Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 281 The weird bamboo forest death place!


A young man with a simple and honest appearance stretched out his hand to pull the clothes of his companion in front and whispered:

"If we don't go back, the clan leader will definitely punish us if he finds out!"

"What are you afraid of!"

Panda turned his head and looked at the tribesmen behind him, and said with a fearful expression:

"We must find out as soon as possible why this place has become like this, otherwise... our iron-eating beast family really has no place to live."

"Er Zhuang, we have grown up, and everyone has transformed. It's time for us to show off our talents."

The words were impassioned.

The few friends who followed him nodded solemnly.

Yes, what Panda said makes sense. The clan leader is also waiting for people from Her Majesty the Empress to come, but two days have passed and no one has come at all.

Their iron-eating beast clan is only at the bottom among the demon clan.

I'm afraid Her Majesty the Empress doesn't care much about their ethnic group!

Looking at the expressions of his companions, Panda looked solemn, turned his head and continued to drill forward.

They are just testing the edges of the death zone and will not go deep.

"Be careful!"

Soon, a group of people came to the withered dividing line.

Looking at the withering bamboos on the side, Panda and others couldn't help but feel their hearts bleed.

This is their food.

"You guys stand here and don't move, I'll go in and try!"

Panda narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath, with a look of determination on his honest face.

This time I will be able to find out exactly what the power in front of me is.


Stepping lightly on the yellow ground with the soles of your feet, you can feel that all the water in the land under the bamboo forest has evaporated and the ground has become dry and hard.

A strange force is draining the life force from Panda's body.

However, the extraction speed is very slow, and you may not even notice it if you don't feel it carefully.

"Isn't it as serious as the clan leader said?"

Panda muttered, then took a few steps forward again.

Looking back, all the friends looked at him nervously.

Nodding to them, Panda reached out and pulled up the bamboo roots on the ground. The inside had turned black and started to fester.

He put it to his nose and smelled it, and a faint stench hit him.

Panda dropped the bamboo root in his hand and then raised his feet to move forward.

However, for some unknown reason, he couldn't lift his feet, as if something was sucking him to the ground.

Moreover, the vitality in the body is lost faster and faster.

He looked down at his palms, and wrinkles began to appear at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"not good!"

Suddenly, everyone standing outside the death place looked at Panda, whose body gradually became rickety, and exclaimed.

I saw that his originally majestic body had begun to slowly shrink, and even the hair on his head began to gradually turn silvery white.

"Pull Panda out quickly!"

With a loud shout, everyone quickly ran into death.

"Get out!"

Panda raised his withered arms and tried hard to shout, but his voice also became old and hoarse.

"Hold it, we'll carry you out!"

Everyone grabbed Panda's arms and tried to lift him up.


It was strange to find that their feet were also fixed to the ground, unable to move at all.

"It's not good, Erzhuang, your face..."

"You too, you already have eyebrows!"

"It's over!"

Everyone's vitality was draining away rapidly. Although it was not as fast as Panda's old age, they couldn't hold on for long without being able to move.


Following the leader of the Iron-Eating Beast Clan, a group of people got into the Tianlan Bamboo Forest with solemn expressions.

The grass underfoot was wet, and it could be seen that the bamboo forest was growing well.

However, these are still ordinary bamboos, not the purple-gold bamboos on the island in the center of Baiyang Lake.

"Don't separate, guys, be careful, we are about to reach death ahead!"

Bai Yang followed at the end, releasing his spiritual power.

Soon I felt that not far ahead, there were several people from the Iron-eating Beast clan standing quietly on the dead ground. Everyone looked horrified, and...

The body seems to be getting older.

These are probably the members of the Iron-eating Beast clan who ran in.

And it seems like he won't be able to hold on for much longer.

"Get out of the way, I know where they are!"

Saving people is like putting out fires. Bai Yang didn't stop, he directly pushed the few people in front of him aside and quickly got into the bamboo forest.

"Follow up!"

The clan leader roared calmly and sped up to catch up with Bai Yang.

I hope those little guys are okay.

But they are all the youngest people in their iron-eating beast clan. If something unexpected happens, they...


Arriving at the place of death, looking at the clan members standing in the distance who were losing their vitality, the clan leader quickly stopped Bai Yang who wanted to go in.

Although he was extremely anxious, it was obvious that the tribesmen in front were trapped in a dead end and could not be rescued.

For a moment, everyone looked at the few people in the dead place and closed their eyes in despair.

The distance is very close, only a few dozen steps away, but...even within these few dozen steps, the leader of the Iron-Eating Beast Clan does not dare to let his clan members take risks.

What if the people who went to rescue were also trapped.

"Make room!"

Bai Yang calmly shouted to the person behind him.

Then the bone wings began to slowly unfold from the back, and instantly took off.

Arriving above the few people in the dead area, Bai Yang stretched out his spiritual power and began to spread it in all directions.

I quickly discovered something was wrong.

However, the top priority now is to rescue a few guys underground first.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Yang slowly descended, and two bear paws hooked a man into the air.

It's going well, but...

I'm afraid it will take a long time for these people to recover, and they may not even be able to recover.

After all, his appearance has become older.

Unless he can advance to the Emperor Senior Realm and rebuild his appearance in the future, otherwise... even if his strength is restored, his body will still have to maintain this appearance.

"Thank you Neptune!"

When Bai Yang placed the last Iron-eating Beast tribesman on the ground, the Iron-Eating Beast tribe leader in front of him knelt down with his tribe members.

"Uh, don't, don't, don't!"

Bai Yang quickly lifted the clan leader up.

"We are all monsters and should help each other. This is nothing!"

"The top priority is to find out why the entire area became like this."

"You guys go back for now, I seemed to have discovered something not quite right just now!"

"Be careful, Neptune!"

The patriarch looked at the white bear that was gradually taking off with a worried look on his face, and murmured in his mouth.

However, he also knew that the iron-eating beast clan did not have the ability to fly and could not help at all. Staying here would probably be of no use.

"Everyone, take a few steps back and wait here for Neptune to come back!"

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