Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 226 Why are fruits and melons raw?

"Yes... sir!"

The fox-eared lady bowed to the ground respectfully, nodded in agreement, and said with some hesitation:

"Sir, I don't know my people..."


The handsome man in the shadow snorted coldly and showed a sinister smile:

"As long as you are obedient, you will be released when the time comes. If you... dare to leak any information about Tianhu, you should know the outcome!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The fox-eared lady was trembling all over and kowtowing her head.

"Well, come over here. Projecting a shadow will do great harm to me, so the time shouldn't be too long."

Bai Yang, who was hiding aside, could no longer hear what Xuying said next.

Until now, Bai Yang has roughly understood.

This fox-eared girl should be the undercover agent placed by the self-proclaimed Sky Fox in the Demon Clan. Moreover, it seems that there are more than one undercover agent. However, the one in front of her was just lucky and followed Feng Bai down to the realm.


Taking a breath of air, Bai Yang slowly twisted his body and hid behind the tree.

The shadow in front had dissipated, and the fox-eared lady began to pick up the debris on the ground.

After a while.

Bai Yang slowly climbed out from behind the tree and came to the place where the shadow was just now, frowning and looking around.

There are no traces left on the ground.

But...can actually summon the phantom of a powerful person from the upper realm?

I have never heard this mentioned by Niu Mo and others. If this is the case, then the demon clan should also have the means to communicate with the upper world.

What mission did this Tianhu arrange in the end? Also, do you want to tell Feng Bai?

Bai Yang was confused for a moment. What was the purpose of all those people from the upper world coming to earth?

In other words, what is there on earth that can attract the prying eyes of so many powerful people, and even at great cost, they have to send their own people to the lower world.



Suddenly, Bai Yang cursed angrily.

I forgot so much that I came out last. I have to go back before the fox-eared lady. Otherwise, the door will be locked after a while. How will I get in?

Thinking of this, Bai Yang quickly increased his speed, turned around and started running towards the main hall.


Fiercely patting the stone pillar at the door, Bai Yang looked at the closed door speechlessly.

He was walking too fast!

I chased him all the way back, but I still couldn't catch up.

Early the next morning!

Feng Bai hurriedly pushed open the door of Niu Mo's room and ran in like a gust of wind.

"Wake up... wake up!"

"Bai Yang is missing..."


The Bull Demon opened his hazy eyes, frowned and sat up.

"Did you go to the bathroom? How could it be missing? Look for it again. When will dinner be served?"

"Damn it, really, I've searched the entire hall and there's no one at all!"

"It's impossible for this kid to leave on his own. He's a dragon. No, we have to follow him quickly!"

Seeing Feng Bai's anxious look, Niu Mo also realized that something was wrong.

The reason why the two of them are still following Bai Yang is to prevent him from running into the dragon clan. Even if they do, with them on one side, they won't be beaten to death.

However, if this guy leaves on his own, then...the individual strength of the dragon clan is much stronger than theirs, and that bear cannot be his opponent at all.

Isn't this asking for death?

Thinking of this, Niu Mo hurriedly climbed out of bed.

"Your Highness Feng..."

The fox-eared lady stood pretty at the door, about to speak.

Feng Bai glared at her and ran straight to the front yard.


Fiercely opening the door, Feng Bai jumped out with a quick stride.

The door was closed and was opened just now. This kid definitely didn't go out through the door, but... there are cliffs on both sides of the walls of the entire hall. What if the bear climbed over the wall and got out!


I couldn't help but take a breath.

If it falls again, there will definitely be nothing left.

"Did you find it? Did you find it?"

The Bull Demon hurried out and asked loudly.


Just when Feng Bai was about to shake his head, snoring came from behind the green pine tree next to him.

The two looked at each other and rushed over quickly.

I saw a white cub with its paws in the air, a trace of crystal saliva hanging from the corner of its mouth, and snoring non-stop.

"Why is this guy sleeping here?"

Feng Bai said in disbelief:

"The door was closed in the morning, fox girl!"

"Did you leave the door open last night?"

"Your Highness Feng, last night..."

The fox-eared lady's expression changed, and she quickly lowered her head, her voice sounding like a mosquito.

"I opened the door!"

Bai Yang got up from the ground with a sigh of relief, glanced at the helpless fox-eared girl, and said slowly:

"I accidentally fell asleep leaning against a tree. She must have closed the door!"

Saying that, Bai Yang grinned at the fox-eared girl.

"I'm right!"

"Yes, I got up last night and found that the door was not closed, so I closed it. I didn't expect... I will die... please forgive me, Your Majesty Feng!"

Haha, little fox, little fox, how can you be an undercover agent like this? Your mental quality is too poor!

Bai Yangxin said.

"Okay, it's not a big deal. Do you have breakfast? Eat and get on your way!"

Bai Yang patted the bear's paw and walked slowly into the hall.

After a few people left, the fox-eared lady stood quietly, looking at the white bear not far away with her lips pursed.

He stamped his feet fiercely and followed quickly.

"Why are there so many unripe fruits today?"

At the dining table, Feng Bai frowned and stuffed a green fruit into his mouth, frowning sourly.

"Your Highness... During the days when you were away, there was a sudden heavy rain on the mountain, and many fruits have fallen to the ground and rotted, so..."

The fox-eared girl standing aside lowered her head and whispered, her eyes constantly looking at the white bear next to her.

When I went to pick fruits, I discovered that all the ripe fruits in the vegetable garden had been picked clean, and some even had their roots pulled out. There were a bunch of scattered bear footprints on the ground.


Bai Yang's face was straight and he didn't look away. He stretched out his bear paw to pick up a green fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.


"Oh my God, this is so sour!"

Squinting his eyes tightly and swallowing it in one gulp, Bai Yang said with a smile:

"I ate it very well. It has a slight green taste. Don't be so demanding. Eat it quickly before you leave!"

It’s so sour that I want to vomit!

After eating and drinking, Bai Yang stuffed a clay pot of tea into the bell before going out, and walked out of the hall calmly, shaking the bell.

"You really want to come with me?"

Bai Yang turned to stare at the two people standing beside him. After thinking for a while, Bai Yang asked.

"Well, it just so happens that we are also going to look for Lingshan!"

The two guys looked at each other, smiled, and said in unison.

"Then she will follow?"

Bai Yang pointed at the fox-eared girl who was narrating you, feeling a little puzzled.

"Fox Lady is a skilled cook and happened to take care of us along the way. Don't worry, she is strong enough to protect herself!"

Feng Bai patted Bai Yang's shoulder and said indifferently.

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