Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 258 The current situation of human society...

Huaxia, Southern Capital.

"Be careful, don't shoot!"

"Back off, back off, and quickly notify the government pickets!"

"I really want to go up and touch it!"

A group of humans stood on the street, whispering to each other, and occasionally glanced at the white polar bear walking in the middle of the road.

Although there are spiritual beasts entering human cities from time to time throughout the year, but... they have never walked openly and openly on the streets like this polar bear.


After a year of repairs by the Chinese people, there are several powerful guardians in each city.

Therefore, although humans who have not entered the sealed land are a little frightened when they see the spiritual beasts, they will not run away in panic like before.

After all, in China, except for those beasts without intelligence and cruelty, the remaining spiritual beasts who have awakened their wisdom understand the majesty of the giant beasts and are strictly prohibited from wreaking havoc in the city, otherwise...


Bai Yang looked at the humans on the street and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the policy of the Chinese government is right. The messenger asked people to accept spiritual beasts. This is the right way.

Blind elimination and strict prevention will only increase the conflict between the two creatures, so it is good to coexist peacefully!

Moreover, with their giant beast clan around, all the spiritual beasts in China who have awakened to wisdom dare not disobey their orders.

"This sir..."

Suddenly, a camouflage armored vehicle came speeding from a distance, and a burly man opened the door and walked out. His temples were bulging high, and his breath was terrifying. At first glance, he was an ancient martial arts master trained by China this year. .

The strong man stood in front of Bai Yang like a rock and asked in a respectful tone:

"I don't know, what's the point of coming to Nandu?"

After Li Ran followed the Chinese military into the sealed land of Kunlun Mountain, he did not expect that his talent for cultivation would be so high. He advanced to the physical training realm in just one year, and was dispatched by China to Nandu to be responsible for the safety of the entire city.

The white polar bear in front of me, according to the report just now, is a spiritual beast that can speak human words.

Thinking of this, Li Ran's attitude became more respectful.

A spiritual beast that can speak human words is not too far away from changing into a human form.

This kind of spiritual beast is very powerful, capable of conquering mountains and seas, and is omnipotent.

Therefore, when he heard that it was a spiritual beast that could only speak human words, Li Ran rushed over in person. Although there was a ban from the giant beast clan, he still didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, the habits of these spiritual beasts were a bit weird.

"It's okay, just take a stroll...just go about your business!"

Bai Yang waved his bear paw casually, ignored the little guy in front of him, and walked straight past.

It's best to find a building to hide in quickly, otherwise the empress clone behind you will catch up again.

Bai Yang also admired the persistence of the clone called the Pearl Empress.

Chasing after him all the way, not stopping at all, and... no matter how Bai Yang used the token to call back, the Mingzhu Master did not answer the call and hung up directly.

"Things are getting a bit big!"

Frowning, Bai Yang glanced at the towering building in front of him, twisted his hips and walked in slowly.


The receptionist at the door just showed a professional smile on his face, and was suddenly stunned.

A polar bear came in?

How to receive this...?

He looked at the manager in the hall for help.

"Hello, sir..."

Upon seeing this, the female manager's face changed. She suppressed her fear and came to Bai Yang's eyes, and said respectfully:

"I don't know if you are here...to stay or...to eat?"

What do polar bears eat? Eat fish?

"Send these people away!"

Bai Yang looked back and saw that the entrance to the building was tightly blocked, filled with passers-by on the street. He couldn't help but yell at Li Ran next to him.

"Sir, don't worry!"

Li Ran frowned at the strange-looking pedestrians at the door, waved to the soldiers outside, quickly walked out of the door, and began to disperse the crowd.

All of them are dying. This is a spiritual beast. Although it seems to have a good temper, it...can't be too pushy!

"Have a meal!"

It wasn't until all the humans dispersed that Bai Yang walked towards the elevator with his buttocks twisted, and as he walked, he said to the female manager beside him:

"If you have any seafood, please bring it to the table!"

"Yes, yes!"

The female manager quickly nodded in agreement, stretched out her hand to open the elevator, and welcomed Bai Yang in. Soon, she led Bai Yang to the 66th floor!


Bai Yang also didn't expect that the 66th floor of the building turned out to be a high-end restaurant. It had large floor-to-ceiling windows and a good line of sight. He could see the mountains and jungles in the distance.

At this time, many people were eating in the restaurant, but after looking at Bai Yang again, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

Never would I have imagined that a spiritual beast would be welcomed into the restaurant!

"Please sit down..."

Ignoring the stunned humans, Bai Yang twisted his butt and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

He stretched out his bear paw and flipped through the menu in front of him.

"This one...this one, and this one, read them all to me!"

Pushing the three menus in front of the female manager, Bai Yang said in a slightly pretentious manner.

So cool!

When have I ever been so proud? It feels like having money...

Damn it, I don’t seem to have any money?

"Can your spiritual plant pay the bill?"

"Yes, yes, sir, Lingzhi can definitely pay the bill!"

The female manager excitedly put away the menu, bowed respectfully to Bai Yang, and stepped back cautiously.

After the spiritual energy was revived, all animals and plants changed drastically. Their food ingredients were no longer ordinary. They basically contained a trace of spiritual energy in them, so the price...

There are three dishes in total. If measured in terms of money, the meal for the adult in front of me would probably cost millions.

This is definitely a big customer!

Baiyang Xiong sat on the chair, glanced at the human who was staring at him, and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in the entire restaurant was eating silently, but Bai Yang could feel that everyone was peeking at him secretly, and a few bold ones were even whispering to each other.


With a sneer, Bai Yang turned his head and looked out the window.

It’s been a long time since I felt like human society. When I was a human, I couldn’t afford to spend money in such a place. I didn’t expect that after turning into an animal, I would be able to spend money in such a high-end place. I have to say, it’s really ironic. !

"Li Na... think about it carefully!"

"I won't agree, let me serve..."

Suddenly, a low quarrel between two people came from behind Bai Yang.

"This voice sounds a bit familiar!"

Bai Yang frowned and looked back.

Damn it, isn’t this the goddess Li Na who was in the company back then?

We actually met here?

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