Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 126 Return to Kangaroo Country!


"Slow down...slow down!"

Bai Yang kept roaring at the Fengshen pterosaur beneath him!

After this guy flew out of Antarctica, he just seemed to let himself go and kept increasing his speed!

Even Bai Yang had to lie on its back to prevent the airflow from blowing them down!

As for the second idiot...

At this moment, I am in Sister Xiong’s arms, so I don’t have to worry about being blown off!


"Boss Bear, is it that continent in the distance?"

Suddenly, the Fengshen Pterosaur slowed down its flying speed and roared at Bai Yang:

"Do you want to land?"

Bai Yang raised his head and squinted his eyes, looking at the continent in the distance!

Until now, you can still see the huge sinkhole exploded by nuclear weapons in the distance. The circular area is now full of charred land, and all buildings, including the jungle, have been turned into ruins!


"Keep flying!"

Bai Yang roared, then stuck his head out to look at the situation of the short-faced bear below. He saw this guy hanging in the air with his eyes squinted, not worried at all whether he would fall!

“It’s good to have a big heart!”

Bai Yang sighed in his heart, and then lay on the back of Fengshen Pterosaur!

They have successfully flown out of Antarctica, and... this is already the fifth day of their flight at sea. Bai Yang remembers that the last time he went to Antarctica from here, it was not such a long distance. It seems that within three months , the earth’s landmass has increased again!

Soon, the Aeolian Pterosaur flew across the entire nuclear radiation area.

Bai Yang raised his head and kept looking into the distance. It was going to be dark soon, and they needed to find a habitat to land and rest.


A large jungle and grassland appeared behind a mountain in the distance!

It seems that I will be staying in this place tonight, but...

Bai Yang looked at the cities near the grassland and couldn't help but frown.

This jungle is a bit close to human cities, but there is no better place nearby than this!

The existence of a jungle proves that there will be large creatures. The amount of food their current team eats in a day is simply astonishing...

He and the short-faced bear alone need two ancient creatures to eat in a day, plus the Aeolian pterosaur. As for the mother bear, they can't finish it even if they just drag their legs over!

However, this is enough to give Bai Yang a headache!

I didn’t feel full at all along the way!


"Boss Bear, we've landed!"

The Aeolus pterosaur beneath him began to slowly dive towards the prairie in the distance.

Taking a closer look, Bai Yang discovered that there was a swamp in the center of the entire grassland. This was definitely the largest swamp Bai Yang had ever seen!


Where there is a swamp, there are bound to be crocodiles!

Moreover, Bai Yang had never heard of any well-known swamps in Kangaroo Country in his previous life, so this area must have been newly added.

Thinking of this, Bai Yang couldn't help but stretched out his bear paw and touched his head.

As long as it is a newly added land, there will definitely be large creatures.


Soon, the Fengshen Pterosaur flapped its wings and landed with a crash.

Bai Yang jumped off its back first, then grew in size and picked up Mother Bear and Sister Bear.

If he can find spiritual plants again, Bai Yang wants to give one to Mama Bear and Sister Bear respectively. Even if it can't enhance their strength, it would be good if they can open up spiritual wisdom. Anyway, he doesn't need evolution points now, so he might as well give them to them. Mother Bear and the others improve their strength!

Bai Yang also thought about it.

The world has become such a huge change. If Mother Bear and the others do not seek evolution, although they will not encounter danger by following Bai Yang, they will grow old and die one day!

As long as you can evolve into a prehistoric creature, your lifespan will be greatly increased!

Bai Yang has already asked Er Sizuo about this. Unexpectedly, the reason why this guy was able to awaken his spiritual wisdom was because he ate a white ice fruit in Antarctica, and...

Bai Yang never imagined that Er Sha had lived for decades!

Thinking about Bai Yang is terrifying!

A penguin who awakened the human mind has been hiding in the tribe for decades!

However, what interests Bai Yang the most is...

Did Er Sha have any relationship with the female penguin...

This is similar to him. He now has the body of a polar bear and the mind of a human. Find a human woman. It doesn't match, but find a polar bear...


Bai Yang shook his head violently and roared.

The second fool next to him was instantly startled.

He quickly got under Sister Bear and stared at Father Bear in fear with his little eyes!

Daddy Bear has been a little weird lately. He actually asked him if he had any sex with the female penguin!

Who can withstand this!

He is an intelligent being, how could he have such an improper relationship with a female penguin!

Er Sha even thought about it in his mind.

Could it be that Daddy Bear is in heat?

However, isn’t it said that spring is the time when everything comes back to life? This season is not right!

Bai Yang glanced at Er Sha angrily, then turned around and began to look at the surrounding environment!

The grass is lush and green, and you can see the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers on the entire grassland.


Bai Yang walked less than 100 meters forward when he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Is there an animal carcass? And not even one!"

Bai Yang sniffed it again, and found that the smell of blood was indeed very strong, mixed with the smell of gunpowder.

Bai Yang was sure that he had asked the right question, it was indeed a question of gunpowder!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang couldn't help but tighten his muscles all over his body, and immediately roared at the Mother Bear and the others behind him.

Then he slowly reduced his body size and followed the smell of blood and touched it.

After climbing over a small hill!

Seeing the densely packed animal carcasses on the grass in front of him, Bai Yang was stunned!

These are not just a few, but dozens of animals, the carcasses of thousands of animals, and there are all kinds of animals.

However, they are all ordinary animals, and there is not even a prehistoric creature among them!

"Have humans become so crazy?"

Bai Yang looked at the corpses on the ground and thought bitterly.

These are all ordinary animals and pose no threat to humans at all. Why kill so many ordinary animals?

Bai Yang can't understand!



After lowering his head and thinking for a long time, Bai Yang yelled at Mama Bear and the others in the distance.

The corpses in front of me were all fresh, and I could even see a few animal cubs lying next to their mothers and spinning around in circles.

The mother bears who came over were shocked when they saw the corpse in front of them, but then they were ecstatic!

How long does it take to finish eating this!


Bai Yang roared angrily and led them quickly towards the animal carcass.

Although I sympathize with these creatures, but...

This is how nature is. In order to prevent them from rotting, Bai Yang thought it would be better to eat them all!


He tore off half of the lion in one bite, chewed it twice and swallowed it directly.


Suddenly, a dog barked from the center of the grassland!

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