
With a murmur coming from his mouth, Bai Yang took a deep breath, shook his head and stood up.

There was a heartbreaking pain in his body.

Looking down, I saw that the fur was full of hideous cuts, and the blood had long since dried up.

"It hurts me to death!"

With a curse, he got up from the ground with difficulty.

look around.

Unexpectedly, there was no sea water under this abyss, but instead a ghastly hall.

He quickly looked at the system panel in his mind.

Sure enough, all the spiritual energy values ​​have been consumed.

Holding back the severe pain in his body, Bai Yang raised his head and looked forward.

The sight in front of you seemed like an underwater fairy palace, with strange-looking statues standing on both sides, with neat bluestone bricks paved at your feet.

"This place..."

The location shown on the map in my mind is still in the South China Sea area. Obviously this place is not a place similar to the Sealed Land.


Bai Yang was surprised that such a place would appear on the bottom of the sea.

Looking back and looking around, I saw that there was still a bottomless abyss where the bluestone road continued.


Pulling at the wound, Bai Yang gritted his teeth and took a breath.

I walked slowly along the bluestone road. In front of me was the entrance to the main hall, and... the entire palace seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. The dark red door was rusty and the copper nails on the door were scattered. It was obvious that no one had been there for a long time. Taken care of.

"What on earth is this place?"

Bai Yang frowned and muttered in a low voice.

Being able to build such a magnificent palace under the sea is obviously not something ordinary people can accomplish.

However, what happened to the earth?

With doubts in mind, Bai Yang slowly came to the entrance of the hall.

"Is this a dragon?"

Although Bai Yang has never really seen a creature like a dragon, there are two bronze pillars standing on both sides of the entrance to the hall, with two lifelike dragons carved on them, and... just taking a look at it, Bai Yang felt a wave of excitement. Trembling feeling.

It was as if what he saw in front of him was not a statue at all, but two real dragons, giving him an indescribable pressure. He felt that if he took one more look, he would kneel down.

Moreover, the dragon does not seem to be entrenched on the copper pillar, but more like it is tightly bound by chains.

What on earth is this place?

Bai Yang couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and quickly moved his eyes away from the copper pillar. If he looked further, he might really fall to his knees.

Glancing up at the dilapidated palace door, Bai Yang took a deep breath, raised his bear paw and stepped forward slowly.


I gently patted the dark red door, which turned out to be made of a metal I had never seen before.

Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and scratched it, but the sharp claws couldn't even leave a scratch.

How many years of history does this place have before it can corrode the door in front of you like this?

Pushing the door open with one end, Bai Yang squeezed in sideways.

What you see is a staircase leading to the sky, as if it is built on the clouds, with no end as far as the eye can see.

There are neat weapon racks on both sides, but the various weapons on them have been eroded and tattered.


However, there was a weapon that seemed a bit strange. Bai Yang quickly walked over and knocked the spear in front of him to the ground with his bear's paw.

The moment he fell to the ground, the gun head made a crisp sound and broke into two halves, but...

The metal has decayed to this point, and the wooden body of the long gun in front of you shows no trace of decay.

"What the hell is this thing made of?"

Bai Yang held the gun barrel in his mouth and tried to lift it up.


He couldn't help but grinned and roared. Unexpectedly, he almost dodged himself to the ground. The gun in front of him was very heavy. Bai Yang couldn't lift it without using all his strength.

"I'm afraid it should be a good baby!"

After circling around the gun for a long time, Bai Yang lowered his neck and put the gun in with the bell.

Looking up at the rows of weapons in front of him, Bai Yang's eyes became more and more fiery. Although most of them were rotten and broken, but... as long as there were some left, they probably wouldn't be ordinary things!

Bai Yang quickly put all the weapons into the bell, and after checking carefully to make sure nothing was missing, he slowly walked up the steps.

However, the moment he stepped onto the steps, Bai Yang's entire body suddenly fell to the ground.


He stretched out his bear paws and slowly climbed up from the ground. He looked up at the steps leading to the sky and took a deep breath.

There was a strange coercion that enveloped the entire stairs. The moment he went up, the unsuspecting Bai Yang was directly pressed to the ground.

He looked down at the wounds on his body and saw that they had all collapsed.

He moved his back palm slowly, trying to get down the steps, but... his back was blocked by an invisible transparent barrier.

"Damn it, I'm going to die here today!"

Bai Yang couldn't help but cursed.

There is no spiritual energy in the whole body, and the injuries on the body cannot be repaired at all. Now I have to bear this kind of pressure all the time, neither above nor below!

What the hell is going on?

He lay down on the steps and took a few deep breaths. He resisted the pressure and stood up again. Now he could only walk up the steps. There was no way out of the hall. If he wanted to get out from here, he would have to climb to the top of the steps. ,but……

Bai Yang didn't know if he could hold on until the moment he reached the top. It would be okay if the pressure stayed like this, but what if the pressure would increase with each higher level...

There really is no way for the bear to survive!


He stretched out his bear paw and carefully stepped onto the upper step, then moved his whole body up.

Being pressed to the ground again, Bai Yang kept breathing heavily.

It seems that I guessed it right. The pressure on this ladder to the sky is indeed increasing as the steps rise.

If there are still psychic values ​​left, maybe there is still hope of reaching the top while the system is being repaired at all times!

With the injuries all over his body now, for Bai Yang, it is simply more difficult to reach the top than to reach the sky.

"what to do?"

Lying quietly on the ground, Bai Yang kept thinking in his mind.

Now it is impossible to increase the spiritual energy value...

Damn it, that’s not right, I can increase my spiritual power!

Suddenly, Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw and slapped his forehead hard, and quickly took out the spiritual fruits one by one from the bell around his neck.

Why did you forget these spiritual fruits you stole? This thing can increase a lot of spiritual energy!


He quickly stuffed a cucumber-shaped spiritual fruit into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the green vine melon. The spiritual energy value is +1800!"

Yes, it can add 1800 spiritual energy points. You must know that Bai Yang picked almost all the spiritual fruits in Fengbaicai Garden, leaving only some that were really unripe, and even dug out a few trees with their roots.

Thinking of this, Bai Yang kept taking out the spirit fruits from the bell and quickly stuffed them into the bear's mouth one by one.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Earth Spirit Fruit, the spiritual energy value is +1500!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the blood-red golden fruit. The spiritual energy value is +2700!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing the Tianlan Runstem, the spiritual energy value is +1300!"

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