Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 306 Animal skin clues!


Bai Yang clapped his hands, walked in from the door with short legs, ignored the stunned people, and sat on the chair again.

"Shopkeeper, here's another table of dishes!"

"Yes...yes, sir!"

The innkeeper's face turned pale and he quickly said yes.

Everyone arranged the tables and chairs in fear and sat down one after another.


At this time, everyone in the inn was eating food quietly, which was completely different from the noise just now.

No one spoke loudly anymore, and even chewed food carefully, for fear of offending the young child just now.

A casual slap can send the Emperor Realm flying away.

What kind of strength does this have?

And... he still looks like a child.

Could this be the legendary old monster with weird quirks?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

Soon, a sumptuous meal was placed in front of Bai Yang again.

"Are you full? Then this is all mine!"

Bai Yang licked the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and was about to start.


Suddenly, the man in a bamboo hat knelt directly in front of him.

This made Bai Yang puzzled.

Doesn't this guy want to ask for help?

No way!

"Please save me, sir!"

Sure enough, after the man in the bamboo hat said a word, he started kowtowing to Bai Yang.

"Have you watched too many TV series?"

Bai Yang said angrily:

"Go away, who is in the mood to care about your nonsense!"

However, the man in the bamboo hat in front of him was not discouraged. He took something out of his arms and spread it on the ground.

"This thing is..."

"Where did this come from?"

Before the man in the bamboo hat could finish speaking, Bai Yang reached out and snatched the small piece of animal skin in front of him.

That’s right!

Desolate tribe animal skin!

It’s incredible to find clues on the first day after coming out!

Is my luck about to change?

However, the piece of animal skin in front of me was not complete, but... it was split into two halves.

It can be seen from the lines that the person who separated the animal skin must have a high level of cultivation!

You must know that this is an animal skin that contains the great truth. It is no exaggeration to say that it is invulnerable.

Someone actually separated the animal skins?

"Where's the other half?"

Bai Yang stared at the man in the bamboo hat in front of him for a long time, nodded to Yuzhu beside him, turned around and jumped off the chair.

"Come upstairs!"

With everyone watching, the man in the bamboo hat followed Bai Yang upstairs.

"You said..."

"Don't want to live anymore? Don't say it!"

"Yes, don't talk about it. Everyone, please finish your meal and go back to your room. We will leave immediately after completing the transaction tomorrow!"

In the guest room, the empress sat on the bed, squinting at the scene in front of her.

I have to say, this little guy is really lucky!

The animal skin at the auction was bought by this guy, and I thought I had a clue about the second animal skin.

However, collecting too many of these things is completely useless!

Although there is a trace of Taoism in it.

But... it can only be used as a reference. If you want to break through the saint realm, you still need your own understanding of the Tao.

And... what suits you is the best. Even if you are forced to give you a road that does not suit you, it is useless.

But the empress even doubted whether the Luck Clan had changed this little guy's luck!

Otherwise, how could you be so lucky?

"This thing is my father's relic, and the other half has been snatched away by the Zhang family!"

The man in the bamboo hat took a deep breath, stood aside and said:

"As long as the adults help the villain destroy the Zhang family, the villain is willing to offer this with both hands."

He could tell that the child-like adult in front of him must be a big shot.

Even the maid beside him couldn't tell her cultivation level.

If he didn't seek help, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to get out of the city alive given the Zhang family's ability.

Not to mention revenge.


Bai Yang thought for a while, looked at the man in front of him, and slowly said:

"What is your relationship with the Zhang family? Why are they hunting you? Also, take off your hat!"

"The villain and the Zhang family are in a marriage relationship!"

Damn it, this plot is really bloody. Marriage relationship, and then your father-in-law is desperately chasing you?

However, Bai Yang gradually understood as he listened to the man in black hat talking slowly.

The man in black clothes wearing a bamboo hat in front of him is named Li Huanfeng. He is also quite powerful in his family, and he is already at the king level.

After marrying the equally powerful eldest lady of the Zhang family, it can be said that she is very proud of herself.

However, the good times did not last long.

It never occurred to them that everything was a trap.

On the day of the wedding, the Zhang family secretly poisoned the banquet and then slaughtered the entire Li family. After snatching a piece of animal skin, they hunted down Li Huanfeng.

It seems that the people in this family must know what this animal skin is!

Bai Yang pondered for a while, then looked up at Li Huanfeng in front of him.

This man's face was covered with hideous scars, and he looked horrifying.

No wonder I have to wear a hat at all times.

However, this family member is really too insidious. Who would have thought that they would be poisoned on the wedding day?

"Okay! I promise you!"

Bai Yang nodded at him, and then slowly said:

"You go down and make preparations and leave for the Zhang family tomorrow!"

Li Huanfeng knelt on the ground, kowtowed respectfully, and retreated silently.

"What do you want all these hides for?"

At this time, Yuzhu's voice came from behind.

"Although this thing is somewhat useful, but... what suits you is the most important. Besides, you are currently in the Talented King Realm, and it is still early to break through to the Sub-Sacred Realm!"

Bai Yang sat on the stool and glanced at her sideways.

It seems that Bi Fang is right. These people know that after collecting all the animal skins, they can summon the dragon... ahem, and can directly upgrade a person's cultivation to the saint realm.

Otherwise, I'm afraid these old guys would have been beaten to death long ago, how could they be left to themselves.

You think I'm on the 5th floor, hum...actually I'm on the 10th floor looking at you.

Bai Yang smiled proudly.

As long as he breaks through to the Emperor Senior Realm, when he gathers all the animal skins, he will definitely be able to scare everyone.

Now he has two and a half pieces of animal skin, plus the half he will take away tomorrow, he has enough for half.

The remaining half hopes to find clues as smoothly as this time.

"If you're out traveling, it's good to get some and sell them for money!"

Bai Yangkou replied nonchalantly.

Bai Yang turned around and looked at the whole room, his expression was startled.

"How can we sleep tonight? There is only one bed!"

Yuzhu looked at him quietly without speaking, and the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward for a while.

"What, I sleep on the floor, I sleep on the floor!"

Bai Yang quickly said with a grin.

After saying that, Bai Yang changed into his original appearance and leaned quietly behind the door.

He glanced at Yuzhu secretly.

I always feel that this jade bead in front of me is a bit strange. It was not like this when we were on Earth!

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