
The night was already dark, and the mother bear did not see any trace of Bai Yang when she returned to the ice.

Smell the scent of my son.

The mother bear found that her son had landed on the shore and was far away from the ice.

In the past few days, Bai Yang has not caught any food, and the mother bear sees it.


She cannot therefore give the food to the cubs.

Bear cubs have to grow up, and at the rate at which my cub is growing, it is estimated that he will be independent after he turns one year old in another winter.

Think of this.

Mother Bear also felt a sense of pride in her heart.

Baiyang's rising trend is really gratifying.

At just 7 months old, his body is already in no way inferior to that of an ordinary female bear.

Of course, running a little slow.

However, Mother Bear believes that by next year, she will be able to run faster!


Stepping along the ice onto the snow-covered land, the mother bear lowered her head, sniffing the scent of the white ocean, and slowly walked toward the shore.


A faint smell of blood wafted over.

Mother Bear raised her head warily.

It's getting dark. Polar bears' vision is about the same as that of humans at night, and they can't see clearly at too long a distance.

However, the mother bear smelled a white ocean scent.

Although the smell of blood is mixed in, it is his own cub after all.


He raised his head and roared.


A response came from afar.

Yes, it's her cub.

Bai Yang bit the snow wolf's neck and dragged it on the snow. He glanced back and saw a long red blood trail from a distance to his feet.


Hot air kept coming out of his nose.

Although the snow wolf was not heavy, only about 40 kilograms, Bai Yang felt a little tired after dragging it for so long.

You know, polar bears are very lazy. Except for sleeping, resting and hunting, they usually don't move at all.

Of course, there is a human soul in Bai Yang's body, which makes him sleep when he is full and look for food when he sleeps. He cannot live this kind of life.

Hear the mother bear’s call.

He tightened the snow wolf corpse in his mouth and ran quickly towards the mother bear.

Under the night, from afar, he saw a white figure running towards him quickly.

Standing in front of the mother bear, Bai Yang proudly threw the snow wolf in his mouth to the ground, stretched out his front paw and stepped on it.

"Look, Mama Bear! How's it going?"

"Hunted a wolf!"

The mother bear didn't look at the snow wolf corpse on the ground. Instead, she kept circling around Bai Yang's body. It wasn't until she found that he was not injured that she looked down at the snow wolf on the ground.

He raised his head and glanced at Xiong Zaizi's silly look.

What are you putting your feet on?


He slapped Bai Yang on the forehead, lowered his head, picked up the snow wolf's body, and walked forward slowly.


Stretching out his bear paw to rub his sore forehead, Bai Yang stood up from the snow in depression and slowly followed the mother bear's back towards the ice.

Mother and son were on the ice near the snowdrift, eating the snow wolf cleanly with satisfaction.

I have to say, polar bears eat a lot!

A 40 kilogram snow wolf, Bai Yang was only half full after eating it!


Bear life is so difficult!

Slowly walking to the ice cave closest to the snowdrift, Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and slowly washed the hair around his mouth.

Even though I have turned into a polar bear, I still need to practice basic hygiene!

As for Mama Bear…

You must have snored on purpose!

After everything was packed up, Bai Yang slowly wandered into the snowdrift and slowly lay down with his back against the mother bear.

All bears are sleepy. Mother Bear, for example, will definitely fall asleep within a minute of lying down, no matter it is day or night, as long as she is full.

But Bai Yang can’t do it!

Lying on the snowdrift every night, it takes a long time to fall asleep.

It's just too difficult.

Bai Yang turned around and lay on the snowdrift, looking at the sea in the distance, silently dazed.

By now, he was getting used to being a polar bear.

Everything seems to be slowly falling into place.

If nothing else, he will need to find his own territory next year.

Polar bears are solitary animals and rarely travel together.

"Do I have to live like this alone in the future?"

"And a female polar bear?"

"How many baby bears are there?"

The image of the female polar bear just flashed in Bai Yang's mind, and he couldn't help but trembled all over.



Feeling that Bai Yang was restless and tossing and turning behind her, Mother Bear directly kicked out of the snowdrift with her foot and yelled at him irritably.

This bear cub is good at everything!

They grow fast and learn to hunt quickly!

Just don’t sleep at night!

You are a polar bear, not an owl!

Bai Yang, who couldn't sleep, simply stood up and walked slowly along the ice.

“I really miss those weird cameras!”

Slowly circling along the edge of the ice, the entire ice seemed to be his territory, nodding from time to time.


A seal that came up to pant at night heard the sound of the ice cracking and jumped into the sea.

Bai Yang looked at the dark sea and glanced at the seal with disdain.


He yelled at the little guy who had his head exposed.

Suddenly, the seal jumped into the water in fright.


The huge tail turned up a wave of water and splashed Bai Yang's face.


Keep shaking his head to get rid of the ice water on his face, Bai Yang looked back at the snowdrift.

It turns out that I have already traveled such a long distance.

It's time to go back!


The moment I turned around and walked past.

There was a cracking sound underfoot.


Bai Yang's whole body fell into the sea water.


Stretching out his paws to hold the edge of the ice, the white bear had a helpless expression on his face.

What's this?

Unlucky? The kind that makes your teeth choke even if you drink cold water?

Holding the edge of the ice tightly with both hands, Bai Yang struggled to move his buttocks, and Bai Yang slowly climbed up again.


There was another sound of ice cracking.


Bai Yang wanted to cry but had no tears.

It feels like the whole world is targeting me!

However, it wasn't the ice beneath him that cracked.

The sound seemed to come from behind.

Bai Yang looked back and saw a strange black thing moving on the thin ice in the distance.

"What is this?"

In the dark, it was not very clear.


Wait for this black standing thing to slowly approach Bai Yang!

The fur all over his body stood on end.

He quickly moved his hips vigorously, climbed onto the ice and lay on the ground, carefully looking at a shark that kept wandering in front of him.

Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and patted his forehead in fear.

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