Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 181 Poisonous snake?


Bai Yang roared miserably, instantly frightening the wild boar outside the cave entrance.

what's the situation!

The hole hasn't been dug in yet, so why does this little thing inside start to scream first?

The wild boar feels a bit weird.



Seeing the white bear crawling out and jumping around on the grass, a greedy look flashed in the wild boar's eyes.

Bear meat is the most delicious.

And... one look at this bear with a special color, it must be a rare breed.


A cold snort.


The wild boar was like a speeding train, with grass flying under its feet, and it rushed directly towards Bai Yang.

"Damn it, where did you come from? Stop talking!"

Bai Yang kept twisting his butt, trying to throw off the little snake behind him.

However, this little green snake didn't know how to bite. No matter how Bai Yang twisted his body, he couldn't get rid of it.

Moreover, a numb feeling has begun to come from behind my buttocks.

This snake is poisonous!

Bai Yang's heart suddenly skipped a beat, if it was poisonous, it would really be the end of it!

At this time, a roaring sound came. Looking at the wild boar with a ferocious expression and his head buried in the wild boar that was charging towards him, Bai Yang quickly dodged it with a bear pounce.

It really rained all night when the house was leaking.

What a bad luck!

There is a pig in front and a snake in the back.

The wild boar, which failed to hit the target, turned around again, grunted twice, and charged forward again with its head buried in the air.


Bai Yang twisted his butt and started running towards the lake.

The only way to get rid of this wild boar is to go into the water. The wild boar here shouldn't be able to swim, right?


A petite polar bear with white hair in front of him ran away like crazy while rolling and crawling, while a small green snake flew straight up behind its butt.


The wild boar was in hot pursuit, and a layer of crystal sweat began to ooze out from its purple-black fur.


Bai Yang jumped up high, jumped over a rock in front of him, and rushed forward again, rolling and crawling.

"What the hell, just wait. When I recover, I will roast you and eat you!"

He turned around and yelled at the wild boar behind him.

I didn’t expect this wild boar to be so persistent.

With such a small body, do I need to put in so much effort?

However, looking at the little green snake floating in the wind behind him, Bai Yang suddenly felt his butt become even more numb.

I don’t know if this snake is very venomous, but if it is a very poisonous kind...

"Puff puff!"

Driving through the bushes in front of him, Bai Yang jumped up high.


Jump into the lake and make a splash.


He quickly surfaced and turned to look at the wild boar rushing up from a distance.


Bai Yang couldn't help but grin. This wild boar couldn't swim and was standing by the lake, snoring non-stop.

"There's nothing we can do!"

He stretched out his bear paw and made a contemptuous gesture towards the wild boar.

Suddenly, the belly of the wild boar in front of him began to bulge visibly to the naked eye.



Bai Yang watched a purple fireball erupt from the wild boar's mouth and quickly dove into the water.


There was a roar, and a wave of water exploded from the lake.


Bai Yang emerged from the water and looked at the wild boar in the distance with a frightened expression.

What the hell, this wild boar can spit purple fireballs.


At this time, a small dark green snake was twisting its body on the water in front of him.

The small eyes stared at Bai Yang, spitting out black snake messages.

"Still want to bite me?"

Bai Yang roared viciously, stretched out his bear paws, grabbed the little snake in front of him, and threw it away.

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been chased by a wild boar like this!

After being a polar bear for so long, when have you ever felt so frustrated?


Suddenly, the wild boar not far away let out a howl.

Bai Yang, who didn't know why, quickly looked over.

The little snake he threw out actually bit the wild boar's back, and...at a speed visible to the naked eye, the wild boar's purple-black skin began to turn into dark green.

Seeing this, Bai Yang couldn't help but look back at his butt.

I saw that the back of my butt was still covered with pure white bear fur, and I breathed a sigh of relief.


The wild boar howling crazily collapsed to the ground, and began to spit out white foam from its mouth. At this time, the green venom had spread to its body, and streams of green smoke began to rise from the wild boar.


The body of the wild boar turned out to be like boiling water, with bubbles starting to appear.

"Puff puff"

Then the bubbles exploded.

Bai Yang couldn't help but fell back some distance again in the water.

The sight in front of me was really terrifying.

I didn't expect that such a small snake could be so venomous.

Only a few minutes had passed, and all that was left of the wild boar's body was its green skeleton.

And...the little green snake has also disappeared.


Taking a long breath, Bai Yang stuck out his tongue and licked his nose.

This place is scarier than I imagined.

Each animal seems to have its own special place.

There are still three full days left, how on earth should I spend them?

Swim cautiously towards the shore.

After a long time, Bai Yang looked at the wild boar that had turned into bones in front of him, then looked at the back of his butt, and was stunned for a moment.

Why was it okay when he was bitten? This wild boar was just bitten, and all the flesh and blood in its body was dissolved.

The system cannot be used now, and Bai Yang cannot see the attributes of the little snake.

"Is it because of the system?"

Bai Yang could only think this way.

Apart from the system, there is nothing different from other creatures.


Suddenly, there was a faint sound from the bushes in the distance, and Bai Yang immediately lay on the ground alertly.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the bushes in the distance.


A white paw was exposed.


With a "squeak" sound, a white creature in front of him quickly retreated like lightning.


After reacting, Bai Yang roared quickly and started to catch up with his short legs.

It turned out to be a white rabbit, and... judging by the size of this rabbit, it weighed at least 3 pounds.

If this rabbit can be hunted, then these three days can be spent safely.


Bai Yang jumped directly into the bushes.


He shook his head and shook off all the dead branches and leaves hanging on his fur.

"Baby, be good, Bunny is so cute..."

The rabbit in front of him actually twitched his ears and turned to look curiously at the creature with the same hair as himself.

Bai Yang held his breath, never expecting that the rabbit in front of him would stop on his own.

The opportunity is here.

Seeing the opportunity, Bai Yang pounced directly.

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