Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 211 Wind Thunder Eagle

"Pull it up!"

Professor Zhou glanced at the falcon rushing towards him not far away, and shouted loudly.

It was obvious that this falcon was coming for them!

Once it hits, it is at an altitude of thousands of meters, and it is impossible to survive.

"Don't panic!"

Bai Yang took a deep breath and let out a low roar.

"Just turn left, speed!"

He glanced at the Falcon not far away.

Name: Wind Thunder Eagle

Strength: 2.5

Speed: 3.2

Stamina: 1.9

Skills: Wind and Wind, Lightning Strike

Psionics: 3600

The falcon in front of me turned out to be a spiritual beast, and its attributes were quite high.


He couldn't help but yelled and cursed.

It was so unlucky. If it were on the ground, Bai Yang would have no fear at all against such a spiritual beast, but what the hell was it in mid-air!

What should I do if I can't fly and can only be beaten passively?

After glancing at the obviously panicked pilot, Bai Yang patted the bear's face with a solemn expression.


Open the helicopter door directly in front of you.


He stuck his head out and roared at the distant Thunder Eagle.

"whispering sound!"

There was a response, which indeed caught the attention of the guy opposite.

"Turn left at speed!"

Bai Yang shouted angrily.


Suddenly, the Thunder Eagle not far away opened its mouth wide, and a white lightning shot out.


The helicopter lost control instantly, and the entire fuselage kept shaking left and right in mid-air.

"Hold on!"

Bai Yang shouted loudly again, leaned half of his body out of the cabin, and roared at the approaching Feng Leiying.

He saw the sharp eagle claws about to grab him hard.

He gritted his teeth!


With a roar in the sky, Bai Yang instantly jumped out of the plane.


The bear's paw tightly hooked the wings of the Thunder Eagle, and the two giant beasts fell straight from the sky.


Bai Yang bit the Wind Thunder Eagle hard on its back, and blue arcs of electricity began to flash all over Bai Yang's body.

You're the only one who can discharge, right?


He stretched out his bear paw and slapped its wings hard, causing a stream of blood to spurt out.

"whispering sound……"

The Thunder Eagle screamed miserably, flapped its wings fiercely, and threw the damn white bear onto its back. Then it tried hard to control its body, and then dived and rushed forward again.


Suddenly, Bai Yang lay on the back of the Thunder Eagle and felt its wings begin to flap wildly, forming several hurricanes in front of it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He lowered his head and glanced at the current height. The reason for his fall was that he was less than 500 meters high. If he fell from here, there shouldn't be any big problems if he could repair it instantly. Moreover, there were all large trees underneath!


Thinking of this, Bai Yang roared again, stretched out his bear paws and instantly hugged the Wind Thunder Eagle's neck, and began to twist violently.


He took a round and slapped her hard.

"whispering sound!"

The Wind Thunder Eagle swayed and let out a shrill scream.

"I'm so fucking asking you to fly!"

The guy underneath him was still flapping his wings, constantly gathering hurricanes, which made Bai Yang's anger rush to his head.

He moved his body forward a few minutes again, and instantly enlarged to about 3 meters. He spread his two back paws, and the bear sat on the neck of the wind and thunder eagle.

"whispering sound!"

"court death!"

The Wind Thunder Eagle kept being incompetent and furious, twisting its neck, trying to overturn the white bear sitting on it, but...

This white bear was so slippery and terrifying, its two hind legs clamped tightly around its neck, and it would not move at all no matter how it swayed.


What does this guy want to do?

Suddenly, everything went dark, and the flapping wings of the Thunder Eagle suddenly stopped!

"whispering sound!"

"Let go, really let go!"

This white bear actually covered his eyes, this...

This is not over yet, I can feel that the hair on my neck is being torn apart.


This white bear is too much!

Not only did I cover its eyes, but I also tore the feathers on its neck, and I could feel the cool breeze!

Who can withstand this!

"whispering sound!"

"Relax, I'll let you go!"

Listening to the frightened neigh of the Wind Thunder Eagle, Bai Yang couldn't help but snorted coldly, opened his mouth again and tore off a piece of eagle feathers.


He opened his mouth and spit it out, then slowly released his palms.


He patted it hard on the forehead, twisted his neck and pointed at the helicopter in the distance, gesturing for it to catch up.

"Professor Zhou, this..."

The female assistant next to her patted her chest with lingering fear, turned her head and looked out the window, but there was no trace of the Thunder Eagle.

"It couldn't be that he fell!"


Professor Zhou sighed and said to the pilot in front of him solemnly:

"Turn around and go back to take a look. No matter what, we have to find the white bear!"

"whispering sound!"

Just as the pilot was controlling the helicopter to turn around, the sound of a falcon was heard in the distance again.

Everyone suddenly looked stunned.

It’s over!

This falcon actually flew back again, which means Baiyang must have fallen!


Suddenly, the female assistant next to me exclaimed.

"Look at the back of the falcon, it should be Bai Yang!"

Professor Zhou quickly turned his head and looked with squinted eyes.

Sure enough, the white bear sat upright on the falcon's neck, and kept patting the falcon's forehead with a bear paw.


Bai Yang controlled the Thunder Eagle to fly next to the helicopter, plucked two eagle feathers and threw them over.


He waved to Professor Zhou and others sitting in the helicopter and said hello warmly.



"Can you please fly more steadily? Don't blame me for removing your hair if you keep wandering around!"

The body of the Wind Thunder Eagle underneath him started to shake, almost knocking Bai Yang off. He couldn't help but slap his hands a few times, and roared viciously.

"whispering sound!"

The Wind Thunder Eagle chirped a little aggrievedly, and flapped its wings slightly to control its body shape!

This bear is so different that the hair on its back has almost been plucked out.


The helicopter door was opened, and Professor Zhou stuck his head out and shouted at the white bear in front of him:

"What are you..."

I thought that the white bear must have fallen to the ground, but I didn't expect that the falcon was tamed.

This is too incredible!

We know you are strong on the ground, but the question is, can you be so strong in the air?

"I'll wait for you in the Kunlun Mountains!"

After Bai Yang said a word, he grabbed the Wind Thunder Eagle by its neck and shook its head. He looked at the map in his mind and pinched its legs.


Feng Leiying: "..."



Seeing that the Feng Leiying under him actually froze in place and did not fly out, and even the helicopter next to them overtook them, he couldn't help but turn his bear paws and start clapping again.

"You really can't understand people, can you? You have to force me!"

"whispering sound!"

"Brother, stop fighting, leave now, leave now!"

The Thunder Eagle neighed, quickly flapped its wings and flew away into the distance.

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