times and did not show any interest in Bai Yang.

This made Bai Yang let out a long sigh of relief!

"I finally escaped. No, I have to seize the time to evolve. Even ancient creatures have appeared on this continent. My ancient strength is not enough!"

Thinking of this, Bai Yang began to slowly swim towards the shore!

Just after swimming a certain distance, Bai Yang suddenly stopped!

I was trying to escape just now, underwater...

Where have the two stupid penguins gone?


Bai Yang lay in the water, raised his head and roared.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response!

"Damn it, it's not at the bottom of the lake, is it?"

Extending his bear paw and patting his face, Bai Yang sighed, then dove into the lake and began to slowly swim towards the bottom of the lake!

The water in the lake is very clear, and you can see clearly when you open your eyes underwater!

However, the bottom of the lake was full of vigorously growing aquatic plants, which would entangle Bai Yang's body from time to time.


After tearing apart a piece of waterweed again, Bai Yang fell to the ground at the bottom of the lake.

There are many bones of animals on the ground at the bottom of the lake, both big and small!


Bai Yang was confused when he looked at the huge dinosaur skeleton in front of him!

Just looking at this skeleton, I'm afraid it's much bigger than myself!

"Did that frog eat it?"

However, Bai Yang soon gave up this guess. He had seen the way the frog ate just now, the kind that swallowed it directly. The devil frog had no teeth in its mouth, so it seemed that it wasn't it!


Is there another terrifying creature at the bottom of the lake?

Bai Yang carefully started searching along the bottom of the lake!

However, he couldn't make a sound underwater, so he could only listen quietly with his ears raised.

I hope I can hear Er Sha’s voice.

However, after walking for a long time, I found no trace of Er Sha. I did see the group of crocodiles. However, the crocodiles were quite frightened today. The moment they saw Bai Yang, they twisted their butts and ran away!

"Gulu, Gulu!"

Bai Yang exhaled a breath of bubbles and began to slowly swim towards the surface of the water.

It's been a long time, it's time for him to go up and get some air!

"The hell these two idiots won't be eaten, right?"

"Probably not!"


After getting out of the water, Bai Yang took a deep breath of fresh air. At this time, the sky was still gradually starting to darken, and it would be dark soon!

If we can't find Er Fool before it gets dark, it will be really dangerous!

Although Bai Yang patted this spirit penguin all day long, it was just for fun and to adjust his life. After all, they had been together for more than half a month, and Bai Yang still liked this little guy very much!

What if he was eaten by something like this!


Bai Yang took a breath of air and then dived in!

With this penguin's wisdom and shameless skills, I'm afraid it shouldn't be eaten so easily!

Soon, Bai Yang landed at the bottom of the lake again and began to search forward in the same direction.

"Help, help!"

Suddenly, Bai Yang vaguely seemed to hear Er Sha's voice, but it was not very clear underwater.

After listening quietly again, Bai Yang swam in the direction of the sound.

In a cave under the lake in the distance.


From time to time, bubbles spit out from the mouth of the ancient devil frog.


In the gap in the wall next to it, Er Sha was struggling to get out!

After jumping into the water just now, a bubble pushed Bai Yang up, but Er Sha was knocked aside due to his small size.

He shook his dizzy head and was about to swim up to find his father bear.

Unexpectedly, the huge frog actually got down, and it was very fast, driving the water flow next to it, and took Er Sha away with it!

Then he was taken into the cave.

The giant frog's body was lying at the entrance of the cave, blocking the entire cave with water. There was a small gap near the frog's legs!

Er Sha wants to get out of here!


The giant frog suddenly moved its body again, and the soft frog skin directly pressed it against the stone wall next to it.

"It's over!"

"Dad Bear, if you don't come, I will be squeezed to death!"

Suddenly, a familiar white figure appeared in the distance. Ershi's eyes lit up and he frantically began to make bursts of sounds with his abdomen.

"Here, Daddy Bear, here!"

Bai Yang listened to Er Sha's voice and slowly lay down behind the water plants at the bottom of the lake. Looking at the ancient devil frog in front of him, he felt a wave of fa nu!

He was dumbfounded when he saw Er!


How the hell can he save him in this position!

If the giant frog opens its eyes, it will be over!

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