Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 207: Being ruthless to yourself is truly ruthless!


Bai Yang moved his body slightly, pushing aside the snow in front of his eyes so that he could have a wider view.

Looking sideways at the snow lotus in the iceberg, the white light has turned into a strange blood-colored light, and the entire iceberg is filled with dense red threads.

Looking from a distance, the threads in the entire iceberg seemed to be crawling, which gave people a creepy feeling.

However, it can be vaguely seen that there are still a few lotus petals that have not turned into blood.

"It seems like it's still a bit fleshy!"

Bai Yang murmured softly.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the outlet pacing in front of the iceberg.

Obviously this person also knew that Snow Lotus still lacked some flesh and blood, but at this time all the followers had been sacrificed, and even the Tyrannosaurus Rex had been used by him to activate Snow Lotus.

However, there were no other creatures near the entire iceberg. Those giant beasts had already been driven away by Godzilla.


Bai Yang couldn't help but grinned and took a deep breath.

I never expected that this man would be so cautious. What a failure!

Moreover, now Snow Lotus is probably ready to be born after absorbing a little more flesh and blood at most!

"Can't you get out?"

Bai Yang stared at the young human in front of him, various plans flashing through his mind.

I don’t know if I can kill this young man instantly if I go out instantly!

If not, I'm afraid...


Just when Bai Yang was hesitating, suddenly...

A beast roar came from the mouth of the blond man in front of him, and then, Bai Yang was dumbfounded as he watched the man in front of him lying on the ground, his clothes falling apart.

Then a male lion with golden hair all over his body slowly stood up from the ground.

"Damn it, can this guy turn into a human?"

Bai Yang almost exclaimed.

This is the first time I've seen a beast transform into a human, but...

How did it change?

Then can I also become a human?

For a moment, Mengyao's delicate body flashed in Bai Yang's mind.

He quickly shook his head slightly.

What are you thinking about? At such a critical moment now, there is still time to desert?


I saw the golden lion in front of me rapidly growing in size, reaching a height of 100 meters in an instant, with its golden hair flying in the cold wind.

I have to say, this guy’s look is really cool!

However, what is this guy planning to do after becoming so big?

Bai Yang was a little puzzled.

But what the Golden Lion King did next made Bai Yang suddenly realize.


I saw it opened its lion's mouth, bit one of its own paws, and tore off a piece of flesh.


With a flick of its mouth, Bai Yang could see the excitement in its eyes.

The blood-colored threads on the iceberg began to squirm crazily, absorbing all the flesh and blood in just a few seconds.

As of now, only three petals of the snow lotus are still white.


Bai Yang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This Golden Lion King is so cruel. Bai Yang always thought that this guy was just cruel to others, but he didn't expect...

What is a ruthless person?

This guy is simply a killer!


Seeing the golden lion pulling a piece of flesh from his abdomen and biting it off, Bai Yang felt pain for him!




Pieces of flesh and blood were continuously thrown onto the iceberg, and the entire iceberg seemed to begin to squirm.


The phantom of the snow lotus in the sky shook violently, streaks of blood-red light began to appear, and strong winds swept wildly in all directions.

"It's all going to be ready soon, come on buddy, come on, have another piece!"

Bai Yang stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, glanced at the snow that had melted with saliva at the corner of his mouth, curled his lips speechlessly, and closed his mouth tightly.

Unknowingly, I felt hungry.


Outlay took a deep breath and let out a low roar.

The transformation of the divine object in front of me has almost been completed, leaving only the finishing touch.


Looking at the hideous wounds on his body, a flash of determination flashed in Otele's eyes.

As long as you devour the divine object, it will be worth it even if you sacrifice all your flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, Outlay raised his neck and breathed out his sword.


He turned his head sharply and bit the tail.


Tear off a large piece of flesh and blood.


Instantly thrown towards the iceberg.


The glistening iceberg had all turned into blood. The moment the flesh and blood stuck to the iceberg, Snow Lotus controlled the silk threads to squirm crazily, and even made a sound similar to a snake letter.

After the entire piece of flesh and blood is absorbed.


The iceberg began to shake.


Dense cracks like spider webs appeared crazily.

All the bloody threads began to flow into the snow lotus.


Otele controlled his body and kept retreating, his eyes fixed on the bloody divine lotus flower inside the iceberg.


Suddenly, the entire iceberg collapsed, and a wave of air surged out, kicking up a huge cloud of snow and fog.


The shadow of the snow lotus in the sky exploded, turning into stars and dispersing in the sky, as if they had never appeared.


Outlay raised his head and let out a lion's roar. His golden body brought out an afterimage and rushed directly into the ruins of the snow mountain.

"Where's the fetish?"

Stretching out the lion's paw, he kept breaking the thick ice cubes.

His eyes were fixed on the ruins of the iceberg.

The divine object should be down there!


Finally, after flipping over a piece of broken ice, the blood-red lotus flower underneath was revealed. Outlay couldn't help but laugh up at the sky.

The first divine object on earth was obtained by him so easily. Then... after he swallows it, his strength will inevitably increase dramatically. By then, will the second and third divine objects be far away?

Thinking of this, Otele couldn't help but look at the bloody lotus in front of him with eyes that became more and more fiery.

The entire snow lotus seemed to be alive. The crystal clear blood beads in the lotus kept flowing, and small lotus shadows kept rising in the center.

"As expected of a divine creature!"

Outlay sighed, stretched out his tongue and licked the lion's mouth.

Slowly put your head down.

Such a divine thing must be swallowed in one gulp, and absolutely not a single penny should be wasted.

At this time, Otele moved cautiously, gently and slowly, for fear of accidentally destroying the blood lotus artifact.


Taking a deep breath, Outlet slowly opened his huge mouth!

"Hi Simba!"

Just as he was about to swallow the blood lotus in front of him, a playful voice suddenly came from behind him!


Then a majestic body directly pushed himself out.

Before landing at the outlet, he turned around and saw a white polar bear appearing next to Snow Lotus.



The polar bear in front of him actually stretched out his paw and pulled out the blood lotus flower by the roots, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it with two smacks.

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