Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 135 It’s too difficult...


Bai Yang lay comfortably on Godzilla's shoulders, found a raised rock to rest his head on, crossed his legs, and squinted at the scenery in front of him!

Everything is good, just a little weird!

Every step this Godzilla takes is like an earthquake, with constant roars under his feet!

Moreover, this guy looked completely indifferent and just walked through the city with such swagger!

Bai Yang looked at the map in his mind. He had now walked out of the nuclear radiation area. However, the location where the nuclear weapons were launched was located on the seaside. At Godzilla's speed, he might still have to walk for a day!


Suddenly, my stomach began to make protests!

Bai Yang glanced at Godzilla next to him speechlessly!

Unexpectedly, this guy doesn't eat flesh and blood, he just absorbs energy!


"Brother, if you don't eat, I have to eat!"

After walking for such a long time and only covering this short distance, if he had known that Bai Yang would have thought it would be better not to come up by himself!


Suddenly, the white bear sat up and roared at Godzilla!

A large beast appeared in front of him. It looked like it should be an ancient or ancient creature!

And it still looks like a dinosaur!

Name: Ancient Tyrannosaurus

Strength: 5000

Speed: 4900

Stamina: 6000

Bai Yang looked at this ancient tyrannosaurus and his mouth was watering!


"Catch it!"

Seeing the ancient tyrannosaurus running away in panic, Bai Yang quickly yelled at Godzilla!

Godzilla glanced sideways at the little guy on his shoulder.


Suddenly, Bai Yang heard a strange sound from its body, and then felt a burning breath!

Look back!

I saw the fins on Godzilla's back begin to slowly light up blue!



With an ear-splitting roar, a blue beam of light shot out directly from Godzilla's mouth!

Bai Yang covered his head and lay on its shoulder.

All kinds of energy torrents kept raging around him, and Bai Yang even felt that his white fur began to burn!


After a long time, after Godzilla's atomic breath skill was released, Bai Yang stretched out his bear paws and climbed up!

He glanced at the ancient tyrannosaurus just now, and was about to let Godzilla let him go!


"Damn it, where is my dragon?"

"Where did the dragon as big as me go?"

The location of the Tyrannosaurus just now had already turned into a bottomless sinkhole, pitch black!

A burning smell came from inside, Bai Yang took a closer look!

What the heck, it doesn't even have a dragon. Godzilla sprayed it, and it directly sprayed the Tyrannosaurus into nothing!


After exhaling a deep breath, Bai Yang lay down slumped!

Brother, that’s too cruel!

I just want to eat meat! As for that?

Turning back and glancing sideways at the white bear on his shoulder, Godzilla is on his way again!


"Catch it, do you understand? It's alive!"

The unwilling White Bear stood up immediately and kept explaining to Godzilla what "catch" meant.

I might have to cooperate with this guy for a long time in the future. If this happens every time, I'm afraid I'll starve to death if I can't use it!

Fortunately, Godzilla is very intelligent and not weaker than Bai Yang.

After some friendly negotiations, I finally got an answer for this guy!


After a long time!


Bai Yang looked at the puddle of mud on the ground and wanted to cry without tears!

Finally, we met a dinosaur again. This time, I didn’t activate my skills and went up to fight!

But... he was crushed to pieces with one kick!

Bai Yang took a deep breath, lowered his head and began to swallow the meat on the ground in one mouthful!

Now, what kind of bicycle do you need?

It’s good to eat some!

Godzilla stood quietly nearby, looking down at Bai Yang who kept eating, with a look of interest on his face!

Bai Yang was enjoying the meal when he suddenly stretched out a huge palm, pinched a dinosaur leg and lifted it up!


Looking up, I saw Godzilla stuffing the dinosaur legs into his mouth and smashing them several times!


Swallowed it in one gulp!



Bai Yang looked at the empty ground in front of him. Only some meat residue was left, and the rest was stuffed into Godzilla's stomach!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Is this a fucking friend? Is this what friends are like?"

Bai Yang roared a few words in his heart, and silently glanced at Godzilla who still had more to say.

It seems that there is a very good saying!

It is better to seek help from others than from yourself!

He never expected that he would actually train the Godzilla in front of him to eat flesh and blood!

This will happen in the future!

The team was already strong enough, but food was very scarce. With this big guy in the mix, Bai Yang could only imagine how miserable his life would be in the future!

I'm afraid it would be great if I could take a bite of an ancient creature!



The white bear roared, then slowly grew in size and walked slowly beside Godzilla.

That shoulder will never go up again. The beast king named Godzilla behind him is simply poisonous!

The wisdom seems to be quite high, why...

However, after getting along all the way, Bai Yang felt that this guy was pretty good except for being a bit aloof. His temper was not very bad, and the most important thing was that he was very capable!

Especially that atomic breath!

Compared with its own, my own storm and lightning are like younger brothers!

After looking at the map in my mind, I'm afraid it will take more than half a day to walk!

However, it was almost afternoon now, so when they arrived at the Kangaroo Country nuclear weapons base, wouldn't it be midnight?


Professor Zhou smiled slightly at the person receiving him in Kangaroo Country, and reached out to hand the suitcase to the female assistant behind him.

"I don't know, where is that giant beast?"

"Can we take a look first!"

After Professor Zhou discovered the giant insect cocoon in Nangu, he was directly promoted by the country to be an expert on giant beasts!

This time Kangaroo Country asked for help, and his newly established research team was sent first.

However, Professor Zhou has already watched the video!

He was very interested in the giant polar bear that was only 80 meters tall!

Because most of the giant creatures discovered so far have traces, and each one was basically the overlord of the earth in a certain century!

But...this polar bear is different!

Because no matter what time period it was in ancient times, there were no polar bears!

"I'm sorry, I can't let you..."

The receptionist didn't finish his sentence!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"The giant beast is coming! The giant beast is coming!"

"Help, run, run!"

There was a sudden commotion outside the airport!


Immediately afterwards, a towering jet-black dinosaur beast appeared on the ground in the distance!

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