Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 184 Poisonous snake!

"Gu... Gu... Gu..."

Bai Yang rubbed his belly, turned over, and then sat up irritably.

My stomach kept protesting and I couldn't sleep at all.

It would have been difficult for Bai Yang to sleep all the time. Besides, he hasn't been hungry for a long time, okay?

"It's so uncomfortable."

He got up from the ground and turned to look at the three mothers and their son.

So envious!

It's a sweet sleep.

I looked up at the moon in the sky. It must be late at night.

Stare at the countdown time in your mind.

Bai Yang just leaned against the big tree, dumbly dazed.

I always feel a kind of uneasiness in my heart, and... it's a very bad kind.

The figures of Mother Bear, Sister Bear and their friends kept flashing through his mind, and even the shadow of the storm was in Bai Yang's mind.

"Bless brother to be able to get out of this place safely, and I will never bully you again!"

Whispering softly in his mouth.


Suddenly, Bai Yang seemed to hear She Xin's voice. He couldn't help but sit up straight, raised his ears and listened carefully.

This is no small matter.

Bai Yang was deeply impressed by the venom of the small dark green snake today.


There was a faint sound in the bushes, probably the sound of dead leaves being crushed.


Bai Yang quickly got up and looked around.

But no trace of snakes was found.


Suddenly, the sound of Snake's spitting sounded again. Bai Yang frowned and glanced at the grass near the female bear, as if the sound was coming from there.

A pair of green eyes shot out from the grass.

Bai Yang's expression suddenly changed, and he could see clearly through the moonlight. The snake near the female bear was exactly the same as the small dark green snake during the day, but this one seemed thicker.

"What should I do? Do you want to save me?"

Bai Yang was anxious.

This kind of snake is very poisonous. If a female bear is bitten, she will definitely...

But... although I am not afraid of this kind of poison, the snake in front of me is too thick, and its body is the same as Bai Yang's bear legs.

As he watched, the dark green snake's head began to slowly rise, and its entire body seemed to be being wound up by a spring, tightly collapsing together.

There can be no further delay.

Bai Yang was heartbroken.


He roared at the female bear and her family and rushed forward.


The mother bear, awakened by the roar, quickly climbed up and instinctively protected the two cubs under her body.

Begin to look at it vigilantly.


He saw the little white bear in front of him running towards him very fast.

I couldn't help but yell at it.

What is this little guy going to do?

The female bear didn't understand.


The two bear cubs below him also started roaring. They felt that the white bear in front of them must have evil intentions.


However, the next time the family of three watched the white bear knock a green snake head to the ground.


The hair all over the mother bear's body suddenly exploded. She quickly patted the cub aside and began to retreat in panic.

This snake with green scales is definitely one of the most deadly venomous snakes in this mountain forest. Even if it is bitten, it will probably be difficult to survive.


Looking at Bai Yang, who was entangled with the snake's body and whose sharp teeth had penetrated into her body, the female bear showed a trace of reluctance on her face.

This white cub is finished and will surely die.


After roaring at the little guy, the mother bear took a deep breath.

It was obvious that this little guy just wanted to remind himself, but... he had no chance of winning against the poisonous snake in front of him.

Moreover, the white bear has been bitten.

If she hadn't been bitten, she might have been able to scare the snake away by rushing forward, but it was too late now.

After taking a deep look, the mother bear began to lead the cub back.


Bai Yang couldn't help but roar in his heart when he saw the female bear and her family leaving without caring about him.

At this time, the venomous snake's mouth was biting on his shoulder, its sharp fangs pierced deeply into his fur, and he could feel a stream of liquid pouring into his body.


Bai Yang fiercely grabbed the snake body wrapped around him and bit it hard.


Tearing open its scales, Bai Yang took a bite of flesh and spit it out.

Although this snake is very poisonous, Bai Yang found that its defense is not strong, just like ordinary snakes.

However, Bai Yang didn't dare to swallow the snake meat. Who knew if the snake meat would be poisonous.



Bai Yang lowered his head and began to bite the snake in front of him crazily.

The shoulder area has already become numb, and there is no feeling at all. Even Bai Yang's pain has disappeared now.


Finally, he bit the snake's body in one bite.


Unable to bear the severe pain, the poisonous snake opened its mouth and dragged half of its body to escape.

However, how could Bai Yang give it such an opportunity.

"Want to run!"

Stretching out another bear paw and pressing it directly to the ground, Bai Yang dragged the unconscious half of his body over.


Opening his big mouth, he bit it seven inches away.

No matter how ferocious a creature like a snake is, seven inches is always its life gate.

Sure enough, after Bai Yang bit it, the remaining half of the snake's body began to roll crazily.

After a long time.


Bai Yang's body was wrapped with a snake's body, lying flat on the grass, breathing heavily. At this time, everything under his body was stained red with blood.

Finally, the poisonous snake was killed.

However, the price paid is also heavy.

There was a bone-deep wound on his shoulder, and half of his body seemed to have suffered a stroke, completely inoperable.


Suddenly, a beast roar came from the distance.

Bai Yang climbed up with his tired body and turned to look.

It turned out to be a family of female bears. Aren't they already gone? Why are you back?

Bai Yang didn't understand.

Compared to Bai Yang's confusion, the female bear looked at the scene in front of her, and her heart could be described as horror.

Originally, it planned to come back to check on the little white bear and see if it had been poisoned by a poisonous snake...

But I couldn't imagine it.

This white cub actually bit a poisonous snake to death, which... simply overturned its life as a bear.

Having lived here for so long, I have never encountered such a situation. Moreover, the little white bear was obviously bitten by a poisonous snake, and the snake's venom had no effect at all.

Could it be...

A terrifying look flashed in the female bear's eyes.

Bears with white fur, never seen in this place, are not afraid of snake venom.

Then... maybe this white cub is the descendant of some kind of spiritual beast.

If that's the case, then it...


The female bear ran towards Bai Yang, stretched out her paws and hit him directly, then took his fur in her mouth, twisted her butt and walked away.

"Damn it, what are this family planning to do?"

Bai Yang couldn't help shouting.

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