Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 195 One thing brings down another thing!


The white bear stood up, shaped like lightning, and instantly threw the silver wolf in front of him to the ground.


Break its neck in one swoop.


The bear's paw stepped on the silver wolf's body and pounced on the other one next to it again.


This silver wolf pressed a pan ape under him, and the fur on his body kept reflecting silver light.

It actually cut Pan Yuan's skin directly, and blood seeped out drop by drop.

Bai Yang also didn't expect that this group of silver wolves didn't even hesitate. The leader roared and launched an attack directly.


The astonishing defensive power of the pan ape was impossible to withstand under the sharp fur of the silver wolf.

This made Bai Yang couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that this place is the same as the natural world on earth. One thing comes down to another.

Although the Pan Ape's defense is amazing, its attack is not strong. At least several Pan Apes are needed to kill one Silver Wolf.

On the other hand, the silver wolf's hair is as sharp as a knife, but its defense is not strong. Even Bai Yang can bite its neck off in one bite.

However, the fur of this group of silver wolves is indeed very sharp, and every time it cuts across Bai Yang's body, it can bring out a snow mist.

If it weren't for the system repair function, Bai Yang felt that he would have died of excessive blood loss several times.

The battle was extremely fierce.

There were already more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

There are those who are Pan Yuan, and there are those who are Silver Wolf.


Until now, the wolf was still sitting in place, with a pair of vertical pupils constantly scanning the battlefield, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, as if he was not involved.

The leader of the Silver Wolf could be so calm, but the old ape could not. At this time, his face was anxiously staring at the injured Pan Yuan on the battlefield.


A miserable cry came from the side, and Bai Yang looked back.

A silver wolf lay on the body of the ape, pressing the hair on its head against the ape's neck.

The white fur of Pan Yue has been dyed red with blood.

"It's actually this guy!"

Bai Yang took a closer look and saw that the ape that was pushed down had two big bumps on its head. It was the one that snatched Bai Yang's pig leg.

However, this guy looked a little miserable at this time. There was a deep wound on his chest, and the red flesh was turned out.


Bai Yang gritted his teeth and knocked the silver wolf to the ground, pressing his bear's paw on its forehead.

With a cry of "Peng!", Yinlang's whole head exploded, and was actually stepped on by Bai Yang.

He looked at the wounds on his body and repaired them with the system again.

After hunting down that group of humans, Bai Yang decided not to use the ability to increase his body easily. This would only be too conspicuous, and...

Who knows if there will be a spiritual beast or human being stronger than himself.

It's better to develop in a low-key manner.

Moreover, Bai Yang's most important goal is to find a way out of this continent.


After dragging the ape on the ground, Bai Yang turned to look at the battlefield again.

These two spiritual beasts seem to be mortal enemies.

Logically speaking, the wolves will not come to hunt monkeys at all. There is not much meat at all, and...if the monkeys only need to climb the tree, the silver wolf will have no choice at all!


Until now, this group of apes has shown no sign of escaping, and seems to be fighting to the death.


Suddenly, the wolf in the distance finally made a move, and it looked up to the sky and roared.

"Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh!"

The silver-white hair on the body was like thin needles, shooting into the battlefield instantly.


All the silver wolves seemed to have reached an agreement. The moment the alpha wolf roared, they all howled and rushed out.


One by one, the apes fell to the ground and kept wailing.


Bai Yang couldn't help but swear.

This skill of the Silver Wolf leader is exactly the same as his own Thunder Ice Thorn, but it may not be as powerful as his own!


Growled again.

The leader of the Silver Wolf rushed into the battlefield instantly like a ray of silver lightning.


Hearing a loud roar, the old ape dragged his old body and rushed towards the Silver Wolf leader.


However, after just one round, he was knocked to the ground.


The bloody mouth opened wide, trying to bite the old ape under him to death.


However, a white body hugged it directly, and then pressed it under him in various ways.


Bai Yang stretched out his back palm, pushed the old ape aside, opened his mouth and bit the silver wolf on the back.


He quickly opened his mouth and spit out blood.

The fur on this silver wolf leader's body was even sharper, and when he bit it into his mouth, it cut his mouth to pieces.

"Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh!"

The silver needles pierced deeply into Bai Yang's body.


He couldn't help but roared.

"Ice Thorn!"

Todoroki, right?

I will stab you to death!


The hair on Bai Yang's body was much thicker than that on Silver Wolf's body, and each ice spike was wrapped in a bolt of thunder, which bombarded Silver Wolf's body. His whole body began to shake, and arcs of lightning flashed out.


Bai Yang endured the wound on the bear's paw and pressed it directly to the ground.

The bear's paws kept turning and slapping Silver Wolf on the forehead.


A dull sound.

All the silver wolves nearby looked at the dying leader with frightened faces and began to retreat.

The old ape got up from the ground and looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes also widened.

How could such a fierce white bear be chased by one of their monkey cubs?

It’s just a bit…


Bai Yang raised both palms at the same time and slammed them down.

Fortunately, this silver wolf is the leader and has stronger defense. Otherwise, the Thunder Ice Spike will definitely shoot all the scum left.

Looking at the silver wolf whose head had exploded, Bai Yangxiong sat on the ground, panting heavily and began to repair the wounds on his body.

Seeing the aura value decreasing little by little, Bai Yang felt as if he was cutting his flesh.

However, the silver wolf leader was quite generous and gave Bai Yang a full 2800 spiritual energy points, and...


Looking at the body of the silver wolf leader, Bai Yang could smell the meat and salivated. The wild boar just didn't eat anything at all and was disturbed by that damn ape.

There shouldn’t be any trouble this time!

He turned around and looked at the group of pan apes next to him, only to see the old ape walking toward him staggeringly.

Bai Yang couldn't help but raise his vigilance.

Are you going to rob again?

"Don't be afraid. To thank you, we want to invite you to Iwagu. I don't know..."

Listening to the old ape's voice, Bai Yang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The feeling is to invite him to be a guest.


Bai Yang agreed wholeheartedly.

It just so happened that this old ape could speak human words, so Bai Yang planned to ask how to get out of here.


What is the situation of human beings in this place?

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