Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 115 Successfully captured!



Finally unable to escape, Bai Yang was bitten on the shoulder by the Fengshen Pterosaur. He couldn't help but roar in pain!

"Where the hell is that stupid bear?"

However, Bai Yang has retreated to the edge of the jungle at this moment, and there are dense trees blocking it. The Fengshen Pterosaur cannot fly at all!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang gritted his teeth!

The body size increased rapidly, directly taller than the standing body of Fengshen Pterosaur.


Bai Yang also expected this bird to carry him up to the crater, so Bai Yang couldn't do anything harsh at all!


When the Fengshen pterosaur was stunned, Bai Yang slapped it on the head.


The Fengshen Pterodactyl was startled suddenly and quickly began to retreat. The white bear in front of him suddenly became so big, and its aura was much scarier than his own!


After neighing a few more times, the Aeolus pterosaur spread its wings and prepared to take off!


Bai Yang looked at it and thought, it's okay. I spent so much effort to seduce you, and then let you run away. Wasn't my work for most of the day in vain?

Without enough time to think about it, Bai Yang quickly stood up and pounced forward!


Holding the Fengshen Pterosaur's neck tightly with both palms, Bai Yang fell to the ground, his two back palms wrapped around its back and tightly coiled together!

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The Wind God Pterosaur, which was dragged down to the ground suddenly, screamed and tried to stand up.

However, the white bear behind him was simply poisonous, with its front paws holding its own neck and its back paws holding its wings!

What the hell is going on!

After traversing the Dinosaur Continent for so long, the Aeolian Pterosaur has never seen such a fighting action!

No, this is not a fight at all!

Because this white bear is holding it down like this, the bear's mouth is at his neck, as long as he opens his mouth...


"What do you want to do!"

Bai Yang listened to the wail of the Fengshen Pterosaur and once again held his two hind palms tighter!

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"You'll know what you want to do soon!"


The Fengshen Pterosaur seemed to be going crazy, constantly twisting under Bai Yang's body and trying to roll over.


Bai Yang put his head on the ground with his forehead, released a bear paw, and called directly.


The pained Fengshen Pterosaur opened its big mouth, twisted its neck with all its strength, and wanted to bite the white bear's paw!

I'm so frustrated. What the hell does this bear want to do?

Bai Yang completely ignored its roar and still hit it on the head with his bear paw!

However, he put away his sharp claws and just kept slapping with the flesh pads in the bear's paws!

Even so...

After being patted dozens of times, Fengshen Pterosaur felt dizzy!



He neighed feebly, then rolled his eyes and fainted!


Bai Yang clapped his hand again. He was still wondering why the broken bird didn't resist. He slowly raised his head and took a look and found that the Fengshen Pterosaur in front of him had fainted without knowing when, and the bird's beak Everyone started frothing at the mouth!

"Damn it...he's not going to die!"

Quickly put your head close to the body of Fengshen Pterosaur!

It wasn't until he heard the strong beating of his heart that Bai Yang breathed a sigh of relief!

It's okay if you're not dead, but if you are, it'll be troublesome!

However, Bai Yang couldn't drag such a big Fengshen pterosaur back to the cave without tearing open its dinosaur skin!


Suddenly, Bai Yang remembered!

The original plan was for him and the short-faced bear to slowly drag the Fengshen Pterosaur back!


Bai Yang roared angrily!

Where did this kid go?

When I emerged from the big rock, the boy was still there, but after just a few minutes, the bear disappeared!

"I'm so angry!"


Beware of the Fengshen Pterosaur waking up again, Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and patted it again. Seeing that there was more and more foam in the bird's beak, he nodded with confidence!

Slowly approaching the jungle, behind a tree where the short-faced bear was hiding just now!


Before I even got there, there was a slight snore!

"Damn it, don't tell me this guy is asleep here!"

Bai Yan couldn't believe it and stretched out his paw to pat the bear's face!

Slowly walk around behind the tree.

A huge body was sitting on the ground, leaning against a big tree, with cracklings dripping from the corners of its mouth.

Bai Yang saw that a large area of ​​fur on the short-faced bear's chest was already wet, and he became angry.

I'm afraid this kid fell asleep when he just rushed out!

How else would it be possible to drool so much!

But... I'm really pissed off. This is so unreliable!

Brother, you are a bear, not a pig, how can you still sleep like this?

Bai Yang took a deep breath to calm down his furious mood!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I am a human being, how can I be angry with an animal!"

I kept comforting myself in my heart!



Bai Yang immediately rounded his arms, and the bear jumped up!


A deafening slap!

Instantly whipped the short-faced bear away from the ground!

"If I don't get angry like a chicken feather, I'll be so angry that I'm going to die!"


"Who hit me? You're tired of living, and you dare to hit me?"

After the short-faced bear landed, he trembled all over, shook his head, sat up, and immediately roared!

With his bear eyes widened, he started looking for the murderer!


Damn it, isn’t this Boss Bear?

Why did Boss Bear hit me?

No, didn’t you promise to catch birdie?

For a moment, the short-faced bear looked at Bai Yang, who was slowly walking towards him with a gloomy face, and froze on the spot!


Bai Yang roared angrily and flew forward!


"The hell I let you sleep!"


"Why are you still beating you?"


“You also know that today we are here to catch birds!”

After a long time, Bai Yang walked out of the jungle refreshed, followed by the tearful short-faced bear!


Bai Yang yelled angrily!

This guy has gotten a little close to Er Shao recently, and he has learned how to pretend to be pitiful!

Suddenly, the short-faced bear trembled, looked up at the Fengshen Pterosaur lying on the ground, and hurriedly ran up!

In the end, Bai Yang and the short-faced bear each bit the claw of a Fengshen pterosaur and began to slowly drag it towards the cave!

Capturing the Fengshen Pterosaur is the first step, and it is also the simplest step. How to make the Fengshen Pterosaur obey, Bai Yang feels that this may be the most difficult!

After all, not all creatures are as easy to conquer as this stupid bear next to me!


After throwing the Fengshen Pterosaur into the open space at the entrance of the cave, Bai Yang turned around and walked into the cave and began to rummage through the various useful tools he had collected!

There must be something that can tie up the Aeolian Pterosaur!

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